WubbaLubbaDubDub's Garden

This looks like your setting up a alien dick on a Faraday cage to protect it from being abducted.

Man I got to lay off this weed.


Ahaha that would be sick I need a Faraday cage for sure!


Planted most the veggies I started at my in laws place.

The 4 weed plants I gave them are behind the garden
They got a Maltezers,afghani#1,Grand daddy purp and a papaya/NL


Plants looking good! Godberry was the first one I grew when I started up again, here.
Only had the one seed but ran her twice while I was figuring things out. Yours is looking better than mine was but I see some similarities. Was fantastic nighttime meds for me. Good for pain relief and insomnia. Hash+berry or berry+hash taste and smell depending on how she’s grown… anyways, just stopping by, keep up the good work please ^^


I was super surprised it was such a berry smell mixed with that nice hashyness.
I haven’t been collecting seeds long but I’m definitely missing some nice berry flavours


Hey @HolyAngel how did you post a link in just the word HERE?


Highlight a word and click the squiggly next to the quotes in the bar

It’ll bring up a box where you can put in a link for that word or phrase your highlighted. Or just hit the button and type it all out, no highlight necessary ^^


Oh cool. Thanks!

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I’ve been covering the outside stuff at night. My burlap must not be thick enough I’ve had two Roma’s killed out now and it looks like the corn got wiped out last night too.
Luckily I’ve got more to replace them but it’s frustrating after babying them so long.

Also life has been busy lately and I’ve been watering my weed tent later and later each day.
I’m considering getting some blumats to keep the soil moist in between waterings.
Anyone got any experience with them? I know I’ve seen and skimmed some threads with them.


For Frost protection I use a big square of cardboard and a trash bag It’s like an insulated roof and tent. But I must say I really don’t like your shallow square containers. I would suggest deeper is better. I used to do sog in super gulp cups. It worked because of their depth. I’ve had some limited success with the blumatts. They are decent but you need to test drive them for a bit before they can be totally trusted…hope this helps


Thanks for looking out friend! I usually have short bamboo poles to keep the burlap off the plants but some spots got missed this year.

I’ve been using these bins for 9-10years for different crops decent for potatoes,peas,tomatoes, peppers and most smaller stuff.
I over packed this one this year usually I wouldn’t even do corn at my place because you need to hill it but I have so much started I figured I might as well try.

I’m stuck with mostly these 18X24X18tall bins because I rent where I live currently and don’t feel like building raised beds to rip em out when I move and plant grass.


If you move your pots about a lot they are a pain, any movement will dislodge the carrot (moisture sensor) and if air gets down the side the carrot will dry out and the water will just keep dripping through until the res is dry. Twice I came down to 40 liters of water all over the floor. I ran a perpetual grow so plants were going in and out every 3 weeks and each time you have to re set all the carrots and dial them in again.

If you dont move your pots much or are away from the plants for a while they are a good tool to use.


Thanks for the detailed response!
From the sounds of it they might work out pretty decent for my situation.
I start my seeds anywhere in the house I have room then eventually they go to 3gallon pots for veg in my tent, A little while before flip I upsize once. not a lot of moving just the one upsize.

Would you recommend one large res or maybe two smaller res’s on either side of the tent so I don’t have the hoses strung out as far?

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They recommend a minimum res size of 30 liters I think, for them to work correctly,
placed aboutt 2ft above the pots height.

So I just at went with 1 x 50 liter res.


I currently have a 45L/12gallon I keep my water aerated in until I use it and it’s 19 inches off the ground you think that’s gonna have enough gravity behind it?

I was thinking one of these on each side of the tent, I’ll have to build a little stand for them at 24+inches I guess


I think that would be good enough, try it like that before building one.

Check their website to make sure, I am thinking back about 2 years now, so might not be 100%.

They have vids on YouTube as well showing hot to set them up.


Day 46 of flower.
The afghani#1’s are starting to get dense and put on some weight,definitely slowest to this run to show.
The afghani have continued to yellow more than I’d like I’m considering top dressing 2TBS neem seed meal tomorrow on them.

The god berry has smaller buds they are thickening up a bit, no crazy nutritional issues with her luckily.

Last but definitely not least the maltezerz. This one is looking really promising,decent sized buds and very frosty


I think they look nice. Good job man.


Wow! They’re beauties! Congrats! Look dense!


Absolutely killin it! Very nice buddage!