What happenened to Cotton Candy?

Excellent, I dm’d him but might assume he is more active on Instagram. His web page also has a phone number to call

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What’s the number if it’s the same number I tried earlier today it doesn’t work

The person who sent me on this Chase is replying right now so maybe he knows

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You guys making me have doubts about what I do with my money now :laughing:

Naw really, from my point of view… 200 seeds x 5-15$ = 1000-3000 + bills, food, time and associated expenses adds up fast.

Can easily look at a 4-8k bill just running a medium size pheno hunt and you’re not even guaranteed to find a spectacular plant eh

I can find some cuts somewhat locally for 25$ but I can 100% tell it’s not the clone only, more like whatever the guy found out of a 10 pack that’s nothing like the cut.

But yeah I’m a bit intense with my hobby lol


Ahh, might be same number. I posted it in your.thread


not the sharpest knife in the drawer are you


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Exactly. Yet, in a sense, each clone is “clone only” and even if it was only hunted from 10 seeds, it is still the best of those 10 seeds no matter who grew it out originally. There are lots of good cuts floating around out there, many more than we will find by searching through seeds ourselves


I am not! If I compare myself to my coworkers, I am a stoner fool :sweat_smile::raised_hands::crazy_face:

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Sorry I posted something in the thread by accident and I removed it

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for a real deal killer cut of something I really want 250 is fair I don’t have an issue with that.

would I pay 1000 to 5000 for some special cut that will be $250 next year

Not on your life

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I see where you’re coming from. I once put 8$ in a slot machine, played once and made 750$ while the guy next to me sat there all evening and is on his last 40 from his rent. Luck we call it lol

Nothing wrong with running 1,5,10 seeds hell I do it all the time, just to see whats there, sometimes you do get lucky.

That said, clone only means there is no seed line of it. You can outcross backcross and pray to the unicorn god, maybe you even did a good job, it’ll never be the same as the clone only, could be elite tho haha


Do you know of a tutorials or any advice on picking the best Plant from seed… :smiley:
Or how is your thought process when picking the best one from the bunch, and how do you know when you see THE ONE… @Mithridate

It’s actually quite easy, you just smoke them and keep the one you like to smoke most :slightly_smiling_face:


I will be getting some seeds and planting them and want to get the best one to make seeds… But dont even know how to pick or even were to start on picking one out… :smiley:

So damn beautiful…

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Exactly my memories of it … Such a great strain and taste was phenomenal as was the buds presentation… It was one strain that I thought would ve stayed on .

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Federation seeds was a partnership, one guy is still around as next generation seed company… some older lines, interesting stuff but no cotton candy to be seen…


All the cuts that guy has he ain’t doing any hunting lol he just resells what he gets his hands on

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SOunds like copycat genetics… :smiley:

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The hunting happen as making connections, tracing, sourcing, vouching.

Well yeah, thats kinda what a clone seller does :wink:

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And a Great Photographer … to take a picture of that perfect bud and colors… :smiley: