Worst smelling marijuana plants

Oh yeah…its great Sativa buzz


How much for the bottles of cologne !?
Rankiest weed I ever encountered had the smell of burning styrofoam covered in diesel fuel that was icc #s1 created by testofoath

Second nasties buds were ones I dried in a paper bag


what would be funny is if it tasted like chicken. :upside_down_face:


In the “Penitentiary” this is referred to as “Romance Cologne” usually accompanied with grape jelly.


i’ve had a plant that smelled like rotten meat, but somehow in a good way. also a plant that smelled like baby poo is the best way to describe it i guess.


I have a F1 that is blowing my mind with smell. I threw a test plant in the corner and neglected it. Now with 3 weeks to go it smells very powerful Dank with an undertone of some kind of meat, cooked hamburger? Thai x Caramel Cream, and crossing Thai with anything could lead to a big surprise. This time I can’t wait for the smoke test. I have a feeling this smoke test is going to last 3 days.


I am not sure why, but weed that smells like cooked hamburger struck me funny, sent me into a slight giggle fit haha


I actually cant explain the smell, but it includes one heck of a buzz I imagine. Funny why breeding to Thai can do weird stuff with smell. Originally Skunk came from Thai Genetics I was told but I have no way of knowing. Skunk came from Northern California in the late 70’s to 80’s I think and nobody was keeping records at the time as the weed industry was a close knit bunch of guys. And Humboldt County had a lot secrets. I had a dealer/friend go up there to work the plants in the mid 70’s and he arrived in the trunk of a car and left months later in the trunk of a car. And I missed him the whole time he was gone because his buds were better than everything but the Thai Sticks, he sold the Norcal buds. And later he was the first with the Skunk in maybe 1977.


Grew something years ago from Jordan of the Islands. Was touted as excellent, seeds came from a seller who was/is 110% legit. Cannot remember it’s name. Grew it in an 8 bucket Water Farm, and it grew well! Stupid amount of bud from the 8 buckets. Beautiful plants, bit leafy but still very nice. By week 6 they smelled of cheap ass popouri , the 3 buck dry kind in a bag from Walmart. Got stronger and stronger. By week 9 or so, just opening the 4x4 tent would make EVERYONES eyes water. It was like cheezy cheezy perfume, just sickening.

Didnt get better :crazy_face:, got worse. When dried, the horrible smell was still there. You would swear someone opened a bag and dumped purfume in there. It was BRIGHT, LOUD and horrible. Smoked, it tasted the same, but then the big undertone of eucalyptus hit you. I swear to GOD I could not take 2 hits of it. Tried 1 hit several times, yup, I’m pretty stupid, and about got sick to point of throwing up from single hits! Yeah!!! Pressed a bud in the 2 ton, yielded well, didnt have the gumption to try it. Stupid friend(wish he was still around) would consume anything, let him try a dab. A DAB. He consumes anything with no visible signs, lol, he hit the floor spitting and choking. Took 10 minutes for him to believe I didnt “poison” him . Asked what it was like, he said dish soap made with eucalyptus and colonge, lol

Threw it out, had to be a few pounds. Were I deserted on an island for 10 years, and a bale of this weed rolled up, I still wouldnt smoke it. Wish I could remember its name. Was a well know strain


Now your scaring me, maybe this potent bud will be “Misery Weed”.

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I get that and being honest a lot of Sativas or crosses with that flavor don’t smoke well for me. But I’m a free bird and an Arthritis Sufferer and love the relief of Sativas. My Thai strain has a good taste but I’ve been tempted to grow one little Jack Herer for variety. Usually my variety will be a good 70/30 Indica but if I run a few days without my Arthritis stuff then I get rusty. Jack was the medicine I bought from the dispensary before starting to grow myself.


This made me laugh so hard, I scared the cats off the bed!!


Ah haha! That’s funny


Update! She has grown to the age where the buds now need three weeks to ripen and the smell is still STRONG ASS WEED with that weird undertone of what a chili cookoff would smell like with out the beer. I’m really looking forward to this one, my last Thai cross killed it but with a surprising chemotype. A super strong gasoline smell where the high levels of THC and THCV rock your socks. One Old Hippie that I hooked up with seeds claimed his grandson was hallucinating. His grandson was a rookie smoker. I hope this “Chili Cookoff” weed is good because I have a couple hundred fems that I bred.


I always wondered about the Cat Piss.


Last year I had a plant that smelled just like catpiss but was a random. Also had one that smelled like onions and underarms :joy: The smoke and taste was bomb though sadly I dont have any pictures saved

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I’ve seen someone mention a coffee smell or coffee breath. Well my ssdd smells like that, I absolutely hate it. It’s all I smell when I open my tent lol :nauseated_face:


Haha - I’ve noticed in the ones I’ve had with coffee breath smell that it doesn’t translate to flavor… at least it hasn’t yet! Tends to cure out some too.


Smoked a Changa once, tasted like burned plastic and it sent me to space, bad tasting weed generally try to avoid it.

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I sure hope so! Lol if anything I learned to plant that one outside in the future :face_with_hand_over_mouth: my other plants smell so good but that coffee smell overpowers them all