Your worst bad trip

Nope, it was just terrible. I lost language and everything. I didn’t know who I was, where I was or what. It was intensly horrible. Won’t ever do it again. Now I microdose and am very good on this path. That was epic. Epicly dumb. I would never ever recommend it to anyone. It was hard-core. I didn’t say but I was tripping, like on a whole different planet for 2 weeks already. Shit was fuckin insane. Most intense thing ever. I’m never going to get over it lmao. The results were horrible and bad, as psychosis was not a great place to be…but I have to admit I met the maker and all their homies lmao


Interestingly enough, although my dosage was waaaaayyy lower, I experienced quite the same, just not that intense. Without the loss of language, too. Still, all basic cognitive concepts seemed to “vanish into thin air” (to quote Shakespeare). It was like desperately trying to hold on to my own mind and it still ran through my fingers like sand. Really everything gone. I remember my buddy said to me “shit, I gotta be at work tomorrow morning” and I just thought “what du fuck is ‘work’?” I knew that word, but I couldn’t for the life of me put any meaning to it. At that point it hit me, that this is gonna be dangerous as I couldn’t access even basic concepts in my brain anymore. And from there it was all a fucking nightmare.


Yep it was a whole new level. And I never plan on reaching it again.


Me neither. Never touched any psychodelic again. Because it was clear that I couldn’t approach it with a positive mind anymore and was sure the panic would hit me again at some point. And when panic hits on any psychodelic, your f’ed. :sweat_smile:


I still take them all the time. Just not epic amounts. Keeps me right lol, it’s more of a medication now. Imo


So, would you mind sharing how that works? I’ve obviously heard of microdosing, but I have no real idea how it works. How much do you take? You take it every day? Is there any noticable psychotropic effect or does it only put your mind at ease, so to speak, like avoiding panic or anxiety?


I was microdosing a .25 of a gram every 3 days. There was no distinguishable difference between before or after a dose, except for feeling calm and happy. It got to the point where I just forgot to take it because it resolved the anxiety and depression I was experiencing.


I take small amounts ranging from .25 to.75 gs and it helps my ptsd. My ptsd is pretty bad were if I’m not doing a task or something it manifests in my head and wrecks me. The mushrooms help immensely, I got of ketamine. It wasn’t helping.


omg, so many crazy stories here, guys. I didn’t even expected. Hope it won’t happen to any of you again :pray:

I’ve never had a very bad reaction with weed. The worst for me was some bad paranoia with anxiety after smoking some mexican brick weed.

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Never any bad trip with weed or shrooms but one time when I was grounded at 16 in high school (for being arrested selling weed) my parents were making a trip to the casino bout about an hour away and I was supposed to stay inside grounded but I had a buddy pick me up and I dropped 3 tabs of acid 30 mins or so before he scooped me. It started off super fun and hardest trip yet. Then after an hour at his crib, we hopped in the car for him to bring a sale to some dude. I remember smoking a cigarette and it looked like purplish and two of them and I just started thinking like wait what if I get caught while I’m sneaking out doing this, what if my parents don’t stay as late as im expecting and I started tripping very hard tweaking. My buddy brought me home after the sale and I went in my room, closed the door, put on fear and loathing Las Vegas, and sat under my blanket with my eyes closed scared till I fell asleep. But every other time I did acid it was the funnest nights of my life :rofl::rofl:


One year I threw a 420 party, and decided to bake a batch of special brownies. This would have been maybe around 2004. I was still growing back then, and turned about five pounds of trim into a half cup of butter in a big stockpot well ahead of time.

That was a grievous mistake.

I got high, got the munchies, and pretty much destroyed the whole pan by myself because I have zero self control :rofl:


Dropped 12 hits of blotter (nice print of smurfs dancing arround a bonfire) while at Grateful Dead show at Portland Meadows in '95. Felt as though I was trapped in a Robt Williams painting. Puked horendously in a blue oildrum garbage can during Cuck Berry’s set. Eventually walked 12 miles home tripping balls, periodically stopping to dryheave and look into the maw of Chaos. The worst part was the relentless dryheaves that accompanied lapping waves of psychedelia.


Once when I was 19, I got all piggy about it and took too big a hit of hash smizzoke|nullxnull and collapsed my left lung. xwi2Y3G That was pretty fucked up. Every breath felt like someone stabbing me on that left side with a red hot ice pick. The worst lasted maybe 2 days. Within maybe 3 weeks I was fully recovered. Sadly, my friends had finished all the hash, the fuckers! ROFLMAO

Other than that, I’ve only had good experiences with weed. Gnome & shroom

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I never had one…

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Smoked some DMT alone in the desert miles from any paved roads with my back up against a canyon wall.
Sun was going down and I heard some noises in the bushes. Started seeing massive werewolf-Coyote hybrids and heard them snarling and surrounding me.
Panicked and foresaw my death being ripped apart by these monsters.
Started crying then got angry. Something in me clicked and I decided I wouldn’t die backed up against a wall next to a dying fire.
Picked up a stick and ran towards these monsters I saw, fully accepting my death. I didn’t want to die a coward.
When I ran into the bushes a flock of birds flew up and away. I hallucinated the whole thing. There was nothing there but birds. I ended up running back to my car after that. It was intense and scared the living shit out of me. That was the last time I did DMT.

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