Why does all dispensary smell and taste the same

Haha throw a grenade and then walk away.


I was just thinking this & here you go :sweat_smile:

Interesting that regulations & inspections & enforcement are all wildly varied across the locations but the end result is basically the same. :thinking:

Someone noted earlier how they’re all mostly following the same business models & gardening practices & that’s the more consistent factor: none of them will care for a commercial op the way they care for their head stash— it’s just too much work.

Back in the day(when was that again? :joy:) black market had to compete on quality somewhat & there were low mid & high grades.

Taxes & regulations are heavy in California— locally it’s 30+ % so that 60$ oz is actually 80 plus out the door.



Seems like enforcement on testing labs and companies has increased substantially in the past 6 months. These are just the recalled products and not the embargoed products as that list is not public.


Most of the flower…

“inaccurate labeling that reports more cannabinoid content than the product contains”

That should be no surprise to anyone


Pesticides and mold too :frowning:


That’s my biggest complaint about dispo weed here in CA. More than 30fucking% tax here. At my age, taste just isn’t the issue it would have been 40 years ago. Or 30 years ago. And it gets me high. But the taxes… :-1:


Taxes were the main reason weed was illegal. Now they want up to 60% sin tax like alcohol and tobacco


And sin doesn’t even fucking exist!

Seriously, where is that bong! Two bowls!!


Curious question - do opinions change for medical vs. recreational? Should they be taxed at the same rate?

Here’s some state level breakdowns of tax rates.

Tax revenue by state


I should have mentioned that the 30% tax gets chopped to normal retail tax for medical users who pay & register with their county. I’m done with that stuff myself. No need to reinforce it “hey government- I am weed - hear me smoke”



Thanks again, much appreciated. I don’t grow, few would in my public neighborhood. As I said, I looked at two dispos the other day, and none are described as being outdoor grown. I sure wish they’d legalized cannabis, instead of this quasi legalization the states are using. Hell, you can distill your own liquor, make wine, and beer, but u can’t grow w/o registering with the state. Sux, don’t it?


The Republicans in the Ohio Capital want to take our new found freedom and make us register with the state and take away other freedoms we the people won last November with 57%of the vote. The Dems so far have held them at bay.


Love the new L design

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I Concur. I hate registering with the government for anything, especially the consumption of marijuana. We’re not required to register for alcohol. And, as usual, @mota is right. There’s no sin here.


I happened to take this picture just the other day.

@mota has been naughty


This…and typically stored improperly…

Interesting… please don’t tell us more about your politics. FWIW, in my state it’s reversed, Dems are pushing to keep homegrowing illegal and Republicans are pushing to legalize it. Almost like it’s not one party or the other that’s the problem, but politicians in general. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. The ones who don’t have power are the ones who pretend they’re supporting us, at least until they get our votes. If Republicans got into power in my state, they’d be just as gung-ho about regulation and taxation - if Democrats got into power in yours, likewise, I expect. Don’t trust either party, and you’ll rarely be disappointed.


I dread the day… dread the day, I have to use dispo weed, once I get to old to tend our garden, for our own weed products, buds, oils, butter.


Interesting… please don’t tell us more about the politics in your state as well as any views you may hold. No need to elaborate here or give you any example.

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QED. Thanks for proving the point I was trying to make. :stuck_out_tongue: Every conversation about politics degenerates into shit-slinging, and that’s what they want.