Who’s got the GRAPE?

Hmmm well worst he could say is no lol it’s worth a shot


I hat flavors did you get out of it?



Well…I’ve got a jar of it right here next to me…it is one of my current preferences. -again, would recommend.

In reflection, I think it has a more of a berry/fruity flavor that maybe I could see some calling it “grape.”

-just not in a classic candy-sweet or artificial grape flavor sort of way…

If I were going to think of it like grapes, it would need to be described as more like a slightly fermented “Welch’s” grape juice…or a maybe a red wine.


I’m all outta likes so just know I like what you said :joy: this is good news to me. There’s gotta be a less fermented, more sweet pheno in there somewhere. What about effect? What should I expect ball park?


purple caper has a bunch of grape stuff.


from what I remember of the grape strains I tried they seem to have great body highs, anyone else notice this?

It’s a good smoke. Nice conversation starter that doesn’t steal one’s energy, evolving into a nice lasting high.

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I’m reinvigorated about my purchase now lol thank you for the info


You did good man. Would love to know how it goes. Tag me if you journal it please.

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For sure, it’ll be in my main grow journal after this round


That one smelled a lot closer to a classic-bubble-gum-grape flavor. Ms. Longtooth says it reminds her of grape hubba bubba. Our girl didn’t have a super pronounced smell, but the grape was there.


Got it, I’ll be running 9 probably because 10 3 gallon pots won’t fit in my 3x3 lol


I am not known to do that. lol :blush:


Not known to do what, trade?

Edit: or sell. I respect it :100: I’m still gonna keep my feelers out for some Grape :drooling_face:🫠

any kind of body high off GBoF? personally I’m looking for a grape flavor with a great body high something like Grape Runtz (greasy grapes x runtz) by exotic. Best grape strain imo hands down. I haven’t been able to find seeds, haven’t tried too hard tho… If you can find some please lmk… otherwise greasy grapes might be an option

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i also grew that strain and loved it. found a super strawberry/cherry pheno i have 15 more beans to hunt thru in the future cuz i liked it that much.

grape pie was pretty popular few years back maybe that was what you smoked ?

Very well could have been. I wonder if there’s seeds to be sourced of it

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i wish i could help there might be clone only but i will try and look around while i decide what to watch on youtube lol