Zenki’s Indoor/Outdoor Garden 2020

whats the need for the testing on them just curious? but looks great man will be following along comparing my stardawg for sure

I am sending off some testers I got from @SCJedi for testing because they are non feminized. My Stardawg is feminized but these Nigerian Sunshine x Goji OG testers are not.

Space is precious for me so if I can eliminate potential males early, I end up saving space and resources.

I will def be following yours as well! The Stardawg I got seems to be really strong compared to the LSD I started at the same time.


Definitely not Orange Goji. Those are Nigerian Sunshine pollinated with Goji OG pollen.

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Welcome back



I should have referred to my lables lol.

Hoping to get those results back by the end of the week. A couple of them are looking strong.

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right on makes sense

Started a little LST on this Stardawg a few days ago. It seems to be doing well and I am going to be re tying down soon.

First time trying LST. I ran zip ties around the plant to prevent any cutting from the twine.


Hey everyone.

Still running LST on the plants. Got them all in their final pots and they are doing pretty well with the organic nutrient mix I have been running. Lots of budsites with the LST.

Both my Stardawg and LSD have started showing signs of something abnormal.

I am not sure if this is potentially light related? Maybe time to move the lights up a bit. Figured I would see what you guys thought.

This leaf was the worst example of all. It is very minor in other places but this was the best I could get.

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Stardawg Checkin’ in.

It’s crazy to look back at previous posts and see the progress. I love it.

Filling out her pot nicely


Yeah they take off pretty quickly. Lookin good

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Thank you! This is my first time doing any LST and I most say it’s pretty fun.

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Besides harvest I would have to say training is my favorite part of growing.

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Lately I have been smoking a bunch of Tahoe OG and really enjoying it. Well I was grinding some down and found a little bean.

Been on a heat mat in damp towels for about 12 hours now and already has a nice little taproot.

As of right now I’m just going to throw this in my last remaining 10 gal outside when big enough and see what happens.

Not to get ahead of myself but if I were able to successfully add this to my garden, I would be VERY happy. Cheers.

(PS don’t tell my wife I was messing with her fancy new lightbox while she was at work)


Happy Sunday all.

I am at a point where I have a decision that needs to be made. My LSD and Stardawg are both ready to be flipped to flower. However my Nigerian Sunshine x Goji tester in my tent seems to be stunted and never really caught up.

The Nigerian Sunshine has struggled with pests here and there and it does not seem to have reacted super well to the LST I attempted to run on it. Maybe they are just slower growers. I will have to reach out to @SCJedi before I make any decisions.


I re-arranged the office today.

Since switching to flower, my tent temps have been rising higher than I would like. With lights on I was approaching 85 degrees Fahrenheit and I decided I had to do something.

Fingers crossed my wife doesn’t notice my Jimmy rigged ac running to my tent :upside_down_face: This is also my first time running carbon filter outside of a tent.

I am going to have to reconfigure my fan parameters because this baby gets chilly now.


About a week and a half since I flipped to 12/12 now.

Yesterday I gave a heavy trim now that they are flipped. I took a bunch off. It may be their final trim unless I for some reason feel they need a trim at week 3. After that I wont touch them.

Although the Stardawg has been the strong grower the whole grow, my LSD is showing lots of pistils early.



Thanks for making pictures in daylight, I hate those burpled and yellowish HPS shots. Neat and nice installation you’ve got, good harvest to come … :sunglasses:

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Haha i hear ya. I can’t wait to upgrade my lighting.

I am really hoping so myself. The Stardawg was a heavy vegger compared to the LSD but after almost 2 weeks if flower they have equalled out. Super interesting to see.


Little outdoor work this morning.

Now that it’s really heating up I moved these girls into a different area where they get some filtered sunlight throughout the day. I also got them off of that hot cement.

Barney’s LSD has a month head start on the Nigerian Sunshine x Goji crosses.

This Nigerian x Goji that has been outdoor it’s whole life has been loving her new spot and that early morning sun. Lots of growth and improvement in the past week.

A combination of spinosad and their new location seems to have helped with pests. I spotted two aphids last night but we are on our way to control. I also have a few Praying mantis I found recently on some of my citrus trees so I am sure they have been helping out.



Looking good my friend…keep it up

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