WubbaLubbaDubDub's Garden

Trim jail hasn’t been fun but I’m getting close to done the afghani

The Godberry and Maltezerz are still hanging in the tent.

Sunset vibes auto.

Blueberry cookies auto just starting to flower
Fem ‘Cheese‘ got a bad kink during training so I’m letting her heal a bit
Gorilla auto getting bigger
The last seed started,fighting gorilla auto
Acid Kush auto
Mazarilla auto
Fem ‘sour diesel’


Beautiful plants
And a great trim as well



Thanks I can honestly say the longer I grow the more lazy I get with trimming.
But in my experience the cure and dry go better for me this way.

When I first started I would take all the fan leaves off to hang and dry the plants now I don’t take any off but a few yellow ones that want to come off.
I would spend forever on each bud I trimmed and take EVERY leaf off and get in deep to the bud to get as much off as possible.
I find where I live it’s a dry place.the dry and cure went too quickly and I was left with harsh or flavourless weed.
I’m a lot less likely to over dry or dry too quickly this way so it doesn’t look as nice as some of my previous trim jobs but I’m sure it will taste much better


I found the exact same thing, I leave all leafs on, do a quick hand pick before jarring. Dry leafs come off quite easily, and I just pick off any access leafs when I pull it outta the jar to grind up to smoke. I HATE trimming!!


Humidity in the house has spiked with all this rain. I’m glad I’m not trying to dry right now!


I’ve got a small 47gallon aquarium in my living room,and even in a rain storm I think the most I have seen my house humidity ever get to was 45-47%.
In the winters I’ve seen the humidity as low as 10% though the house,maybe 20-25% in the living room with the aquarium and my GF’s humidifier for her tropical plants in the dry seasons.


There are so many different variables in growing these plants. I think how bad the humidity effects drying here and then look at the polar opposite in other areas of the country.
Ain’t this fun figuring all this out!?


Don’t mean to just jump in on your thread for nonsense but I’ve been wanting to take and post this pic since I first saw your name :grin: are we best friends?


I love your truck man! Some dope decals for sure!
I bring up the gear wars as often as I can in conversations with my older mechanic friend, he doesn’t know what I’m talking about lol.

My other friend got me this it for Christmas


Rick and Morty season 5!!! also beautiful plants you got there my friend


Haha there’s not many people that get all the Rick and Morty references I make :joy: love that show though, I’ve been told I’m a lot like Rick and I’m not quite sure how I feel about that :joy:

Hope they don’t trash this newest season trying to outdo the first four seasons or something, really been looking forward to it

Good looking work you got going on outside, I haven’t had any luck yet putting autos into the earth, might have to try pots next year like you’ve done

Edit: so my notification tone is " GARGA BLARG BLARG?!" and because of my home security system if I don’t have my phone on vibrate everyone around me for the day has some goofy entertainment from what seems like never ending notifications


Never seen those 3d dot pics on a hat before, clever stuff👍


I’ve had reality break down into something similar to those dots during the transition between 2nd hit of DMT and blasting off :joy:

Cool on a hat, slightly scary when it’s everything you can see/hear/feel :joy:


I’m back from the weekend in Golden.
I’ll do some outdoor updates.
Here’s the random plant that started in my chives

Trimmed some of the dry Maltezerz for the weekend,still needs a real cure but I wanted a taster

Left to right, acid Kush auto,gorilla auto,mazarilla auto, fighting gorilla auto

The sour diesel fem got dry when I was gone but she’s perked up again

Cheese fem

Blueberry cookies auto

Sunset vibes auto


I’ve been so busy with upgrading my education and life I haven’t kept up!
Got season 4 in the mail,and I’ll pay for whatever streaming service that will let me watch season 5 after


Absolutely beautiful grow


Nice work. She was supper thirsty. She was making me thirsty. Lol


I was unloading the truck from the weekend and I saw the one plants all I could say was ‘Oh S#!+’ and unload faster lol.
Gave her a heavy water and a couple smaller splashes that night and she perked right back up, lost a couple lower leaves though


Good save!


Autos I got from the server auction are doing great so far!
Mazarilla auto

Fighting gorilla auto(started 7-12 days later)
Acid Kush
Gorilla auto

Here’s sunset vibes auto(g13 labs) freebie from Attitude(started early with the next few)

Cheese fem(no idea where from)
Sour diesel fem(same,no idea)

And the blueberry cookies auto had some bugs nibbleing away but I think they have left for something else now