WubbaLubbaDubDub's Garden

A check valve! Forgot the name for a minute lol.

It works, I still have one of the original buckets I used but I repurposed it and cut a bigger hole and put a spout for a drip line irrigation lol. If you use a mechanical timer you won’t have to worry about an outage long as the breaker doesn’t blow, although you could have the friend just flip the switch if you have your stash tucked away. Don’t forget it for too long though, trust me. Unless you want some crispy crisp :laughing:


I hear that but well worth the trouble


It’s just for 3 days so if I can rig it up and let the silicone dry around the hose holes I might try this. Just depends if the silicone cures and gasses off in time
You know how many times I go to the hardware store ‘just for a bucket’? These trips get expensive, especially if the GF doesn’t come lol

edit- I’d prefer the Gamma seal(screw on lids)
But I’m thinking the 2 gallon Home Depot buckets are a better size. How much do you guys trust the snap on lids for a seal?


If you have a set of bits just drill the hole to size or slightly smaller than the airline, with a nice snug fit. For the top you might be able to find a gasket that will give a snug fit for the valve after you drill the hole. I don’t know where you might find the gasket but if you want some nice pails and have a homebrew place nearby they have some good food grade pails. Plus you can get supplies to make beer, it’s a win-win.


None local but im heading to the city today so im sure I can find a brew store.
Do you use the silicone airline or the more ‘ridged’ normal plastic stuff?

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Whatever you have works. I use the firm one. Shouldn’t make much of a difference. Have fun in the city @WubbaLubbaDubDub hope you find what you need.


All the brew stores were closed by the time I was free yesterday. Have to make a trip this week.
I called a couple different ones earlier in the day,where does everyone buy their rice hulls?
I asked what 50Lb cost and they told me $70.
I just paid $43 for 4 cubic feet of perlite,I can’t justify they’re price for hulls


Top dressed some oyster shell flower and some GG 4-4-4 at the in laws, also watered some stuff with a free bottle of botanicare pure blend pro Grow and a little calmag.
Used the sprayer and only watered at 5Ml-7ml a gallon


What a lovely yard!


Thanks they really take pride in their beautiful lawn.
We built those raised beds for them last year,they like gardening a lot better without have to bend over as much

Edit-back at home throwing some stuff in the tumbling compost,look at this dope serial number lol, I’ve had this thing for years and never noticed 4000069

G13 labs -SunSet Vibes auto doing well


Well I chopped down the godberry and Maltezerz 3 days ago,they are slowly drying in the tent.
Afghani dried pretty quickly but humiditys going back up in the containers.

I’ve got a few bugs nibbling on the sunset vibes auto outside,I took the air compressor and blew it off, it’s flowering so no spraying going on

I think it may be these bugs killing my old poplar(maybe leaf miners?)
They don’t eat very many holes, they damage the leaf and it folds in half then they web it up.
They also shed theirs exoskeleton as they grow I believe because these white specs are everywhere


The 4th pic down looks like something out of a horror movie!


Ya man it’s been happening since I moved here and getting worse each year on this old tree there is worse sections I can get pics of
Any ideas I can get closer more detailed photos


I just use my zoom on the camera on my phone. My phone is way to expensive.


You should be able to upload that pic to somewhere in Google and get a diagnosis and treatments. Pretty big tree to be trying to treat without a trained monkey.



I have a certified arborist at my disposal and he said when I moved in this tree was at the end of its life cycle, along with a large blue juniper out front.
I feel like he would suggest cutting it down and finding something to replace it.

What would you guys do? I can definitely take the tree down if necessary. My friend can get the hardcore Chems if I wanted to attempt to spray,if he advised it.
I can’t really keep my outdoor weed plants too far away from the tree and I’m a little worried


The tree leaves look like they have PM.

Leaf hoppers create holes like that in my outside weed. They are like tiny grasshoppers.


The tree is sick and will soon be dying, best to plan when you can remove it.



Your right and another member pointed the PM out to me too.
Earlier in the season I was hopping it was just pollen because it was so shiny in the sun. But it is quite clear it has PM and the bugs going at it.

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I sent some pictures to my arborist friend and I assume he will say the same when he gets back to me