Who has an electric pre built dry cabinet

Haven’t tried it in 4 days, but you could throw it in jars after 4 days. I’ve been running 4 day dry, 4 day cure, then 2 days on hold.
To answer your other question, took whole
Plant down, filled cannatrol, rest went into the freezer. Just starting to wind down at work, so have a little extra time now and can get to work on making some hash, and going to try a batch from freezer to cannatrol and see how that works out.

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Take a look at the “cryo cure” for freeze drying, their home model is $45k!!!
Have never tried freeze dried buds, but have tried freeze dried food, and not a fan. I would imagine that buds would come out similar to food.

Please let me know …Told them i would buy one if they offered me free shipping, they said no, so i didnt buy it .

Thanks for all your advise man


No problem.
Smotpoker will get you $50 off, and if you’re a Veteran can get another $100 off.



Discount code from YouTube
Smotpoker 50 worth $50 off

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:ok_hand: Cool , thanks. Did 8 years “private duty” , so not a Vet .

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Decided…IF i save my Tent 1 run going now, and the Mom tent from my absolute ignorance, im gonna buy one.


You won’t be disappointed, easiest I’ve ever had it for dry/cure. It sure the hell beats my old dry room, A/C, humidifier, dehumidifier, controllers, hanging sensors, fan, carbon filter etc.
Even with everything, my wife still complained about the smell. I’ve got the Trol set up in the living room, and haven’t heard a peep out of her this year. Have had a couple strains leave a faint odor for the 1st couple days, but that just coming from the condensation tray, empty it, smell gone.
Packed full, condensation tray has consistently been emptied 4 times per run, then it’s done.


Grow shop mentioned theres a couple services that do that now, you could check your local shops and ask around. You’re only into it for a couple hundred bucks and someone else is doing the work.

I’m a cheap bastard that uses a tent, a lung room airconditioner, and a lot of prayer. If I ever hit the lotto I’d have a perfect dry room the size of a restaurant walk-in tho. Cool to see some people have luck woth cannatrol also.

Dry/cure is like driving a stick shift, anybody can do it but everyone can tell if you fuck up.


The Cannatrol is more like driving a self driving car with an automatic transmission. You literally plug in some coordinates and let it do it’s thing. EasyPeasy.


Lol I’m not a cannatrol fanboy… I’m a no bullshit fan… and there’s no boy about it. But cool if u can do it… I choose not to fuck w diy electronics too much… pro builds are the way they are for a reason… at the end of the day I’m curious how long yours would even last as a diy build on the cheaper route. I’m willing to bet not as close of a comparison … but if so bravo!! But that’ll take you at least 3 years to prove. Have fun!!


That’s truly why I went that route…I wasn’t trying to have to learn every aspect of curing science… cut out alllllllll the broscience… and finallllly have a good end result… I want good results my very 1st time… and every time therafter


It’s gonna be fun if u do… we play with settings and perfect better ways and methods of curing… plus storing possibly… I saw a guy take out all shelves but a couple and pit paper lunch bags full and put the lunch bags in on the site I thought somewhere or a video… it’s been a bit lol I can’t remember… the stoner in me is deffo winning the race :checkered_flag:


Thank you for that shot of realism lol same product? basically or entirely


It offers similar functions. You would have to add a miniature dehumidifier.

@FieldEffect has a nice DIY alternative for drying flowers listed above on post #9.

@Dirt_Wizard offered some interesting insights, as well.

In the end, it’s all about what works for you.

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madmanplant on youtube got one of these after mjbizcon if anyone wants to see some video

I’ve been doing an obsessive amount of research on drying. I found a recent cannatrol video from the owner, talking about desired conditions and VPD. He sort of let the cat out of the bag in a way because it made everything click for me…

The entire point is to keep vapor pressure under the Cannatrol Vaportrol 0.121 PSI. I’ll think of that as the speed limit.


Conclusion. Throw out the temp and RH examples given by Cannatrol but use the vapor pressure speed limit.

  • Steer the dry with VPD < 0.83-0.91 kPa

Ok so that makes sense now… when we dry, we want to do the opposite of making espresso.


We want MINIMAL exchange of terps and oils while drying within some reasonable timeframe.

  • Cannatrol says 10 days from harvest to sealed storage.

  • Keep in mind this value of 10 days is achieved at 0.83-0.91 kPa no matter the temperature. We only need to modulate one value… temp or RH.

  • For me RH is easier to modulate.

To prove it all out I tracked a full dry from harvest to sealed storage, targeting <0.91 kPa VPD.

  • This was 6 days in or so, and don’t mind any outlier values.

  • The jist is that <0.91 kPa = ~10 days. It’s a predictable and controlled 2nd order poly.

Total Takeaway:

  • There is a vapor pressure limit to stay under… over which you start to extract terps (think espresso).

  • That value is best expressed at VPD, which is calculated using inputs of temp and RH.

  • Go to a VPD calculator link and type in your dry room’s values. Adjust things to see what you’d need to do to get under 0.91 kPa.

  • If a dry took shorter than 7 days, it probably experienced high VPD at times and extracted some juice.

  • A longer dry is likely even better. No reason it wouldn’t be other than spoilage factors.


VERY interesting. Thank you for sharing your findings.

Smoke report?


Yup this is exactly what I did when I was reading about cannatrol. You found this video which made it alot easier to break things down but i came to this conclusion by analyzing the settings i saw people running their machines at across the internet (noticed they were starting at higher temps) and was able to find out they control the dry based on VPD. Drys have been spot on since.