WubbaLubbaDubDub's Garden

Day 62 all still growing. Afghani is looking a little rough but I hope she’ll make it

Had some fox tails happening so I lowered the temps

Coconut oil turned pretty dark but it works pretty well

I need more jars the rest is in a bowl for now

Outdoor is coming along nicely
Blueberry cookies auto tied down

‘Fem cheese’ photo tied down
Sunset vibes auto tied down
‘Fem sour diesel tied down’ photo
The 4 autos I started are all outside in 4.5 gallon pots with humidity domes to keep the soil warmer during this rainy week


Well it happened a little earlier than I wanted but the G13 labs- Sunset Vibes auto is starting to flower

Im charging my USB microscope to check out the plants in the tent today.
I have had nothing but trouble with the afghani#1’s.first I burnt them with a heavy dose of insect frass and GG power bloom which wasn’t the end of the world,then it seemed like I either had a buildup in the soil or my ph was all outta whack. Now It looks like I’m starving her and she’s consuming all the leaves she has left,I think regardless the afghani needs to come down even if the trics aren’t where I want them at this point.
I can’t blame anyone but myself and just aim to learn from these mistakes.

So here’s the update day 64. The afghani look pretty rough but the trics don’t look that bad considering,id say it’s timber on these two


Day 65 I chopped down the afghani today earlier than I would have preferred but, it’s not the end of the world right?
I learned if your gonna chop out half a net you better make sure it’s still secured to the polls really well after because this is what I walked into afterwards today lol

fixed it well enough to finish the Godberry and Maltezerz


So here’s the random seed from a herm problem last grow.
I didn’t pay attention what plant it came off so I just tossed it into my chives over the winter.
I’ve already posted about it somewhere else on OG but I figured I’m gonna let the little runt go and see if it even lasts the season.
Could possibly be papaya/Hindu or Papay/Northern lights.

Little more room to breath
Beautiful day otherwise!
Gotta eat some kale this week my carrots aren’t getting any sun anymore
Wildflowers for the bees,butterflies and hummingbirds


Spent a little time in the sun today training down the girls.
Sunset vibes auto. blue smart pot

Blueberry cookies 7 gallon pot
Fem cheese 7 gallon
Fem sour diesel 7 gallon

Edit- we had some bad rain and hail the last few days and the killer Mandarin auto seeding from Urban Legends rotted out. It’s a bummer I was excited about that one!
But I started a Fighting Gorilla Auto from Urban Legends as a replacement


I made up a batch of tea for the yard and outdoor plants today with rainwater.
2.5-3 cups EWC mine and some store bought.
2.5-3 cups mushroom compost.
2 cups of my compost
Cup kelp meal
Cup+ alfalfa meal
1/8 cup fish fish hydrolysate powder
And a big glug of molasses from the 5 gallon pail

I need to buy another bigger airpump my last one died over the winter


Outta likes but that is some nice tea!!


Thanks friend!
I thought about putting in some neem meal or something else too but I figured with the powdered cod it might be a bit hot


Yea I think what you have right now is plenty. Good thing you buy in bulk lol, keep gluggin that molasses brotha!!


Nice thing is I just take all the leftovers and dump it in my flowerbeds and top dress so no waste


Hell yeah that stuff is gold! I couldn’t even imagine anyone throwing it out or wasting it somehow. Even when I brew small batch compost teas or SSTs for indoor, the stuff that’s leftover doesn’t go to waste.


Do you let it sit for, say, 12 to 24 hours!? Or pump some air too? That’s what I’d call a serious concoction!!! Thanks!! :hugs: :clap: :clap: :clap:


I’ve just got a 2 outlet aquarium airpump going since earlier today.I’d like to grab one of those 1/4 inch diameter airpumps again soon.

I usually brew my compost teas 18-24 hours,depending on temperature and such.
I just harvest when it’s starts to get super foamy,it will foam up over the rim and I know it’s ready
I generally water my teas down 50% with rainwater when I use them,especially if I’m using fish or animal powders


Day 70 flower we’re getting close I was gonna post microscope pics but it died after I checked em out without pictures of course lol

Sunset vibes auto outside is flowering too
That big bucket of tea got spread all around the yard, see how everything reacts tomorrow.
I ended up watering it down 50-60% with rain water


Fresh bud coming right up! I have to get my girls flowering by the end of the month to make sure they are cut and cured before I want to go to BC in Oct.

Feeling like crap again tonight so sat here and did a grow journal for the girls outside and off to bed now.



Looking choice Dub!


Thanks man this is my first crop outdoors, I hope it goes well. I’m already noticing I should have gone bigger than 7 gallon pots
Fem Sour diesel 7 gallon

4.5 gallon

Cheese 7 gallon

Blueberry cookies auto 7 gallon
Flowering sunset vibes auto,blue smart pot
Acid Kush auto,mazarilla auto,fighting gorilla auto 4.5 gallon pots


I hear ya man I’m going to a cabin with my gf pretty soon and I’m already bugging people to feed my cats, I’m gonna have to boveda my weed I’ll have curing, I’m not bugging/asking or trusting people to burp my containers
This hobby gets in the way sometimes if you don’t plan out your runs accordingly


Drill a hole in a 5 gal pail at the bottom, put in an air line with stone. Drill a hole in top and throw in a check valve. Throw it on a timer. Problem solved. I actually need to make a ton of these for this years harvest coming…


I watched a video on YouTube of that I thought it looked like a really cool idea.they also had a one way valve up top going out so it doesn’t pressure up and kill the pump over time.

I have airline and a million check valves I literally have everything required to make those just need some better pails.
So you have done this with good success? I don’t like trying new things(especially off YouTube) unless it’s tried and true