WubbaLubbaDubDub's Garden

Those microscopes are a MUST for anyone doing this IMHO. They are today’s loupe if you will. As you pointed out the weak spot is the stand or “thing” it comes with…pure junk. I like your stand set up. A proper stand turns these from kid toy to specialized tool.image


Way to keep an eye on things…still mostly clear…but the last one may be an earlier finish


Got most the cacti out today,time to chase the sun all summer

Edit- Same day,no need to post again.
Day 52 of flower

Other one

Maltezerz top


Now you just need a cart full of cannabis to chase the sun :laughing:


Yes your right now I need something for the four outside girls!


Are those some Blue Myrtle cacti on that cart?

Handsome collection!

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A lot of Peruvian torch, one Bolivian torch.possibly a little San Pedro and two little peyote.
Plus a golden barrel cacti and a old man cacti

The Peruvians get blue when happy and healthy

I need help with some identification on my peyote sp eventually if you can help?


The flash photography really highlights that cactus blue colour.

Yeah absolutely, have you seen your lophs bloom yet?

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Can’t you place them in the middle.of your backyard and leave them? Or you don’t have a clear cut backyard?


I haven’t had my lophs flower yet! Maybe one day.

I don’t actually need to chase the sun for the cacti,but we’re not past the risk of frost yet so this makes it easy to move them to the garage if I need to.


Have you done much sampling of your peruvian torch? From the little reading i’ve done it sounds to be the most mellow of common mescaline varities.


To tell you the truth I have yet to sample them, I’m at the point where I feel comfortable giving away cuttings and trading some so I guess I’m at the point I have grown enough I could chop and process some up for a dose and see


There’s nothing mild about it, especially not the flavour.

On the upside you can get a cutting the size of a corn cob from nearly any nursery across the Americas.


Around 2007 I consumed a solid 28 grams of the dried flesh I ordered online. One of the most enlightening and enjoyable experiences I’ve ever had. Puked half-way through the 12+ hour trip for 5-10 minutes. Very gradual come up, where you feel as though you’ve reached a plateau several times, only to find yourself steadily climbing higher. Comes on in waves, felt amazing.

Looking forward to doing it again, I’ve had many life changing experiences consuming entheogens. The biggest influence is the environment and mindset you have going into it.


Yeah, definitely not for the faint of heart :joy:

It’s hard to describe the taste to anyone who hasn’t tried it, but it is definitely some nasty stuff. Even when you add lemon/lime juice, the sludgey green taste just powers through lol

Gotta pay the price to go on the ride though, almost like a right of passage.


Day 54 flower
Not much to say

Big upgrade for my grow room came in today! kneeling pad with handles to get up easier. And if you flip it it’s a chair!


Love the table. I have the parts. Mind spinning. Oh BTW the plants look awesome!


Thanks friend.
My grandfather was a welder and made two of those tables out of a break rotar,horse bridals and a scrap sheet of metal

Edit- outdoor is coming along decently

who would have thought old tent pegs would come in so handy
40-45 in the sun today! 28-30 in the shade

@LabRat suggested covering my pots to give them shade in this extreme heat, what has everyone used at their place?
I’ve just got some plywood I had lying around for now

Edit- with lumber prices so high I might as well say I’ve wrapped them with gold woven silk


I do a lot of vaping so I save the vape weed for edibles and stuff.
I had 10.4oz of vaped weed I water cured for almost 4 weeks changing the water at least daily.
After it had lost most the dark colour in the water I squeezed it dry then baked it at my ovens lowest setting on 3 cookie sheets to dry it, making sure to stir very often like every 10-15 mins.
The end product was 9 oz of much better smelling vape weed. I’ll post a finished product next tent update.
Tonight I’m infusing 9 cups of coconut oil then going to strain it out through cheesecloth.

Starting a couple autos I just got in a recent auction !


Day 58 afghani has some red to her but I just didn’t have her happy most this run!
Some fox tails starting too, I’ll lower the daytime tempsimage|375x500
Godberry looking and smelling good

Maltezerz are coming along nicely

All four autos started but it’s raining and I’m lazy so they will be potted tomorrow, transferred to paper towel for the night.