Your worst bad trip

I take them for for ptsd in small doses. Always been an avid user of Lucy. Love is liquid. I love psychedelics. but when your dealer says eat em all and your 12, …just don’t listen.


I have no clue. I was young.


It was a 1/4 bag of dust in a turkey bag. It was a prank my dealer pulled on me. Then was Like dude for real. Total miscalculation on my part and I was young. Would never do that again. They said the dust was weaker. And I fell for it. Never took them before that.


The only bad experience ive ever had was withdrawing off of opiates while trippin in a couple tabs of L, i suggest that noone ever does this, not the funnest trip🙁


I know what you mean my friend.

This is wrong on so many levels. I’m really sorry you had to go through that. Did you ever eat any fungus after that?


I still do everyday for my ptsd…


That was just a bad effing trip!!!


Like a bunch of other posts I think my worst trip was underestimating a strong batch of cannabutter. I had a cookie that turned out to be way stronger than I had anticipated right before walking to a nearby bar to grab food.

We got to the bar and I was about halfway through my second beer when I started to feel funny. Next thing I know, I’m waking up on the floor of the bar with a circle of people around me. I guess I had completely passed out mid-sentence and was out cold for almost a minute.

The owners called an ambulance and would not let me leave even though I kept insisting I was fine. Ambulance shows up and EMTs start checking me out - I tell them that I was just too stoned and fortunately they let me walk home.

Worst part was, for whatever reason, this event brought some issues with anxiety to the surface that I had to deal with over the next eight years or so. Anyway, always start small with edibles :dizzy_face:


Yeah man, cannabutter Is killer if you do underestinates It or eat too much.Very possible to get bad trips out of it


Worst trip for me was on acid. Me and the wife were at hulaween down south here, and if you live down south in the middle of no where fog starts rolling in late at night down here in october. We were both having a bad trip and wanted to leave. So I had to drive us out of the grounds. Drove about a tenth mile down a trail and I see red and blues flashing ahead of us with no way to turn around and I sure as hell wasn’t finding out what was going on. So I ended backing up all the way out of the trail we went down. Mind you I was still floored and about 5-6 hours deep. Luckily I got us out of the grounds and drove an hour and half home. Another time I was at camp bisco and our crew was walking up on a Skrillex (not my cup of tea music wise, was there for the biscuits) set and it was a very dark energy he was putting out that I wasn’t vibing with and put me in a bad head space. Throwing up pentagrams and baphomet images on the screens with red lights and pyro going off.


Agreed same… worst trip was acid… I’m not going into explaining mine… it involved tear gas and me getting jumped by my “friends” and left for dead in the middle of a road unconscious… good times! By the way… the military issue tear gas did nothing… that’s how hard I was tripping… I woke up and thought the end of the world came… walked to town… cops picked me up because they said there was a “burglary” ha! Fat chance… deffo wasn’t me… but I was able to get back home no charges… ridiculous memory… I sure hope I see those “friends” again


We were once really drunk and hired a gang of teenage street toughs with liquor and smokes to beat up a friend of mine.

“Don’t hurt him just swarm him.” He was high as balls. It was funny.


Lmao… that’s hilarious… @Foreigner


Me and psychedelics used to get along quite well when I was younger. The closest I ever came to a “bad trip” was once when I ate like a quarter of a shrooms and they just tore my stomach to hell. It was mostly the feeling in my stomach and being hyper focused on it. There was like 6 of us and at some point I got passed a bowl and for the first time ever passed. It made it like 2 more people away from me and I was like “what the hell am I doing? pass that back!”. I ended up on the side of the house throwing up and they had a big black oil tank on the side of the house. I knew it wasn’t talking to me, and it wasn’t audible, but in my head I was imagining a deep boomy voice that I knew was the tank saying “what’s up buddy, having a rough night?”. From what I remember puking helped even me out.

Another weird one was when I smoked weed one of the first times a few years ago after not smoking for over a decade. I smoked and it was like my body locked up and I was FUCKED UP. I remember trying to distract myself by messing around online but I could barely read the webpages. I turned my head to look at the tv and the colors coming off of it were fucking crazy and 3d. Never expected that from weed and it freaked me out a but for like 2 hours or so. Then out of nowhere it completely flipped and went from trippy to feeling like a straight opiate high. I remember it feeling so amazing that I thought I would fight through the trippy part again if it meant feeling the good part afterwards in the future. I slept like a baby that night.


Never from weed, but if you want to hear about my first trip on lsd tag me up​:eyes::brain::surfing_woman:

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c’mon man! :laughing:

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Getting jittery just thinking back😜

went to a friends place in massachusets for a funeral… we were int he car going home… packed car everyone talking im in front seat. friend says hey i have edibles in that bag… take some… so i say… how many should i eat at once… aparently she didnot hear me.everyone is talking at once. said 2… um.i said are you sure… she said yes sooo. lol i ate them. 40 min later… im sitting in the chair… reminding myself to breath… and literally expierencing past lives. lol poor friend was next to me… im just sitting there still and breathing… drank alot of water to help flush things throuhg lol… as i was finally coming back to normal… i gave her the sideeye… and said… i thought you said 2… to take two… then said… i would make one hell of a piss poor druggie… loli scared the shit out of myself that day… lol


Considering the last time I did shrooms (2,5 grams cubensis) in my early twenties gave me an absolute horror of paranoia, feeling like being forced to sit by and watch my personality dissolve, I cannot imagine the ordeal you’ve had to suffer. But then again, I would have guessed that no one would be able to come back from the amount you ingested even half human.

Just out of interest, did it change they way you feel other substances? E.g. I had a high tolerance to weed before that shrooms trip and was basically able to ingest whatever dosis of any weed or hash without any trouble. It might paralyze me physically at some point, but I never experienced an overwhelming mental state before that experience. After that, however, I was kinda vulnerable to the more psychodelic sativas giving me anxiety fits.
Did you notice anything like that about yourself at all?


i’m not sure if it counts as a ‘trip’ since it was only pot brownies but one of the first times i ate pot brownies i made them myself. i didn’t make a proper judgement of dosage so i ate 2 giant brownies which in reality was probably 8 strong brownies. i was all fucked up on my bedroom floor and realized i should lie down. bad idea, i felt stuck to my bed… free-falling from the sky at a fast pace for what felt like 8 hours. my serious fear of heights and more specifically falling from heights hadn’t really developed yet but that would have been terrible if it was as bad as it is today. i’ve only had edibles maybe 10 times and only once was it a positive experience. i stay the hell away from edibles.