Who’s got the GRAPE?

Shit if you can point me in the right direction for a clean cut that I can get shipped to me please don’t hesitate lol

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@Heliosphear’s Coastal BB x BOG Sour grape turned up a pheno that was rediculously grape. I’m talking a fine wine grape. I actually threw some blueberry diesel pollen at that pheno. It smokes ridiculously nice I will say. It lacks in the flavor profile but it’s high is incredibly chilll and body feelz are wonderful.


Ugh don’t even mention Sour Grape :sob::sob: I fucked up the only pack of originals I had


LOL I have a similar story, was at Vans Warped Tour and I smelt the familiar smell of a dispo wafting past me so I look and finally see the guy hitting it, and hes holding this battery with the shiniest gold cart ive ever seen LOL. Man I hit that shit and It made the concert felt like I was in a movie / dream LOL… to this day its def the strongest cart ive ever hit :stuck_out_tongue: Very extreme sativa vibes … musta been live resin or something it was POTENT for a cart XD ( like ive hit weaker dabs than this cart… LOL )

We had these black market carts called “Flavorz” up until last year when I guess the operation got busted lol. I’d buy a box of 25 for $400 and those giggle sticks would last me and my friends a solid month. They were so fucking strong it sent us to cartoon land like you said. Ass crack of Pluto. Outta here. Laughing like back in the day when we’d steal someone’s stepdads weed and hide behind the barn and smoke it lol. God I miss those carts…

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Dude it makes you wonder if they aint sneaking a lil Dimitri juice in em LOL

But in all fairness im sure in ur experience and mine too, I wasnt tripping balls XD ( although I have heard in low dose , it can be very similar to low dose shroom )

OMG not the stepdad weed… I had a buddy who had a stepdad that smoked and MAN it always smelled gas when he walked outside to hit it LOL. anyway I found where he put the roaches… mannn them shits got me SO STONED LOL. I mean some were so damn good I could say at least top 20 high LOL

Even funnier to me anyway, you could say one of my best highs was a roach cuz my friend busted open a joint and put it in the bong XD

100% would not surprise me lol. I worked at a sawmill of sorts for a few years and I’d always take one into work with me. I’d hit it in the bathroom and pass it off to my friend and cover him while he’s gone. We had these big hydraulic lifts that raised the packs of rough cut lumber so we can slide it off into a Marine Johnson “Rip Saw” well in the middle of the platform between the two lifts was just a 4 foot gap. One day me and my buddy “Tater” got so fucking geeked off of one of those Flavorz carts that we both thought we lost one of the lifts. In reality we were staring at the gap in between them :joy::joy: kinda freaked both of us out because we didn’t know how we lost it. And we didn’t know how to tell the boss man we lost a 5,000lb hydraulic lift that’s bolted into the floor :joy::joy:


Bro thats Beyond pluto high LOL .

I guess luckily for me most of the times I was that high was at someones house XD

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Yeah man definitely not a good idea to be operating heavy machinery while that fucked up. It felt like actual drugs tbh. I never got them tested, honestly don’t wanna know what was in them, but they WORKED lmao


@GrowTheAtlas Pick your poison, just did a grape/cherry seed chuck.

---- Urkle Line ----

    Purple Urkle BX1 F2 x Purple Urkle BX1 F2

    Purple Urkle S1 x Purple Urkle BX1 F2

    BOG Sour Grape F2 x Purple Urkle BX1 F2

    Grand Daddy Purple F2 x Purple Urkle BX1 F2

    Cherry Pie S1 x Purple Urkle BX1 F2

    The Pedigree F1 #2 x Purple Urkle BX1 F2

    Lemon Moose x Purple Urkle BX1 F2

    Berry Moose x Purple Urkle BX1 F2

    Swazi Dragon x Purple Urkle BX1 F2

  • PERK 29
    M29 Afghani-Malawi x Purple Urkle BX1 F2

    Moonshines Ghost Train x Purple Urkle BX1 F2

    Triangle Kush S1 x Purple Urkle BX1 F2

PM me if something caught your eye.

Pz :v:t2:


I am not known to not give away beans, that’s what I do. :wink:


Good call. Surprised nobody even mentioned Purple Urkle until lonelyOC did. Its pretty much the grandfather of every grape polypolyhybrid on the market right now…


This would be a cross that I would like to try. There would have to be some grapey phenos in there.


@LonelyOC Your beans already done? I’ll have to dig through my stash and put up a list for you.

@GrowTheAtlas I could probably rant for a while on this topic. :laughing:

I’ve been playing with the X18 for a bit. Although people refer to her as having an apple pear flavor, the phenos I had gotten all reminded me of white grapes.

Also, I’m surprised no one’s brought up straight Girl Scout. I know everyone’s referring that fruity flavor as cherry, but I can easily see red grape in there. Almost a decade ago I had gotten a cut of Platinum GSC from a producer who retired her due to her extremely slow growth. Although I couldn’t verify authenticity, she clearly resembled GSC so she was at least a cross. But man was that girl top notch. High was narcotic as hell and she had a strong grapey flavor with a unique chemical gas tone that reminded me of epoxy glue. I’ve never smelt anything else like it. One of my top 5 smokes of all time. I think about her every day and kick my self for losing her.


Well, BOG Sour Grape is knowed for its “refined” Grape terps and flavor. Some say that it’s close to red wine. In my nose they smell like classic old school hash and Grape candy, very two dimensional terps and if you are looking for straight Grape, BOG Sour Grape will leave you disappointed.

I don’t play games or try to sell you on smoke and mirrors. The most Grapey mothers in the runs are the Purple Urkle BX1 F2 #4, Grand Daddy Purple and Purple Urkle S1. They are all quite equal to each other and since the male used for the project was straight Grape candy, I can’t imagine that you would experience anything else from the offspring of these mothers.

Other highlights of the project definitely is The Pedigree(Sickening sweet Berry candy, doesn’t even smell cannabis) and Cherry Pie(Complex Berry, cherry, Grape terps. Every wiff of the jar is different)

Pz :v:t2:


Yes, all the beans are done, still have some plants that haven’t finished in the trichome area yet, like the M29, Lemon Moose(which smells EXACTLY like the trainwreck I just to get back in 08), Moonshines Ghost Train and Triangle Kush S1. They will probably be done in a week or two.

Right now I’m working hard to keep the Chem D x GMO Bx3 project happy.

Pz :v:t2:


Purple Punch


Yes, @KropDuster got a nice purple punch if you are interested in that cultivar.

Pz :v:t2:

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Hey @LonelyOC, where abouts did you get the cherry pie s1 from? I’m always looking for a pack but can never find a reputable pack.

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I’ve got a purple punch ch that smells like grape fruit snacks. I got my seeds from a random bag of weed so I’m not sure who bread it but in my experience the purple punch had what you are looking for.

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