Who rides and what do you ride 🤘

I don’t ride currently, I’ve sold the above bike and am aquiring parts for another build. This was my 1950 Schwinn Panther Boardtracker with a 1950 Whizzer H bicycle kit. 138cc reworked for speed by a former Whizzer Dealer (50mph) custom tank,seat, moped hubs and rims with DOT tires. What a time machine e this thing was made me feel like I was 12 y/o again.


Almost spring ! Sunny days are getting me excited . !


sure does :slight_smile: got my RT back from the shop

yesterday and rode it about 40 minutes by time I got back

it was cold

almost here for sure


I was tempted a couple days ago . It got to 11 C but there’s so much salt and gravel on the roads now . Its not worth bundling up for . Soon though .

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would have rode today but it is a cold rain :frowning:

do a lot of rain riding or would not be doing a lot of riding

the sand on the road here is brutal

Anyone else live there life with only a bike. for 4 yrs i lived in Seattle an part time ventura beach while only owning a bike.transpo.



My son at Washougal nations on his 250 f
And his 80 for the lorreta qualifying


Sorry. This is all I ride.


Nice rig! I just got this and am trying to get as many rides as I can until the snow flies. Colder than a witch’s tit tonight!


When it is sunny and above 50°F, I’m terrorizing the delinquent cyclists riding side by side on the greenway on my electric murderboards. Built the street board (dead samarai) for putting arround town and the mountain board for pure testosterone driven fun.


Sick! Also, murderboard is appropriate. I would die on that. This is as murderboard as I get…

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No love for the stumpy?! I kid I kid. Santa Cruz are sweet as hell for sure.

Terratrike Rover i8
Bafang Mid-drive
Tops out at 11-12 MPH unless going down hill. :rofl:
45 miles on a charge

It’s my low rider go cart.


Nice whip as my boy would say. :grin:

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Thanks. Nah…danger good, makes sports all the more fun. Burton love! How’s it ride in pow?

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@Krommm , I would try the murderboard. That looks fun as hell. I would however wear lots of pads! Wish I could tell ya on the powder, but I’ve only had it on the local hill.

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Dirt only guy, fortunately live in a great spot for it


Now THAT is sweet @FieldEffect, but I’ve been wanting a dirtbike since I was like 13. My mom said “maybe” which really meant HELL NO!

With this lack of snow and temps dipping back down, I was able to get back on the trails behind my house with the Stumpy. Going to think about some studs for these tires as there were some bits I had to walk around due to ice.