WubbaLubbaDubDub's Garden

Inkbird gave out some new monitors for review The IBS-TH2.
It’s a Bluetooth temp and humidity monitor that logs the data on graphs on your phone or other devices.
It’s a little slow to react to temp change but it settles in pretty accurate. Have been testing in my cacti tent since Sunday.
I think it’s good quality for the price(4-5X less than competition)I got mine free for a review just so people know Im probably a little biased.


I went shopping at the UFA today!
20kg alfalfa pellets 14.99
20kg soybean meal 18.99
20 kg molasses 34.99
22.68kg diatomaceous earth 37.79
Super cheap amendments, I always try to tell people to stock up there when possible.


That is like a 20(ish) lifetime supply!
Great pricing on everything! :sunglasses: :+1:



I use a surprising amount around the yard we’ll see how long it lasts this time lol.

If anyone in Canada has a hookup for cheap kelp meal20-25kg, I’m on the lookout for anything other than Gia Green.
Same with crabmeal 20-25kg and gypsum10-20kg


I scored some gypsum at a good price at regular nursery last year.
As near as I can tell you have to be on the coast to get a decent price on crab meal or kelp meal.



I found 25kg granulated gypsum for $36 at home hardware but it’s out of stock online and in store.
Might have to pay a little more for a smaller bag in the mean time

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Has pretty much anything you’d need not sure where your located this stores in Saskatchewan.


Whoa thank you for the link I never knew about them. They seem to offer GG kelp and another brand half price. That’s sick!
And 50lb gypsum $19 even if there is steep shipping I’m still ahead


WOW, that is crazy for gypsum. I can only get during spring for cheap. But, only $6 at home depot, no shipping. Now any other time $20 + $60-$80 shipping. I picked up three bags. :smile:
:green_heart: :seedling:


I grabbed 50 pounds of kelp and gypsum even with shipping it’s cheaper than local.

If you need neem meal the only place I’ve found it is reindeernatural in bc.


Heres another one for you to check out and compare prices.

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in Michigan, Tawas area and west branch area there are gypsum mines…


I didn’t know we had some. No wonder it is only $6 for 50#.
:green_heart: :seedling:


Day 49 of flower
Gave the afghani some neem meal yesterday, went and gave all of them som molasses water today.


As you can see the afghani will make it but that burn early in flower set her back for sure


ok this one closed up but theres more,

posted on March 3, 2016 by Mike Sonnenberg Posted in Forgotten Places, Historic Places, Michigan Historical Markers .

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alabaster Michigan

Alabaster, south of Tawas on Lake Huron, was named after a variety of gypsum discovered offshore by Douglass Houghton in 1837. Prospectors soon began searching for other gypsum deposits, and this quarry was opened in 1862 by B.F. Smith. Used at first as fertilizer and as an ingredient in plaster, gypsum is now used principally in the manufacture of wallboard. A fire in 1891 destroyed the operation but it was rebuilt in time to supply material for the main buildings at the Chicago Columbian Exposition of 1893. These buildings, with marble-like walls, earned the exposition the title “White City,” and greatly expanded gypsum sales. Incorporated into the U.S. Gypsum Co. in 1902, this quarry has helped make Michigan a leading producer of gypsum for over a century.

In 1898, the company name was changed to the Alabaster Company. In 1902, the mine was incorporated into the U.S. Gypsum Corporation. Housing for workers was constructed primarily in the period around 1910. The most visible and impressive structure in the district, the elevated marine tramway, was constructed in 1928 and the tramway stretched 1.3 miles out into the Saginaw Bay. Like a horizontal ski-lift, the cable system carries 72 “buckets” of gypsum to a waiting ship or to the storage bin. Each bucket holds more than two tons. The tramway included 6,450 feet of one and three-quarter inch steel cable and 14,000 feet of three-quarter inch cable. At a length of 6,350 feet, it was the longest over-water bucket tramway in the world. The tramway was demolished in the 1990s and the loading building in Lake Huron was torn down in 2020.

If you are looking for places in Michigan to explore I give detailed locations in my Lost In Michigan books which are available on Amazon HERE


Night 50
Still got lots of growing time left with these girls. I found my USB microscope in my closet, got lots of white hairs but I figured I’d take some pictures for fun.


Afghani’s are behind them and will probably go longer


Nice upclose pics bro, glad you found your scope. I just found mine not long ago, missed that thing.

For the Afghani being behind it looks like it’s the only one with cloudy trichs. Then again, I rarely use the scope for that reason, mainly go by eye and gut feeling. Probably why I lost the damn thing for soo long haha

It’s so fun to use though, especially on normal everyday stuff with the kids. Opens up a whole new world for them.


This is one of those reasons I wish we had the “Honey I Shrunk the Kids” Laser, where it was supposed to make it, so plants could be 100000x their normal size.

Imagine this…

Blowing up a bud, so it’s the size of a beachball, and pulling off a trichome and eating it.

…Yea, that was my dream the other night.


I like my 40X loupe but this thing is cool for pictures.
All of them have at least 2-3 weeks longer, the breeders recommended flower time on Godberry is 55+days but you know how breeders numbers are.

The afghani looking cloudy might just be the angle of the picture It has so many white hairs I just roughly pushed it up to it for the pic


I got one of those 60-1000x USB scopes too. Fixed up the flimsy base so it will fit in my good tripod cause there’s no f’n way to hold the thing steady enough by hand. Mine has a wifi unit so I can use my phone downstairs in the grow room to take pics. Was only $50.

Glad these bastards are long gone! Watching them in the video running across the trichomes was awful. Doesn’t slow them down at all. You can see the 8 little LED lights reflected on that mite egg on the right.


Some dry sift. I only have a 180µ screen and was surprised to see almost no plant material in there. I thought there would be lots.

