White Runtz Testers needed

So far I had 3 sprout. They are now in solo cups covered until they pop up. Hopefully over the next few days the rest pop.


Looking forward to getting these, big thanks to Dr. G!


Irene x White Runtz
•18 hr soak in 30ml H2O2/500ml H2O ph’d
•18 hr heat mat (Set to 76°- checks 72°)
~ I have started using the vertical heat mat method for a few runs… seems to help!

All have popped open, some just taking their time. 6 or so more hours on the heat mat then being planted into their cups.

Love & Light ☆ djsf


Nice, love the passing them along, nice share.

Seems like you guys are having pretty good germination %… luck ya’ll


To my 2 brothers across the Northern Border… still have your addy’s on a pkg. $ became the
issue… seems I was overcharged at one post office after mailing same pink bubble wraps at
a different one MUCH cheaper. grrrrr…

So, I’ll be sending each of you a gift pkg of 10 genetics because I always keep my word…

Please PM me if this interests you…


Tester Update:

8 planted, 2 still in the nursery :slightly_smiling_face::green_heart:


Nicely done with the germination success and hope that you have a great grow

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Excellent. Nice % from everyone so far


Well, I was able to get the original 8 planted and the other 2 still waiting to sprout were pulled… so 8/10 not bad! Here is a picture of them all above ground. I am also doing a test for Copa Genetics and was 10/10 so that’s what the other cups are. Let’s see those testers! Have a great weekend!


Nice… good to see updates, good or bad, what testing is about … 8 should give you a good chance of getting a nice lady or 3…luck bro


I would like to personally say thank you to our Canadian friends for being so understanding . Thanks guys




off to a great start :slight_smile: beautiful !
may these shine and convince.


Nice DJ. Looks like you got good #'s

Gotta love babies


@Carty quick update. I didn’t have so good luck germinating. I only got 3 out of 10. And 1 didn’t show its head after putting in solo cups :frowning::frowning:. I’m going to start germing the freebies u sent with it and I’ll post some pics later.


I guess this is why all the testers… appreciate feed back. Good or bad.

Luck on the others


I’m not sure wat it could of been. I haven’t given up on the ones that haven’t germinated yet. I plan to soak them again and perhaps try to scratch them lightly against some very fine sandpaper. Maybe the have a wax or something around them preventing water from entering. Either way this fight isn’t over yet.

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I do mine same way every time so I know
its nothing I did different.

Soak in water overnight
Stir, when all are sunken
Damp paper towel, into baggy
Into oven mit, keep dark/warm.
2 days… check. 2" tails you plant.
Not ready, go another day

If you do not wait until longer tails are exposed, the roots some times loops and can grow upside down…

Not saying you don’t know all this, just sharing

Started 6 today, in soil…
See the looping on #2 photo


To be fair what’s so complicated about doing s1s with runtz onto proven elite clones? Not crapping on the guy… the seeds should be good. Good genetics crossed with good genetics :wink::ok_hand:. It’s just funny it was phrased this way is all.

Excited to see who it ends up being :sunglasses:. Good luck to all the testers :man_dancing::beers:!


Some make it sound so easy, but, when done correctly you use hundreds of plants and not just sling a little pollen like I do. Breeding has to be carried out on a large scale and testing them all is not always ez, testers are used on every site I’m on. It’s how we grow brother.

And I found out the hard way, just putting together 2 good strains isn’t always enough. I’ve crossed some that were incredible, but, for some reason the cross tasted horrible. blechkk… lol.

It’s all in good fun…