You post, $1 is donated per OG to OverGrow

Thanks ! Donated a while back but forgot how -


I’ll smoke to that! and the BOG and/or OG rosin balls look like just the ticke! :wink:

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This is great awesome people here in the OG!


That is some cash.,

Greetings @Heliosphear …just found this thread from a link on @alwaysnoob thread and I love and respect your cause. It’s been a few months since I joined OG and got lots of good vibes and super genetics. I am from India and the grow scene is just about starting up here though it’s not yet legal lots of people are getting into it and we have a few Indian seed banks as well but only 2x2 grow tents as of now.
Whishing you all the best and have a great weekend :v:&:green_heart:

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