Wtf is This , $2.5m clone?!

Value is subjective. The market will regulate itself like always. Look at McDonald’s and their $16 cheeseburger combo’s. When it costs as much as a restaurant burger then people will no longer find value because the value in McDonalds was cheap and fast food to shut your kids up. Now it is being replaced by formerly midlevel restaurants and in between places like shitpotle and AppleBees.

In n Out is another good example. I love In n Out because it is good food at a really good price. I can’t eat there much though because usually when I drive by an In n Out and it isn’t 10am, the line goes all the way back to the next parking lot over. Were talking 20-40 cars sometimes. It isn’t worth waiting that long to save a few dollars. Time vs Money.

Putting an $8,888 price on something will get many people to think it is special and then how could they have an $8,888 pack but wait they also have this $200 pack oh shit imma buy that and save $8,688.


I don’t know about you all but when I buy seed I do like to try new and not so well known breeders… Take Newbie Nuggs for example. I took a gamble and grabbed thier grape rock candy… sounded good, looked good… very affordable. I wanted some grape… you know what? This relatively unknown breeder that GLG let list thier seeds… they hit it outta the park. Grape Rock Candy… all three plants (fems) were near identical and produced this really nice chunky flower that smells like Grape Fanta. I actually went to the store and bought a bottle just so I could verify what I was smelling. Super happy to have tried these and I might have to try some of thier other stuff. If GLG hadn’t listed them, I would never have found Newbie Nuggs.
Reason I say that is I am glad there are seed banks out there willing to give listing space to smaller, lesser known breeders. Such as my self.

Generally though, I follow and support breeders who show thier work in the community… guys like Antenna Seeds though he ceased doing the forums a couple years ago… Tony Green who has also kinda curbed his forum activity… Karma G and others. The entire time I have been releasing my work to the world, I have grown and shown nearly every project thru selection to test growing proginy. So if people want to come with cheap shots about my work… I got two middle fingers for you LOL
Dead Celebrity Status - Messiah Lyrics (


Eat the Rich, sell more million dollar clones.

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I suppose one thing is what is considered good and reasonable. When I used to buy weed I would always pay more for their top shelf stuff. I don’t begrudge paying a premium for such things. Instead of $50 for a 1/4 oz I would pay up to $100 because the quality was worth it to me. Now if that dealer decided to charge $10,000 for that 1/4 oz I would not call that good and reasonable but rather would see it as them trying to rip people off. I still feel that those ridiculous prices are more a marketing gimik to get folks talking and clearly, it works. I get why some would bash the seed bank for allowing such silly prices to be listed. I can see their perspective on this. I, however, look at it a bit different. GLG is a business and to an extent, have to play the game. That’s how they keep the lights on and also how they can give smaller breeders a chance to break into the market. At the end of the day, we are all grownups here. We can choose to support or not support whoever we feel like. I don’t agree with some folks approach to such things and they don’t all agree with mine. That’s just the way it goes and I am fine with that. Every individual needs to do what they feel is best and this ball of rock will just keep circling the sun. :v:

On another note, I smoked 4 nice joints of Coastal Blueberry by the fire last night, and I am still in love with that strain. The smell is just unbelievable. Great job on those.


Well, a tactic Costco uses is that they put the expensive $10k tvs right at the front when people walk in, so that every price of goods in the store after that don’t seem so bad. They don’t sell a lot of those expensive models, but they sell more of everything else in the store. Maybe that’s what is happening here


Some folk know the price of everything but the value of nowt.


Reminds me of Bluefin Tuna prices in Japan.

Please ask him if these sell! I’d love to know the answer

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Just to throw it out there, I can vouch, @SHSC is donating 100% of his SALES, not just profit to Overgrow. Those are not the same.

@DougDawson - It’s fair for businesses to cover their expenses, but I don’t think keeping the lights on applies here. I agree 100%, it’s up to us whether we want to pay that amount; no one’s forcing us to buy.

All of this boils down to perceived value, which is subjective anyway. It’s a bit like buying a star—sure, it’s possible, but what does that get you… the ability to say you spent that much on a star.




That’s hilarious :joy::joy::joy::joy:


Lol, I do love that meme. :rofl:

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Anybody wanna go halves :sweat_smile::crazy_face:

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Even if it’s in pesos it’s still madness.

I might have to win the lottery and be the sucker to buy it.

Imo grape stomper isn’t all that, def not a 2.5m cut, personally I wouldn’t waste the space in my tent if someone gave it too me… well I guess I would if that’s the market for that cut, I’d make my tents veg tents and just sell cuts, under the hemp farm bill of course :joy:


I got $5 on it if we can round up 500k more peeps.


5 on it let’s do this brother!!


Should we start a 500,000 slot wiki? :rofl:


Good call def get people pumped :rofl:nice one!!!

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