Who can't sleep!

I just started Trazodone 50mg. cannabis-and-sleep-marijuana-420-weed


Ya tink?! :laughing: :bulb:

Belfast Board of Educatin’


:evergreen_tree: :hugs: :four_leaf_clover:


No caffeine after 8, melatonin, and a weighted blanket do the trick for me


I worked night club security for I lover 15 years in use to get couple hours sleep,I used to work in the butchers shop to 6pm then go home get a shower and go work security till 5am
By the time you get home relax 7am 3 hours sleep and into the day job


But now you’re a Pinoy King in a strange land & spend your days in the garden! :hugs: Give up the liquid meth & enjoy the :fog: morning fog even more! :wink: :bridge_at_night:

:evergreen_tree: & you’ll piss 1/2 as often :blush:

I’m Irish lol the wifey is the Filipino I like coffee don’t drink booze anymore have to have some kind of vice

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Hello night hawks lol calling on all the east coast owls and hawks lol

It;s 2:09 am watching trailer park boys writing this smoking birthday cake…

I can’t wait to see these grow under them nets…


CBN oil works for me. Or gravol but it makes me woozy next morning.

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Hello Mate…

Are you my long lost UK bud, His name was Luvmebud lol

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Melatonin usually works to some degree for me but it’s better when you don’t take it every night. I read a study somewhat recently where it was suggested that melatonin can prevent covid from binding or lessen the effects too.


Anyone who thinks it’s funny to beat the dog can eat shit and die. Right after you get a good beating.


I stopped taking it actually because I found it made me dizzy in the morning after a few uses which was one of the reported side effects. It definitely worked to get me to sleep tho.

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I take a blue pill. Can’t go with out it. Melatonin I tried it. Didn’t do anything for me but the first time and that was it. Actually coffee and make me sleepy sometimes. I had a buddy tell me to put some green butter in it. Just stirred it in like sugar.

My sleep is terrible lol,shit most nights I don’t go to bed till 3am then back up at 6.30am for work,plus my wife works nights so when she’s off we sit up late it was 7am before I got to bed this morning watching stupid tv shows

2:19 eastern time here , being a chronic pain person I’m up most nights into mornings…

My doctor told me I would be in a wheelchair by the age of 40 the amount of damage I’ve had don’t to my body :laughing:

I’ve been shot stabbed beat with hammers motorcycle crashes

People jaws drop when I tell them stories about growing up in Belfast ,I wrote a book one time I should try get it published lol

Think if I lived in some cold country again I would be crippled with pain California weather is nice and warm


That’s terrible noting worst

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Im just up fucking with the z axis lead screw on the damn 3d printer. Dont worry everyone, just loose screw on the coupler. Crisis averted. I seem to still be up in time to high five @JohnnyPotseed most mornings.


Has anyone tried biphasic or polyphasic sleep?

I don’t consider myself an insomniac, I just function on 4hrs of sleep lol

A couple years ago I worked 2 jobs + multiple grow rooms and used this method for a good while with great success.

Basically you take advantage of sleep cycles and mold them to your schedule…


I have had major problems over the years. I’ll sleep more in day time than at night. @anon98660487 getting old sucks. The good times we had. Lol. The ones still to come. But I wish I had a little bit more muscle. Lol