Why does all dispensary smell and taste the same

You can take a simple RF meter and know how much each device is emitting, and we all know by now, RF and MW are harmful.
In what qty and duration only time will tell, and it already started telling us in the plants we grow.


Another reason you donā€™t want to over fertilize with salts is the radiation in the phosphorus. Itā€™s concentrated from the refining process. And been proven to contain Uranium (238U), Thorium (232Th), and radium (Ra-226). It will leave those deposits in the plants and canā€™t be flushed out

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Homegrown tomato versus store bought tomato.

And theyā€™re worried about mold & fungi so they over dry it & vaporize whatever terps/etc they manage to grow.

Sunlight seems to be part of whatā€™s lacking too.

Even pretty high grade black market pales in comparison to the old guy next doorā€™s homegrown. And that dude asks me how to do everything from germination to harvest every year. :joy::man_shrugging:

So 90% (or whatever :joy:) if the buyers are just used to it. McDonalds didnā€™t sell billions of wagyu burgersā€¦



Yeah itā€™s a shame they call whatā€™s being sold on the black market ā€œhigh gradeā€ā€¦
My indoor hid grow from some ok bud of outdoor bagseed beats everything available in my country, no joke.


So, I went online and checked, and the two dispos donā€™t show anything at all for outdoor grown product. :frowning: Iā€™m not cheap, iā€™ll buy anything at any reasonable price. And Iā€™ll buy schwag too. Iā€™ve bought some that was okay. I have one bag of 10 grams of schwag that I just gotta throw away, tho.

I paid $50 for an inhaler of blue dream, 92% THC, burns your throat for like 15 minutes.Then they had no inhalers for several months, and recently a few more have appeared and are showing about a 20% THC content. Theyā€™re $50 or $60 apiece. U get like 400 hits off one.

Yeah, the only way iā€™m gonna find out door grown nugs is to grow my own, but canā€™t due to the public exposure at my home. I doubt if many growers here would grow where I am, some, maybe, but not most.

Thanks for posting, mucho appreciado.


It doesnā€™t. At least not here in CO. Thereā€™s plenty chronic buds at some of the dispensaries.

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MOLD!!! Iā€™m talking about 100ā€™s of plants ooozing mold getting passed through the facility. They only send a small percentage of the very best looking buds out for testing. They brought in some big uv conveyor system to run the bud through to make it good enough to put in jarsā€¦ ill never step foot in a dispensary again.


Itā€™s funny hey, I have never smoked any dispensary gear; other than some NYC diesel from somewhere in Denver years ago on a business trip to the states so I canā€™t really comment, but I have probably smoked at least 50lb of home grown over the years and mould has never caused me an issue, and the most I could ever do was a visual inspection. So if they are basically destroying otherwise good weed with sterilization then what a stupid system. All this nonsense canā€™t continue indefinitely before the industry disappears up its own cookies
encrusted rectum lol.


Iā€™ve had bud with no visual issues fail for aspergillosis in ny. Ny is mostly outdoor at this point, only indoor is from medical system dumping into the recreational system.
Ny also watched all these other states have problems with their electrical grid with all these big warehouse hid grows. This caused them to put efficiency standards into the grow room requirement.


In Florida medical they require you to grow indoors. Hybrid Greenhouse is ok but no outdoor at all.


The security argument!!! :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Canā€™t imagine being in a greenhouse in Florida in the summer!!


Moving away from natural sources of light (sun, HIDs) is a big part in driving the quality down.
@3bombedmice, if you want good buds, I know this might sound stupid, but for what itā€™s worth,
If you grow indoor, change your leds to HIDs
And if your not growing at all, keep looking for that outdoor budā€¦
The stuff thats growin in those indoor greenhouses under very low light leds is just not worth it.


Sometimes I want to chat but all I can think is ā€œthis a crazy ass threadā€. Haha so many wild claims being thrown around without references. But itā€™s entertaining. Thanks to all


Dispensaries smell the same because they all carry the same products made the same way.

It would be great if the rec/med markets would recognize the important of fresh terpenes in the plant and the medical effects they provide. To that end, they allowed other methods or products to reach market that allowed/promoted saving those fresh terps. So itā€™s like they did 60% of the job of getting med/rec cannabis to people.

I have a friend who runs a large facility and you would be amazed at what they can legally put/spray on those plants and then sell to the consumer. I would not let anyone in my friend or family circle smoke that stuff. It has more chemicals sprayed on it than a Twinkie. Concentrates made from that stuff only concentrates those chems. They did a bad job very well implementing cannabis use. But, itā€™s better than throwing people in jail across the board for a plant.


Every state is different. California is one of the strictest and yetā€¦


Iā€™ve bought west coast cure ā€œlive resinā€ vape pens and I have to say that they hurt my lungs significantly. Usually live resin doesnā€™t hurt at all and my lungs feel great with the companies I choose. When I divert, I get nearly distillate type irritation.



Really? It looks like everything weā€™re noticing as customers is on point. Itā€™s a combination of lots of different things going on making the quality go down.


Not every claim is checked by science and peer reviewed, some are just humans noticing and understanding something is wrong and is not heading in the right directionā€¦
We are used to progress, we had cars that drove 20 miles once, now we have much faster cars
In all aspects of life we are experiencing progress, weed is no different, the smoke of 2005 was different than 2015 and so on
But it wasnā€™t different in a bad wayā€¦ It was just different.
Now itā€™s just badā€¦
At my country, maybe the worse ever since I started smoking which is 25 years ago maybe
So as a serious stoner I can say something is deeply wrong, in my country, in AMS, in Thailand and New Mexico after my small visit to a dispensary thereā€¦ So funny I thought to myself, this shit is universal lol


Helps with anxiety and causes anxiety.


Like what? Genuinely curious.

You canā€™t say something like that and not talk specifics!


Iā€™m just sharing my opinion like you all. Iā€™m not trying to call people out personally. Your opinions are absolutely valid! :metal:t2::purple_heart: There are just so many opinions. Grain of salt. Take care now. Iā€™m certainly not trying to argue