World record yield?

That was an awesome video. Who wouldn’t want to go trekking through Nepal, rubbing charas along the way?


Those plants were grown in northern California At about 42゚ North latitude. 100 gallon holes dug.
Would you believe my cousin did nearly all the work himself?


100 gallons! That’s half a cube per plant! I better get digging then. I am at about 29 degrees south so in theory I should be getting more sun.


damn it a tree! You can make a tree house there. Cannabis tree house and smoke there :star_struck:

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I recently found information about the guy who grow from 20year old canna seeds. I believe it is like a record

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Not a record, but that’s great they were viable. A Guy on Instagram germed a 100 year old Parvati Valley seed and plenty of peeps popping seeds from the 60’s and 70’s.


I hope they continue that. Genetics that haven’t been “Kushed” out are becoming more and more rare. It seems like for every person trying to preserve landraces, there are about a thousand who cross, cross and cross some more.


A stripper told her client: “If you can say it in 3 words, I’ll do it for $20.” The client said: “Paint my house.”


It’s not a bad thing that the best of the best genetics are all condensed into one beast that produces resin in a dense tasty package, but not at the expense of all the other incredible genetics that are tossed along the way. Variety is the spice of life.
The key to a great buzz every time you smoke is having multiple different unrelated varieties to choose from. Of course there is that rare exception. Some pot does the trick every time. :yum: Oaxaca :star_struck:


It must have been Oaxacan that gave me the most mind-blowing high ever. The more I read about it, the more interesting it sounds. I have a funny feeling this year might be the year I can put seeds into the ground. I can’t quantify it, but my instincts are telling me things have cooled down considerably in that department. For example, last night a buddy of mine and I were driving to his house, and there were next to no cops anywhere. It was Saturday night, when you would expect to see them everywhere. 23 states have legalized, and 3 more will be going legal this year (it’s on the ballot in those states and expected to pass). At the very least, I hope to grow some Freakshow this summer. I could grow it in and among some a varieties of Artemisia, since Freakshow looks remarkably similar to Sweet Annie (Artemisia annua), which is also a aromatic. I think I’ll do a seed run, and start tossing them anywhere cannabis might be able to grow by itself. One of three things would happen: 1. Cops would never get wise, 2. Cops would get wise, but only after it’s too late and it’s all over the place (it’ll probably be semi-legal by then) or 3. The cops get wise and start raiding everyone, pissing off the population. Sorry if that seems amoral and Machiavellian.


Is something like divergent breeding feasible? Isolating specimens with certain characteristics and breeding them would be a long process, and would likely produce some unexpected results both good and bad and something unique.

thats what you call a ganja tree! not quite on the same scale but indoors u.k under hids a great grower,sadly died a couple of years back,sent me a clone of the pictured girl but mine was a tad smaller in the drobes! this plant made 1kg of topnotch weed of which i got a share and was great encouragement to grow her, POTM_sept_2013
id truly love an outdoor grow legal even here in cold england,peace


And that different weeds make brain work different with different highs.

I remember one that make me re-analyse all that I talked to people, bad relations, etc… at first it depressed me, but as I keep smoking it (over the days, weeks…), it was of much help to autoanalyse myself and my being with other people. There was a moment that I choose that strain to see if I was “bad” with people. And helped to sweet my character.

Other strain, activate my brain in lateral thinking… seeing obvious conclusions where when not under weed I didn’t see.

Well… not two weeds are equal.
Never smoked oaxacan… but I can’t find seeds of that near me.

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I have a mold proof midget strain that gets No more than 2 or 3’ tall If you want to give it a shot. It was bred to be small so I could hide it easily. You won’t believe this but I once pulled a 1/2 pound off a 2 foot tall plant lol. 8 1 oz cola’s. It’s more typical to get 2 to 4 oz


I have some seed i can part with but its just from one plant…a short pheno self pollination

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That’s a really nice indoor plant. Massive for indoor.

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That would be interesting.
Will keep in touch.

Happy growings.

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Bld but not sleepy normally. There is one ko pheno

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I need to find something Mold proof you wouldn’t have any extra of that midget laying around would you?Ive got PM for 3 years in a row outdoors and I need something to put into my toolbox for future PM resistant strains