With a heavy heart RIP Donald R Wilson Jr (Dad)

Thanks for sharing that with me @OldUncleBen and I’m sorry for your loss and every morning the first thing I do when I wake up is thank God for giving me another day and I just appreciate it, I hope you continue to heal and it’s been just over a week and I already miss him SO f**king MUCH but I have to keep pushing on but making sure that I grieve the way I need to …thank you for your support!


Condolences sir. Some of the finest things in life end too early and leave you wanting more.


I’ll say this… it is absolutely painful to watch a loved one go through anything like this… one of the things that helped me incredibly when I lost my mother… was to remember deep down… that they would NOT want us to suffer over them… and it’s best to do what you are doing and reflect on all the times that were the good times and good memories… and to live in a way they would want to see you live… nothing changes the loss… but what we choose to reflect on changes everything… I’m so sorry for your loss brother! My prayers will be with you, and that isn’t just a statement. One love :green_heart:


That’s the one thing I keep telling myself and I started playing guitar about 2-3 years ago and it only took me 35 years to decide to play LoL but seriously I am always blown away when he plays the guitar and in 5th grade he found a guitar in a dumpster and took 2 lessons learning how to play Mary had a little lamb and he stopped going and he’s able to play by ear/listening to the music so it’s the best thing I’ve done with him since he was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s but I just knew the chords, tuning it, but I NEVER played a song let alone in front of the whole family at his service and I just said F’it and I used his acoustic guitar that’s been a “family member” for 42 years and I’m just 38 so I played Eric Clapton’s"Tears in Heaven" and I swear I just listened to it and it’s just amazing(no way I thought I could do it) and I just closed my eyes and played almost felt like he was playing with me and I started growing for him and now I’m going to be doing a grow in his honor and I just loved seeing something that I grew up helping him out with pain and how much it would help him with the racing mind trying to process what he was listening to and I just truly know that he’s in a better place and is forever by my side so it will be HARD to push on without his smile and dry humor that I will have in my heart thanks The Doc


Lost my Dad on March 16th. Hard thing to deal with. Try to take it hour by hour. I’ve had a very hard time. Day before he passed mom had called and wanted me to make sure I knew how to do his meds because she has Interstitial lung disease and knows she doesn’t have long, no cure… So my mind is in a bad spot. Poor plants have been neglected but more important stuff to do. Seems no matter the plan it’s going to fail , not much cash, brother got everything, I have grandpa’s house (RIP) but had to get rid of bats, needs upstairs ripped down and bleached, new flooring, paint, electrical, on and on the more I see. Brother went out his role , has a new mobile home in dad’s yard, now has his house that’s mom’s, while We living in a single wide 1970 moldy as$ trailer. Wasn’t even offered to me to buy, yet alone to live in. Feeling of being lost, hope you get through this and thoughts and prayers are with you and the family. :pray: Sorry got into my problems.


Outta likes @Jgood so :green_heart: LoL


I lost my dad to Parkinson’s two years ago and my mom six months after that to Covid. I feel your pain. The sense of loss is so deep. Little goals is how I’ve got thru it. My last, being able to talk about them without crying. Both were such great humans that had remarkable lives. My heart and prayers go out to you Dr.D. Much love


I lost my soul mate 35 years ago. I gave my grief to GOD and believe he gave me back something good in return.


I’m sorry man. Your post was a very nice tribute. I hope you’re getting through this okay.

I gotta say, wish I had a decent father. It’s really cool that you have those good memories, and had a good childhood. His positive influence will always be there.


I’m so sorry for your loss. Your tribute to him made this old fart cry. He must have been a loving father to have a son like you. G8PxQ8j


He was my BEST FRIEND @mota and I have been thinking about him a lot and I couldn’t of asked for a better friend but a better DAD and I am still playing guitar and still sux but I just found an old cassette tape of him recording himself just playing the guitar for a couple hours when I was in diapers still but I have to get it copied on whatever you can put it on because it’s just amazing and priceless to me but it’s been a long road and he’s yelling at me for the way I was acting up and I have a memorial grow upcoming this summer and half is going to be goat and monkey seeds and the other ones are going to be dank Zappa that Mr :honeybee: gifted me cuz of his love for Rock and roll and I my phototron was his from 1992 so I will never get rid of “Old Reliable” AKA Phototron thanks again for the words and I hope you have a great Sunday afternoon time to watch football The Doc


@DrGonzo13 My condolences to you. I’m the dad of a father, no family ahead of me left to walk and talk about the memories built over the years. Be kind to yourself, it makes a difference.


Rest in Peace , Condolences to all. I Know your feelings. Mine passed March 16, last year.
If u look on my page it has caused alot of hurt or more of a lost feeling. Plant still in same container… Good days will come, so will a few bad ones. Just try n hang in there. It’s rough :pensive::pray::pray::pray:Bless your and your families hearts​:green_heart: