What happenened to Cotton Candy?

Naw those they grab from better growers than themselves hah

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Yes, just by reading this takes some time and money for a good phenoā€¦ :smiley:


Ultimately, the smoke test decides what stays.

Yield, vigor, size, resistance, all can be compensated by grow methods and mean nothing if the weed doesnā€™t get you high and smoke like pencil shavings :wink:

Back when lights werenā€™t as powerful, indoor growers privileged short plants with big buds to make most of the little penetration lights then offered. In the same way, best for me might not be best for you. I sometimes say adapt your methods to your plants not your plants to your method.

That saidā€¦ common traits beside type of effect, itā€™s potency and duration would be strong branches to hold weight, floppy plants need stacking the caprice loses its magic quickā€¦ prolific rooter, we all hate clones that need 3 weeks of perfection to maybe rootā€¦ vigor - fast growing plants donā€™t need much veg time, saving on labor, resources and patience, slow plants are rarely viable options long termā€¦ flavor and to a lesser degree aroma is always welcomed but is a personal preference, for example I like robust tastes thatā€™s probably too much for most, some prefer floral or fruits etc

General look, bud density and similar traits that arenā€™t directly related to functionality I often overlook


Thank youā€¦ :smiley:


I love this , I d give you a different answer every other day . I m big on a good euphoric pain relieving high and I also love the scent of a good plant. So my number 1 would be taste and effect ,then structure ,color. yield, ect ā€¦I think @Mithridate pretty much nailed that answer for me it s all about the smoke quality ect ā€¦ Every ones different and when you add in if your growing outdoors or indoors everything changesā€¦ Then resistance and yield become more important to me anyways. Thereā€™s nothing like losing a beautiful plant to bugs, mites or other annoying problems.


I know what clone sellers do lol, but heā€™s not growing all these plants like you said to justify his prices.


You can contact cloney through strainly.

I use to fallow a hand full of old school Canadian growers/seed producers. When the legal commercial came into the picture, these guys just werenā€™t getting any income and had to close up. Something like this may have impacted how prevalent the cotton candy cut is today.


NO listings for him on strainly

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Dang, must of left really recently. I was looking at cut about a month ago.


Lmao, man I m craving it now .

I used to get all my seeds from Hemp Depot. Not too far across the border. I remember sending those international money orders all the time.thats where i got my cotton candy pack from in 08


Man I ve been craving this strain , lol . I m thinking of doing a preserve if I can find some good ones. I was hoping someone had a pack collecting dust. lol

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Btw cloney has a website. Pretty sure you can Google cloney soprano, I donā€™t wanna be a shill

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I hate buying clones. I ll give it a look though.

I totally understand, itā€™s not for everybody. Just putting the info out there. Dude charges a lot but as far as Iā€™ve seen heā€™s solid.

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Totally appreciated man. I love knowing theres options . I m still on the fence but I ll give it a look. I doing a 90s BB preserve then Gdp and another old school classic. Cotton Candy was always a great strain . I m amazed its kind ve fallen of the map.

Is it pre-ken gdp?

Ken didnā€™t do a great job. His seeds are okay, but not great

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Yeah ā€¦ I m still trying to put it together. I love gdp , I didn t mind Kens version . Theres nothing like a good GDP budā€¦

Fingers crossed you pull it off, Iā€™m rooting for you :slight_smile:

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