What's the Stoniest Stone Out There???

I find that interesting :thinking: OG Kush/Ghost and TK all keep me up. Hell, bubba kush keeps me up too :joy: I do have a buddy that says tk + a beer is straight nighttime, but I don’t drink really so unsure there.

For me it’s black domina and other heavy afghan stuff that puts me down.


Nah I don’t drink anymore but I’ll def keep an eye out there thanks


Use a long decarb with about any indica or hybrid that has mycrene then make a tincture using an ounce of ground decarbed weed and then add everclear. Everclear should be in the freezer for one night before adding it
Leave a few days in the freezer then strain the fiber out of it. Use a mil to start and add to fruit juice. More is not always better.
Sometimes it can get trippy and you won’t sleep.as well.


Cool yea I’ll give anything a shot at this point, a few years ago the VA gave me Seroquel and neglected to mention it’s addictive I withdrawled so hard my kidneys shut down and was in hospital for 5 days it was bad

I see black domina getting a couple of mentions, star doggie from advanced female seeds its black domina x chemdog.

She’s a lady worth checking out.


That looks awesome dude! I was gonna recommend this:


This one comes up a lot in Hazeman threads as being the strongest knockout weed a lot of people have tried, I haven’t myself but the lineage looks good for a narcotic heavy body stone for sure:

You can also email him for a very large direct sale list at hazemanseeds@gmail.com lots of old school heavy hitters on his list, he likes the indicas despite the name :joy::upside_down_face:

I also wonder if the SSDD that’s so popular here for nerve pain might help you sleep? Worth looking into, there’s a lot of hybrids floating around and @HolyAngel has been working with the line for years now to try and stabilize that medicinal trait.


That looks nice to, I remember black domina from the sensi catalogue lol
I never run it though, at the time it was skunk and Northern lights that were in favour.

Speaking of Northern lights, I got a test pack of Northern high lights.
I can’t remember the lineage other than Nl x ? but I’ll get around to looking when the time comes.

I’ve got a couple of sd seeds available I was going to offer to @bevestaldo to try?


That’d be cool, only thing is I won’t get around to starting them til sometime in Sept

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My goto for sleep - especially if I wake up in the middle of the night - is csi’s savage purple x t1000. Super stony and doesn’t have the ~30min up before the crash, it’s straight to the crash haha. It’s basically OG x urkle (sfv x urkle) x (TK x urkle). Really tasty too - grape candy hoppy.


That’s cool bud, if you’ll grow them I’ll post them no worries.

I’ll dm you this evening, I’m literally about to go out the door.


There’s definitely some sleepy phenos in the SSDD, but not likely from my work with it. The keeper I work with is mostly straight daytime effects with the pain relief, so I can actually function at work with carpel tunnel in both wrists, tendonitis in both elbows, and a herniated disc between T6-T7. Plus the BX1’s I made used an A5Haze/NL5 male as the outcross. Not saying there’s not any evening/nighttime phenos to be found in there. I’ve seen a few get found from others, but it’s gonna be harder to find for sure as most will lean towards daytime.

@syzygy’s f2’s would likely be more evening oriented from what I’ve seen/read but he’ll know more than me on that.


Get some CBN isolate or a strain high in CBN.


As far as actual stones go?

I’m gonna say granite. *edit, turns out it’s zircon crystals, lol


The mother for me was very stony, dreamy and sedating night time herb. No clue about pain or nerve pain specific attributes. Add in the unknown of the male used to make the F2s and I couldn’t even begin to guess.

I have little experience with pain relief from cannabis but anecdotally when a previous dog of mine had cancer I was making him CBD sweet potato oatmeal treats. I noticed he’d get bursts of energy and want to go on walks and play all night sometimes after dosing him pretty hard. It had a real stimulating effect on him. My vet seemed to think it was probably because the CBD was reducing pain or inflammation. Makes sense to me but I have zero experience really in this area.


A lot of different cultivars are already suggested. But I’ll share some of my own experiences, both with my past sleeping issues and my clients I helped while I was a caretaker.

  • Indica varieties with a large spectrum of Cannabinoids are what you are looking for. These are usually a refined THC heavy cultivar, crossed to a landrace. So in my book, the DLA gear is a great start.
  • CBN have already been mentioned in the thread, but I want to push hard on this one, a good combination of thc, cbd and cbn will help you relax, ease the anxiety that you get when you have trouble sleeping and prepare your brain for sleep.
  • To hit the last nail in the coffin, so that you really hit the hay hard, is Melatonin. It’s the bodies own sleep hormone which is released when you are in darkness. You can get it as a supplement, but what I recommend is to get it from a reputable pharmacy, this is because a lot of shit bags are not selling you the correct amount labeled on the packade. I would start with 3mg FAST RELEASE.

To increase the CBN in your cultivar of choice you can let it past the normal finish line of flowering by 1 to 2 weeks. This will convert both cbd and thc to cbn.

Hope I could provide you with a good night sleep and take good care of yourself.

Pz :v:t2:


Hey thanks for the info yea I have melatonin just cant fall asleep and stay down for more than an hour. As of right now it’s been 4 days , 4 long days… I’ve always had a shitty time sleep since I can remember and it just drives my anxiety


I’m hoping that 15-18 miles a day on the AT will help me sleep and being away from screens and such …


so far, i would have to say Louis XIII is the knockout punch for me. puts me down. i sleep like the dead and wake up refreshed and not groggy.

Grandaddy Purple and OG Kush do quite good as well.

correct. blue light from screens will keep you awake… including phones. stay away from them.

have you tried the solfeggio frequencies to sleep to?
174hz, 285hz, 396hz, 432hz, 528hz, 639hz, 741hz, 852hz, 963hz

i find 174hz, 285hz, 432hz and 528hz work the best for deep relaxing/repairing sleep. there are several youtube videos that run 11hrs (uninterrupted) overnight so you can sleep.

good luck


Haven’t tried the frequencys before, I started the hump whale songs once but my dog wasn’t a fan …oh wow that’s awesome it runs that long, thanks!