Who has an electric pre built dry cabinet



The @Jasper s are at it again. Trucks coming and going!

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Hey if we do a group buy on 6 units we could save $160 per unit.


Lucky man !!

Not many people get that reference anymore!!!

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I use a manual Rezentek wet trim but if I go this route I may hang plants for a day and then put branches in a dry trim. Wonder if I can try both methods same time.

Are you a veteran? I believe they give a discount.

You know I want one really bad but Iā€™m still stuck on the fact of such a little capacity. I run a couple of big tents in my harvest are way bigger than what that thing can handle. I donā€™t know if I want to stagger the harvest weeks apart I donā€™t think I wanna take them down and freeze what I canā€™t fit in the Cannatrol so I havenā€™t pulled the trigger on one yet

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Yup. $100. I donā€™t have a DD 214 anymore I think but Iā€™m gonna get that part taken care of by contacting VA and figuring it out. Going to dig through my file cabinet and maybe find it in meantime.

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Smotpoker50 I believe will get you a $50 discount.
I got my DD214 I think in a couple of weeks, did everything online, and had it in hand pretty quick


So itā€™s stack to the gills how much is in there

I hear ya, as much as your running, youā€™d probably have to jump up to a stand alone unit, holds like 160#ā€™s wet, but think the cost is like $6-$8k, not sure on that though.
I know A facility not far from me just bought 2 huge units, drive out and picked them up.

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Itā€™s about 2.75#ā€™s wet, which after cycle, Iā€™ve averaged 11.5-12 OZs dry.



No I donā€™t need that kind of capacity my big tent is 5 x 10 . 8 plants , probably average 8 ounces per plant , so like 4 lbs.

Using one Cannatrol I could get what, 1or 2 plants in it???

Would have to stagger harvest like 3 times?

Love the idea of the thing, can see it works well and would be SO NICE .

So how much can you actually get in it , and is their 8 day dry/cure acceptable ??

Whatā€™s your take on this ?

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Never weighed wet, my numbers were dry .

So , I could only get one big plant or 2 mid sized ones in at a time it appears ?


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What is your Cycle, did you tweak theirs , how do you like end product compared to way you use to dry?

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Sorry to bug you but Iā€™m super interested in the thing

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They say 2.5#ā€™s wet is ā€œmaxā€ Iā€™ve pushed it to 2.75, and could probably go up to 3#ā€™s wet due to shrinkage.
The 8 day dry/cure is more than acceptable. I pulled a nugget out of the bag that was from my 1st run this morning for my ride to work, and it was perfect, not too dry, not too wet, broke up nicely, and smoked perfect.
The best way I can describe it, itā€™s like the 1st 24hrs is where it ā€œsealsā€ the terps in, then just balances out and dries slowly.
The one thing that I do like, is that a huge nugget, and a micro bud, come out the same.
The small buds and large buds are the same texture when breaking up, not like rack drying where the smalls are finished first, then you have to fiddle around waiting for the larger ones to get done.


I assume you were doing like a wet trim or you just laying buds in there with all the fans removed or are you leaving them on stems

Well, I couldnā€™t fit all the 1st run in. So, got my drying room set, and did a side by side comparison of the same strain. My rack dried was good, as itā€™s been for many many years, but the Cannatrol won hands down, the taste is SO much better, the difference is crazy. Plus, I hit start, emptied the condensation tray a few times and that was it. Was up and down the stairs checking on the drying room like always, and it got old pretty fast.
Essentially, what Iā€™ve found, is it will fit almost 3 1 gallon freezer bags of trimmed bud, and that fills it up.
Trying to catch up here, LOL
I wet trim everything down to nuggets, Iā€™ve got a Centurion Pro Tabletop and run everything thru that then straight into the Cannatrol.
People have put large buds in, some have run chop, cycle then finish trim. Itā€™s pretty much all up to you.
I have changed from ā€œdefaultā€ settings and run it a little cooler for a bit longer. Iā€™m running 63 degrees with 56% humidity for 5 day dry, 5 day cure. Iā€™ve got a batch thatā€™s been on ā€œholdā€ for about 65 days. At 1st, it was OK, but, the longer that strain has been sitting, itā€™s gotten way better. There was nothing wrong with it after cycle, just wanted to see if it would get any better, and it did, itā€™s way tastier, and gotten a way better buzz to it now that itā€™s sat. Probably would have gotten the same thing sitting in Grove bags, because my 1st run strain has gotten ā€œcouch lockā€ absolutely stony from when I first pulled it out.


And youā€™re not bugging me one bit. I was skeptical at 1st, but after I ran my friends auto flowers thru it 1st, I was sold. Absolutely the easiest Iā€™ve ever had it drying, hit start, empty the tray a few times, cycle done, ready for jars, bags whatever, and donā€™t have to burp, check hygrometers, worry about mold because I put it in too wet, etc.