What's Rasterman Growing?

I meant to also say I’ve got lime stem rubs so far.


A month ago I got this Mendocaine clone from Carver’s. At $75 I thought she was stiffing me but I paid. Of course I did. I’m just trying to find good local genetics, and I think the name is really cool. We’ll see how I like the smoke a few months hence.

I found it a spot at the very back wall of my veg room, and just gave it water whenever it got thirsty. That room is outside in the cold so I just check on it and leave it alone when it’s cold.

But as you can see, it’s just about ready to put on 12s…

But I don’t have any cuttings yet. That’s become my ‘rule’ lately. So I took four cuttings, up high to make her easier to train later. Now she’s basically not ready to flip again.

Here’s a description from their website:

(by swnugget)

Lineage: Slurricane x Mendobreath F3
Veg Time: Normal
Flowering Time: 60-65 Days
Potential Potency THC: 28%

Years ago, Andrew (swnugget) received Mendobreath seeds from a trusted friend/grower. About 5 years ago, he popped the seeds and found his favorite male from the batch. He crossed the male with some of our favorite strains, one of which is Slurricane. We maintain the mom (Slurricane) and the male (Mendobreath F3) in our stable to this day!

Grower tips: Mendocaine has normal stretch/height, 3-5ft. She is water sensitive and will show you quickly if you’re giving her too much water. She does well with trellising in order to expose bud sites to light. Buds are not huge but they are phenomenal in flavor and effects!


@rasterman sounds like a good cross!


I did a Bahia Black pheno hunt last year with seven individuals and only one was kept - Bahia Duas. I had no end of trouble with the Duas pheno though. I gave it terrible lockout probably, but it could have been something else.

So I ran a clone of it and today is day 77. She’s looking like she’s just getting started. :laughing:

She did fine until a few weeks ago when she just stopped doing anything. Probably because the temperature dropped in that room a couple of nights - I don’t know.

The leaves just started looking like it was going into senescence but its buds haven’t really grown at all. Then I put a CMH light in the tent that I had taken out and immediately, all the leaves died and a burst of fresh growth has begun!


The Cap Junky is on day 55 and it’s already in the window! Solid cloudy with ambers not too hard to find. Seed vendors say 65-75 days I think, and that sounds about right to me.

Her buds are getting really heavy, so the plant is getting wider by the day as the law of gravity kicks in. Also, right now I don’t smell a lot of fruit, but I smell rotten fruit and cinnamon! It’s like the smell is changing a little with maturity.


I’m still not happy with my mix of lights. A couple of years ago I sold my best light and it’s been a struggle ever since, moving lights around to try to get the best mix. So I think I’m going to get this one. Tarantula Tent Ultimate 4x4 – Grand Master LEDs USA

It’s a really nice light.


I have a Copa Fast Ham that just didn’t stretch. She’s supposed to be outdoors-only, so I figured on a monster stretch. Next time I’ll let it get closer to harvest size before flip.

I did a stem rub, and this is the first cannabis I’ve ever grown that smells like ripe apples on a summer day.


My Cap Junky is ready, day 68. I was going to wait until this weekend but she’s done.


She looks yummy. Can’t wait to hear a smoke report!


I dried some out in the microwave yesterday to help me decide. It’s definitely fire and ‘uppy’ but smoking more helps me relax. I won’t really have a strong opinion for a month or so until cure but so far I’m pretty happy!


Day 90 for this slooooooooow :turtle: :snail: Bahia Black. She’s in no particular hurry.


I asked AI to make a picture of the alien that brought cannabis to humanity. Here’s the one my wife likes. Ostensibly, the chest is full of cannabis seeds.

There are many runners-up:




I am grabbing these. 🥸 Yionk! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


What AI program did you use?

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All of them. :rofl: Hotpot.ai and deepai.org are probably the best.

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This is my Crosstops and Hash pheno. (Purple Canyon x [Afgaan 90 x Kumaoni]). As you might recall it’s not the pheno I’m looking for, but it’s worth growing and is better than the other phenos I’ve found since I started seriously looking.

…so it’s good until I find something better. Today she’s one week from flip and just tentatively starting her stretch. She’s going to stretch at least double, so will be in the corner of the tent before too much longer.

I like the way she smokes. But her buds shrink a lot more than you would expect by the time drying is done.


I promised to give this Oreoz another run. I harvested the last one a little early so it’s potent but a little too jittery, even for me.

So I up-potted the clone to this five gallon pot and bent it over:

There are five colas for harvest. After topping that’s ten. I’m going to leave the two suckers alone until they’re big enough for cuttings, and I’ll have the next generation.

She’s not going on 12s until she gets close to harvest size. The last time she didn’t stretch at all.


Well, she took forever in veg (probably my fault) but she’s really taken off since the flip a week ago! This is my first of six VX-1000s.


Spotlight today is on my Greenpoint Seeds’ Gorilla Punch. I haven’t been really happy with this pheno because she didn’t stretch much and that’s a big deal for me. So I’ve considered aborting her a few times but here we are, day 52 and she’s getting closer to harvest.

But she’s very sticky and I love her old-school smell! :fire: Like real bread dough and yogurt. She’s fully cloudy and there are ambers here and there but I think she’s got another couple of weeks to go.


Looking forward to running some Oaxacan and autos outside this summer. Of course today, four days from the first day of spring and those things don’t seem all that likely. I feel like I must be a Canadian but I’m in the American Southwest.

I hate global warming! :rofl: