Who rides and what do you ride 🤘

I lost a race a long time ago to a first gen SHO…with a donut on the back

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ahahhaha I think they came from factory with limited slip differential in the back or my dad had one put in but I mean he surprised lots of people and always told me if I was in the car don’t ever drive around like a jerk like this and then did it anyway hahaha.

I’m not allowed any motors on bikes.


nice :slight_smile: how many grams per mile or is it miles per gram ?


No woman on earth will ever tell me what i can, or what I can not do… lol


Pfffff I’m a stay at home dad. I do what’s needed to keep that status :joy::joy:

Happily married for 14 years <———- I cook the bacon she brings home the bacon. :bacon:


Got it. Well, if you can stay home, grow phat weed, and chill in that nice pool… Then its a good trade off… lol


Are you single as me? Coz that’s the only way to acheive that …


No, Iam not single Geoge… We’re married without a title. She met me when i was slinging packets(coke) out of a limo when i was a teenager, and as an adult.

She knows Im a crazy white boy. Some chicks like the “Bad Boy” Image.

Not trying to brag, but I have a fleet of old school muscle cars, and a street bike… And she rides with me all the time. She loves going fast! lol

Different strokes for different folks. :slight_smile:


Well, then I must say: Congrats! You’re a lucky man and the exception that confirms the rule …


haha! Thanks Man… Cant let em run the show, unless you got a good thing going on like Mongo. Cant blame the Man.

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Nothing classier than getting coke delivered by limo haha. Of course it’s not as classy 12 hours later when you’re curled up in a ball crying surrounded by empty bottles, cigarette butts and bloody Kleenex :pensive:


Floats well in powder, and a great all around mountain shredder…Yes, Pick Your Line, 161cm.
Now Bindings, IPO model.

Fast as a Scud Missile…

And my bike…



@beacher Well, Scarface is my favorite movie… And at one time, I wanted to be like “Tony Montana”… I really did.

I freebased(smoked) day in, day out. Not crack either, pure cocaine off the kilo.

Had a 500 dollar a day coke habit for like 15 years, and didnt care. I went to prison, and finally got clean…

Today, Iam 100% legit, and one of the better computer technicians in my area. I dont mess with no one. I help others on a daily basis, in more ways than one.

Pot is nothing I worry about… Just dont like some of the shady people in my community… Lots of tweakers in town. If they catch wind what Im up to, there could be a problem… But, Im ready.

I dont hang out with junkies, and I dont drink too much… Well, I try not too…Hows that? …lol

Im just trying to do “right” these days, and remain “legal”…

Been to hell, and back. You have no idea what Ive been through, …and what iam capable of. I’ve seen it all.

No one fucks with this Bad Boy, … Except for my woman( She likes the way I bounce my pecs)… haha!

Today I pound them weights religiously, keep my nose clean, and do my very BEST in life! :slight_smile:

Say Goodbye to the Bad Guy


Too FKN funny Mang…



Aaaaaah the linguistic barreers :see_no_evil:, was finding quite extravagant and sophisticated delivering cokes in limo … and that blood in the kleenex ? , glad you left all that back …


You did have a tree, but I cut it down with your chainsaw. :joy::wink:

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That scenery looks amaaaaazing!

What kind of bike is that?

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You’re not supposed to ride on the pavement. :neutral_face:


uuuuuggggghhhhhhhh, slowly idles motorcycle out of childrens gocart track that I didn’t pay to enter…