Why does all dispensary smell and taste the same

You know, when you eat it along with the wheat germ bread, it’ll make you live so long that you’ll wish you were dead!

FWIW, there’s mention of drinking something called Hadicol. Hadicol was a “patent medicine” (an alcoholic “medicine”) that was crazy popular prior to the later 1950s.

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I’ve been smoking weed for 55 years I like it sweet and smoooth.


Depends where your going. A lot of it is outdoor from last year in Michigan. Some is fresh terpy indoor

Boy if that don’t make a hella lotta damn sense! I liked you today, and when I order next time I hope I can thank you, just like u said. That makes a lotta damn sense to me. WOW!

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It’s all about the bottom line. Spend the minimum amount of money to get the most amount of product out the door. They’re feeding only enough nutes to get weight but not flavor. You need a healthy amount of potassium for smells and flavor. And they’re not even giving the most special ingredient. Love!

When legalization first happened here there was some GMO that was amazing and stinky. It was legit well grown and deliciously funky but when I came back for more it was never like that again. Always dry and lacking in the flavor, smells, and quality that it had the first time.

I told this to a dispensary cashier one time and he said he knows the grower and he changed his nutrient regime.

Another time my homegrown ran out and I had to go back to the dispensary. I bought “the best” and most expensive name brand they had with the best reputation. Compared to my homegrown it tasted like expensive cardboard. What a waste. That same company got caught selling weed that failed pesticide testing.

Screw all dispensaries. I don’t trust any of them. I haven’t been to one all year and hopefully I never go back.


I know it doesn’t make sense lol
But I found the stuff that grows outdoor in the sun better these days…
It’s funny, I have the same problem, everything around is shit, unless it’s outdoor or I grow it in HIDs
Dunno, I don’t judge
I went to ams not long ago, the best smoke there was a 4 euro outdoor hash, go figure, everything else was like you described your dispensary adventures and sells for top dollar…
Same happend in Thailand not long ago
I bought the cheapest and the most expensive and to be honest the best in terms of effect taste etc was private people outdoor bud
The “Cali” high priced buds are just meh.
You know what they say,bif you do everything wrong, do the opposite, it might work haha


LP stands for Licensed Producer. These are the companies that provide for the medical market. I had a prescription for years prior to recreational legalization here in Canada and still have my medical grow license so I can grow 25 plants at a time. When recreational became legal it was these licensed producers that also provided legal dispensaries with the products they sell. The reason being that they are the only ones that can legally grow and sell. Now with recreational legal most provinces allow a user to grow up to 4 plants recreationally although a couple provinces have different rules. The way medical worked was you had to sign up to an LP with your prescription and could only buy from them. Or you could split your scrip across 2 of them. Then Shoppers Drug Mart, a drug store big in Canada, started selling and brought a dozen LP’s under their umbrella so they were my last LP as they gave you the most options. There were a few LP’s that did and still produce quality weed. The biggest issue with legalization is that the product tends to take way to long to make it to the store shelves due to all the hoops that need jumping through, which seriously hurts the quality. It has gotten better though. I rarely ever buy anything these days but occasionally have just for a change.


I worked at one of Ohio’s first grow ops for a few months. I could tell you some horror stories… lets just say, i don’t buy dispensary weed anymore!!!


For the same reason tomatoes have no taste.


I’d love to hear a few stories. I’ve always wondered what they can get away w/ in the legal market.

Yeah, let’s hear some stories

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The main important reason and story is that they aim to sell to the clueless smoker who wants to smoke every now and then.
For this smoker, elite genetics and growing habits are not important.
What’s important is Yields, looks, smell.
You can’t sample the shit in the dispensary, and that’s the biggest selling point for ops that grow for yield and looks.
Where I come from, the med market was killer as no regulations was floating over their heads making them go through all those hoops @DougDawson was talking about…
So they grew it, dried it, didn’t even cure it, put it in a sandwich bag and hand it to you, shit was killer and fresh from the farm… today they are too regulated, it takes 2 months avg for their bud to hit the dispensary… By then it’s a lost cause, a pale shadow of what that bud was when it was growing in the farmz basically we are left with 90%+ flower mass and less than 10% resin with those dispensary and med weed…
All those thc numbers and testing is done wayyy before it ever reaches your hands, before all the tumbling, curing, and who knows sometimes sterilization by radiation.
So sure you can buy one time and never buy again, but think there are thousands like you, and that’s enough to sell a good amount of their product, even if it’s bad smoking wise.
Big ops look at bottom lines, normal growers look at emotions and feedback, a big difference in approach for improvement and a better product over time.


Dispensary business has always been about casual new smokers.
Smokers already have connections or grow their own since it ensures the product that they will use


Smoking veterans ponder why the concept has gone so downhill from the glory days of med/rec commercial weed…
It’s because they changed markets.
Think of it like your favorite boutique restaurant closing down in order to open a macdonalds only this time they didn’t changed hands or owners or logos, its the same players, just different strategy.
Probably 70+% of smokers now are people that missed the last 20 years of genetic and effect knowledge and they think it’s all about looks and smell
Also they are very light weight smokers most of the time, that will buy an 8th just to not come back to the dispensary for a whole month… and that’s bad for business…
In today’s market, its better to create addicts, not a superior product.


Sounds like the same thing they did to tobacco.

Another thing is that these facilities are built to produce boof buds. It’s built into the design from the beginning. They don’t get the temperatures down enough for quality just dialed in for yield and cost of power. The biggest operation here dries all the flower for extraction in a conveyer belt microwave dryer in about 30 minutes. And then reintroduces botanical terps. They have been notorious for not wanting to have a big enough space for curing. It just seems like a waste of money and space to them. And that’s just for flower production. They brought in the microwave for everything else. I hear stories of workers getting radiation poisoning from working in that room.


…Who ever told you that is your enemy…

Man at that point, what’s the point.
Won’t be long before GE yeast will be producing 90% of our canabinoids in vats. Growing it on plants will become archaic. I guess that’s progress huh?


You can’t get poisoned from microwave radiation. Directed microwave radiation can be fucked up though like in Occupy NYC 2011.


Most bud nowadays is microwaved this way or another, either it’s growing under leds, or gone through some kind of sterilization process with gamma rays or the likes of
I’ve started exploring and researching this a while ago, the med weed here is going through harsh protocols before it hits the store, so some of it is grown under leds, some outdoor and very very little under HIDs, but they all go through the same sterilization under gamma rays…
Anyway I’ve noticed in the med market, outdoor bud somewhat survive the gamma ray protocol, led bud after the gamma ray is destroyed completely, almost no trichome in sight…
Now to the rec market, most of it here is “Cali” strains under leds or white label seeds from Spain outdoors…
Still the outdoor shines better…
This is some puzzling shit,
My conclusions so far
If a bud is growing under microwaved source of light (mostly leds) it will not survive a round of sterilization
If a bud is growing outdoor it will be more resistant to the same treatment
I exclude HID buds as their behavior is similar to outdoor buds
Some pics for reference…

Led bud after sterilization

Outdoor bud after sterilization:

I know pics ate not a way to judge things, but the led sample is just lack luster hairs
While the outdoor bud seems kinda still glistening


I do think microwave radiation is unhealthy to be in close proximity no matter what they say. That’s why I put my phone on speaker mode and don’t hold it up to my head when talking. I notice an immediate headache when I do. I’m also very sensitive to it though

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