Who has an electric pre built dry cabinet

No I do not think buds get flat where they lay… it dries too quickly for that

You want pics of the cannatrol?


Yeah…got any with wet buds just put on racks, or them finished on the racks???

Think im gonna order it today


Damn . no I don’t @jetdro… but I know @PineTarBastard and @Kgrim may… do you 2 possibly have pics of your last cure in the cannatrol?? You lottery winner @Jetdro … what u waiting for? :laughing:

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I didnt really win the lottery…i just got my 1st SS check, lol, then told my Boss to stick it up his ass. Im a free man now, but unemployed. Not hurting, can afford it…just want to be sure it will work for ME . My tents bring down more than 2 pounds, but can stagger 2 weeks if i need to,

IS 1600 bucks worth my peace o mind and to get my time back??? Fuck to the yeah!

So its programable?

IF i wanted 15 days @ 60/60 can i do it(assuming my ambient temps fall within Cannatrols reco’s) ???

Does it have rez you gotta empty??? A rez ya gotta fill???

Set n forget??? Tell me how it really works please before i buy one


It does have a sponge in the back and a drain tray… you’ll have to ensure the sponge stays wet and the drain tray gets emptied if it fills… other than that yes you can cure for months in it… hold for months… the time frame is completely up to you… the default settings are 4 days dry 4 days cure if I remember correctly… but all can be changed to fit what you like / want … 15 days at 60/60 is very possible as long as ambient is low enough … normal 70ish should get it down to 60… in cannatrol… I’d have my own pics but I keep screwing up my led grows… I think I caused @Papalag to grow extra gray hair lol and @ifish to pull his out… :fearful: @Jetdro

That’s funny I thought u really won the lottery hahaha :laughing:


Just send jet the instructions and info you got with it @Terpsnpurps in pm for jet to read over : )


On top of all that it can be used to cure hash… and also hold your bud in its perfect dried and cured state indefinitely (providing you aren’t using it for next cure)

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yes…about to recieve a call from Ed, Cannatrols director of comericsal sales, he ought to be able to answer my questions i figure!


2.5#’s wet entering, on average, it weighs 11.5-12 oz’s dry.
Can take some
Pics of a run that’s been holding for a few weeks when I get home.


He wants to know if buds ever get flat during @Kgrim

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Trouble is my last tent was maybe 30 pounds wet…hell my big plant was 17 pounds herself.


Mine have had a small flat spot, but the grinder doesn’t care. After the 1st 24 hrs, if you flip them over, no flat spots at all.


Oh also… this is something cannatrol did NOT tell me… there’s a bolt… right at the bottom of hinge of door… that needs to be flush with the floor to assist door weight and make hinge life last longer… make sure to adjust this bolt!!!


gotta figure out what 2 pounds wet is…

Doesnt seem that much…wonder what one decent plant in an octopot weighs?

That pic above , one plant in there?

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It seems like around 12 oz is what 2 lb went to for @Kgrim

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What is your take on this ole master???

Worried it wont hold enough .

You know my plant sizes…is this thing only gonna take one plant at a time ???

Dry weight he said above is 11-12 Z’s…had 2 plants alone went way over that dry. Way over.

NOT wanting only a one plant machine , not wanting to grow lil plants, not my style


This would also depend how dry your product is going in… I imagine with slightly dryer can do slightly more as long as space for it

Fresh out of the trimmer immediately after hitting the start button. Basically, 2.75 gallon bags of wet equals a full run. Which comes out to 11.5-12 oz’s when done.


I saw that…gonna be an issue.

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