Yeah I know....but Coldflame's back on his skunk shhhh

The Appalachian Skunk looks good from other pics I seen.
The devil strain looks strong too. Got my chair reclining ,Gonna watch this. :grinning:


I have one of Caleb’s Triangle Kush x UK Cheese about to hit 3 weeks flower and several other ones still in veg. From what I can tell, the UK Cheese definitely brings an interesting smell to the hybrid, but nothing about it is skunky in the least. I would definitely take cuttings of the UK Cheese plants before flipping, if I were you. Skunk or not, they should be fairly unique and I personally fancy unique in the cannabis gene pool these days. I wish you well with your grow! Positive vibes…



I mainly got the cheese s1 to breed and head stash. I’m thinking a ass/afkansastan/×18 or hippyhashplant male. To dust one of the cheese might make interesting offspring to say the least


Shits getting real…:v:t5:I can already smell em. Super stoked about these.


Just popped 2 more of the ass x afk/x18 and a couple ass x chocd gems from useful. The skunk talk got me moving. Keep us posted my friend.


Damn that ass/choc d sounds awesome. Happy hunting. I have two ass/afkansastan/×18 f2 in flower bout a wk now.


I hope they turn out good.
That hillbilly skunk sounds promising.

I’d be happy to trade a few if you wanna try some of these too.
Happy growing man!!!


Quick peek into the tent. It’s slow but its coming…a cpl non skunks in there . Wormwood v2, and a cpl tk/nl5hz. Every other seedling is some type of skunk :v:t5:


Oh sooo many beautiful babies you got there. I applaud you dude. I think we all need a lil more skunk in our lives… Me and my wife were just talking about how bud was the first thought back in the day when that skunk smell hit out in the woods :joy:

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I’ve been thinking itll be cool if us here at og did something like how sk1 was made. We pick a verital…like a pure afghan…haze… . Ect…and work it. Everyone in it must take it work it breed it and pass it to the next…always keeping the core stock to go back to core if things get sideways…I’m sure if anyone can we ogs can find the new haze,skunk,nl…ww…ect. I suggest we start with as close to original stock as possible like something from shanti…being hes the best bet to having Neville original breeding genetics. The stuff being made nowadays are cool but damn this bottle necked hype grass✌🏾


That would be awesome… I hope it comes to fruition for sure


Only on some stuff.
Anyway I got the maple leaf from sensi if ghani is the way your looking.
Which is as close as you’ll get to Nevils work.


You know I’m down for it. I recently found out sensi maple leaf is 3/4 maple and a 1/4 sk genetics…so hell yeah stuff like that. Or even dla 9 from bodhi kush4×88g13hp


Good luck in your skunk hunt! I’ve done a fair amount of searching too but no luck yet. One of these days someone will find it, and isolate it.


I’m working an Afghani now that a friend gave. She smells good so far.
Just flipped to 12/12 a week ago.
Any one see the black Afghani from Sannies? Looks nice.


Great thread I’ll tag along
Some interesting genetics !


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Fester skunk and all plants I grew were really stinky I have one now smells like baby shit.


Its fester sk?


I got a bunch of TNF plants and bred them with Duke Diamonds stuff the one that smells like baby shit is Hoodoo x Red Eye Skunk .I also did Granny Sk x OGre sk (ufs x dethstar) I grew about 10 dominion and 12 different TNF strains all of them exceptional smoke and smells nothing too loud tho but that could be my growing them. Did bunch of plants and brreders.

The granny dethstar UFs plant is rank Ilove it that granny skunk was real strong bud too last year(seeded)