Who can't sleep!

Well I’ve been going to bed early lately,not getting enough sleep in starting to wreck me mind and body so I’ve decided to just go to bed at nights and force the sleep to come,except for last night it was 5am before I got to bed lol


My COD War keeps me plenty busy at 2 through 5 am lol


Tatanka CBD is pretty good for sleep once its been cured a few months.
But gotta harvest as late as possible.

Decarbed for 3 hours at 100 celsius (sous vide).

Half or full teaspoon an hour before bed.

I sleep like a log a lot of the time.

THC strains tend to give me energy so I prefer to wake and bake with half a teaspoon, then by the time I go to bed I’m tired and sleep better.

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Whelp it’s thankfully been a minute since I qualified for posting in here but I most certainly do today. Shoulder and neck have been hurting like hell the past 2 days and I woke up somewhere around 4 this morning cause of it. I’m guessing a pinched nerve cause even if I stay perfectly still it will randomly feel like a knife being twisted.

Anyone got a strain for twisting knife pain? :laughing:


Man, the hours of sleep that I have missed out on since we had our daughter lolol. I really cant complain though, i have gone from like an average of 4 hours to about 7 in two months. I have not had a full night of sleep since December 25, but only got up once last night.

Its amazing how the body can adapt, pre baby, I was averaging about 9 hours a night, and am somehow functioning just as well off of 4-5 hour spurts.

For me, to maximize the quality of sleep I have been taking Ashwaganda and some 1:1 cbd:thc before bed, and have been ensuring to stay hydrated, exercise, and eat high vibrational foods.


I know that pain. I’m having the same problems. I like how they say o!!! You didn’t get hurt on the job. Chiropractor looking at your x-rays don’t seem to tell you everything upfront. And the co-pay. Water rip off just to go in and say hello you didn’t do anything for me but yet you want my co-pay in my insurance money. They go for the easy kill. I have been doing a lot better I have been getting some sleep. I did have to break out some bigger pillows. I have got my appetite back. So that’s good. I hate to hear anyone in pain.

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Man get ready.
Naked karate. Lol. Kids are the best. One Love. I’m in the room talking to the mirror. Lol kid stuff is funny.

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Im excited man, every day theres more going on and its so fascinating to watch her learn new stuff.

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I’m happy for you. Sounds like someone else here I know. Peace

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You mean napping in the afternoon? :rofl: Thats what those turn into for me. Case in point, ate a sandwich and watching TV with the woman today, fell asleep like 4pm. Woke up about 9. Now I’ll be up till 3/4 :frowning: then sleep till 7or 8, rinse and repeat. Its not a regular schedule though, my sleep literally is all over the map!

Stress and anxiety are not friends of sleep in my house.

And my body is odd… I can drink a 20oz redbull, fall asleep for 6 hours 20 minutes later, and be good. But god forbid I drink a glass of chocolate milk an hour before bed, I wake up feeling like its the worst sleep ever. Coffee? I drink so much of it, yes, that first cup of the morning helps wake me up, but I could drink a cup before bed and it wouldn’t keep me up either…


I couldn’t fall asleep for anything last night. My mind seemed to be going a hundred miles an hour.

That’s been happening to me for the last week, ughhh. :peace_symbol:

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:raised_hand: :tired_face: :raised_hand:

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What happens to me is I wake up and look at the clock and go “phew it’s 1:ish so at least I got a few hours. Then I realize the clock is on a diagonal and it’s only 11:ish.

Then I go listen to Sade for 3 hours.


I JOLT UPRIGHT, HEART POUNDING at “anytime-o-clock”, then need to meditate with controlled breathing for as long as needed to find calm again… IF i’m lucky I fall asleep again… IF i’m lucky.


Yes this happens to me too. But I use drugs to mitigate the panic instead of meditation.

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Yeah no dice on that for me.

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To each their own. But I hear you.

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:bug: :microphone:


From now on you may refer to me as Alexa