Zenki’s Indoor/Outdoor Garden 2020

Thank you kindly!

This Nigerian X Goji has been absolutely stacking up the past few days now that she is no longer battling pests. She seems super happy.

I also may have an opportunity coming up to be a part of a large commercial grow after some conversations today with a colleague. I’m still out of work and want to learn so the prospect is exciting to me.


I’ve never grown outside but would love the opportunity. Your soil looks nice as well and your plants look to be loving it. Do you cook it first or just mix and go?

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The soil that I used for these outdoor plants was cooked in some totes for a few weeks before I went into it.

My indoor soil is the same soil (Royal Gold Mendo Mix) but I used that straight up since I did not have the time to cook it.

All of the soil I am using is on its first run so it was already charged with nutes and it got me through about a month of veg on its own.

I really like the Royal Gold mix for my climate and plan on re amending it for more uses going forward.
I might even try their Basement Mix which is the same thing with no nutes so that I can amend myself.

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Day 18 of flower checkin’ in.

I tried what was the heaviest defoliation I have ever done when I put these girls into flower and I was a little bit nervous they wouldn’t like it. Happy to say they are doing well and they have been loving the Roots Organics bloom uprising it seems.

Stardawg Checkin’ in.

And the LSD.


Outdoor update.

Pest control has been on point. I noticed a white crab spider on one of my plants so hopefully he sticks around.

I think this Nigerian is going to be an absolute monster come harvest time.

Nigerian Sunshine x Goji OG

And the LSD


Even though I originally planned on running one of these Nigerian Sunshines without any topping/LST I decided to top her down today. Her growth has been so explosive that I won’t be able to handle the height come harvest time.

So pretty.


One month later and my seedsman order arrived. Not too bad of a turnaround considering everything that has been going on.

Decided to try some autos for the first time ever next run. Figured I would run them alongside my clones.

Colorado Cookies and Think Different by Dutch Passion.

Auto Gelato, White Widow, Amnesia, and Blueberry as well as the photo Super Silver Haze and mystery bag were all freebies.



Day 29 of flower and the Stardawg is throwing amber pistils. Both plants are starting to get nice and frosty. Excited to see what is to come.


Barney’s LSD


Day 44 of flower. Chunky girls. Sorry I’m not great at taking photos.

Had a little bit of nute burn going from overdosing the Root Organics Bloom mix but it is all good now.

Barney’s LSD



Day 56 of flower. LSD seems like she is almost ready but very low amber still.


Outdoor Update

Both of the Nigerian Sunshine crosses are loving the summer heat in my area. They have proven to really acclimate well to my environment and although they initially struggled with pests, they are doing amazing now.

They are almost taller than my outdoor wall despite two toppings already. I am so happy with them. @SCJedi

The larger one was the plant that vegged indoor and got moved outdoor since it was struggling. Now look at her…


Little bit of good news:

A buddy of mine has a grow setup that he never got around to using. Lighting, tent, fans, the whole 9. Literally all of it is still sitting in boxes in his garage for ages.

Yesterday I reached out to him to buy his tent off of him so that I can hang dry my crop later this week in one tent and have a second tent to start my next run in. He was so kind that he offered it to me for free! I still want to try to offer him something in return but as of right now I should have my second tent set up by Thursday. I believe it is an opulent tent by the looks of it and it is a 4x4.

Now rather than building a Bridgelux lighting setup for my 2x4, I will have to reconfigure something for the 4x4.


White Crab spider snagged some lunch on my outdoor LSD plant.


Alright ladies and gentlemen. Been a busy day and some decisions have been made.

These will be the last pictures of these girls before they go dark and get chopped Friday. I gave them their final water yesterday and I will go lights out Thursday night most likely.

Stardawg on the left. Barney’s LSD on the right.

I have really loved this Stardawg. She vegged heavy. Had a slow early flower. And went all out the past two weeks. She has developed BEAUTIFUL colors (reds, purples, orange and yellows) as I dropped their lights off temps and she ran through her remaining nutrients. She got super resiny in the past week as we approach day 70. She seems to be one of those strains that keeps throwing white pistils all the way until the end. Super sweet and fruity smelling almost like a bowl of fruity pebbles. She had more of a citrus/pine smell the first half of flower.

LSD… Nothing out of the ordinary in veg. But once she got flipped she showed why she is cup-winning genetics. Absolutely packed on weight in week 4-5 of flower and can hardly support her massive buds. The training I ran on her allowed her central nugs to develop nicely and she is honestly one of the easiest growing plants I could ask for. She was a late developer in terms of her Trichomes as she barely started getting her amber in week 9 of flower. Earthy and mildly sweet tones on the nose of this beauty.

I can’t lie, a part of me is always sad when it is time to chop. I could not have asked for a better couple of girls to get me back into growing which is something I have always loved to do. I will give them a proper dry and cure so as to respect these beauties to the end.

This brings me to what is next… I’m going to run some autos for the first time ever.

I have been advised by a lot of the old-time cultivators I know, to stay away from autos. That they aren’t worth my time. And they have no terps.

I guess we shall see then!

I plan on running 2 of the Colorado Cookies and 2 of the Think Different by Dutch passion. I would like to run a single Amnesia Auto I have but maybe you guys can advise me if 5 autos in a 4x4 would be fine on space.

This auto grow represents me catching up with the times and trying something new. It will allow me to theoretically harvest about the same time as my outdoor and then go straight into my photo winter grow indoor (I have some Super Silver Haze OG I can’t wait to run).

Thank you all if you have read this far, and thank you for all of the help/advice you have given to me.



Five autos in a 4x4 should be just fine. They tend to stay on the smaller side.

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Awesome I will try to get one or two of the Amnesia autos in the mix as well.

I have been doing some research since Autos are foreign to me and I have seen mixed reviews on pot sizing for them. Some say 1 gal, some say 3, some say 5. Do you have any personal insight on that by chance?

Thanks Reiko

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I like 3-gallon pots for autos, personally.


Not sure if I can un-delete my previous post but let’s try again… Lol

Trimming Stardawg after she hung for a week.

I forgot how much of a chore this part was :rofl:

Super piney smelling and my finger hash is making this hard to type.

Nothing to write home about but better turnout so far than I thought


Sup y’all, it’s been a minute.

I will have to get around to changing the title as it has been nearly a year. No outdoor this year but I have spent a lot of time dialing in my system in the past year.

I moved up to a 5x5 for a bit but my lighting was rather poor. After a couple of mediocre runs I decided to scale back down to the modest 4x2 but dial it in as much as possible to get the most out of the small space. I was determined.

I ended up investing in an Electric Sky ES 180 which fills the 4x2 perfectly. I experimented with it for one run and I quickly learned how bright that thing was. I learned that the hard way as I was initially giving my small test plants too much light. I was able to get it figured out by the end of that run and have been running it through its second grow for the last few months.

At this point I had my environment and lighting dialed in, my nutrient regiment had remained unchanged for the most part (although I did start adding in some of the Xtreme Gardening Mykos and Azos). The last piece of the puzzle was genetics.

I had never really invested in top tier genetics. Freebies, bag seeds, and the more affordable breeders. Barney’s had served me well but I was looking for those next level genetics.

I ended up picking up a bunch of Exotic Genetix, Solfire, and some Mac crosses by Local Boy Seeds and I was excited to finally give them a shot in the most perfect environment I had created in years.

I am currently running 3 plants in 3 gallon pots in the tent, with a trellis to fill it out. Royal gold soil, GH trio with a few other products in the mix. Under the ES 180.

All 3 plants are Exotic Genetix’ Apes in Space (Falcon 9 x Grease Monkey). They are true to the Exotic Genetix genes with crazy amounts of frost out to the fans. Photos really do not do justice and I will have to take some lights out photos to show just how covered they are.

The middle plant is the keeper pheno out of the three. Short and squat, looking very dense, and beautiful colors. The right hand plant is much more leggy and I’m curious to see if she stacks up as well as the others.

I will make a point to document the rest of this grow on here and I look forward to seeing what you all have been up to.

Take care.

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Crazy what 2 weeks will do.
These ladies are packin on some weight.
Pheno #1 has those crazy Exotic Genetix crowns emerging.
Pheno #2 is still the star of the show with the plant structure, weight, and trich production (gorgeous colors too).
#3 stretched a lot more and has packed on some serious weight. She seems to be a bit behind the other 2.
#1 and #2 have enough amber to where I would consider chopping but #3 needs another week.

Pheno #1

Pheno #2

Pheno #3

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