Zipolite Oaxacan x Acapulco Gold, Wolfman, Holy Congo, Panamalawi x Angola and Mo


I just cut one of (upstate’s) Double Panama red. at two nodes.
Past run I had I let them go to four or five.

The plants go kinda lanky…( foto 3

So we can see how this goes…

I got one just now coming up on 8 weeks(foto 2 ) nipped at fourth. So I try three this time.

It’s not to do with the strain quality…I’m ok with that…I just want to max harvest…

Edit…growing Equitorial…



That Supermassive Blackhole looks like a awesome cross nothing but good in that one.I’ve always been interested in African Vietnamese crosses I always thought they’d make some great crosses.


Those are some old school leaves I like the squat bushy structure that creeps like a vine.Those types were always the best for guerrilla grows.They hugged the landscape well and didn’t stick out as much.


Stoked to see you running the Double Panama Red, I finally picked up Ace’s Panama a few weeks ago after losing it years ago and have been waiting to pop those Double Panama until I could cross them with the Ace Panama. Do you have a journal going for these?

The topping should definitely help with those; just keep bending down the top two and try to keep them level with the node below. That seems to get the plant to start growing out since its getting resistance going up🤙


It’s phenomenal stuff. I was talking to John about different things I was looking to treat and he said I needed some of the strongest stuff he had, which was SMBH. It’s damn near the perfect plant and checks all the boxes, really unique in every way so I found a great Vietnamese leaning male and hit a more Malawi leaning female and the f2s are just as righteous as the parents. I’m happy to share them with anyone that will appreciate them, they’re really unique and special stuff.


Ye …I been growing them with good results …and a few hic ups.
But loving and preserving.

Follow us on this thread …comments welcome, as it’s a ongoing thread.

I will say one thing …the smoke is Ricccooo



Yeah as I describe above I try to grow them like a bush during veg and keep the internode spacing tight, so that they yield well and I don’t have height issues


This is what that Super Massive Black Hole F2 looks like. Haven’t smoked it yet, but couldn’t be more impressed with how it’s grown so far. Incredible resin production, really efficient growth habit, inclined to stretch significantly, putting out golf balls on the end of every branch. @ClassicGenetix can give you the terp breakdown and can accurately describe how it evolves during flower, pretty amazing.


If you have any spare F2s I’d like to try them that plant looks awesome


Wow great thread and I only caught the last half.

Glad I have some of these from you stashed away. Sounds like a keeper! 

I found a Very resinous Ace Panama plant, but the Ace version was not what I was looking for. I have close to 10 seeds off this plant. They are yours if you want them for breeding. Like a hash plant resiny.


Thank you hermano, I picked up a pack from Mandala a few weeks ago, so I should be all set and having grown it back in 2013, I recall it being exactly that. Strong, resinous and bulky. I’ll be hitting them with a Double Panama male from Snowhigh to open them up a bit.


Just got back from Mexico and it’s day 13 of 11.5/12.5 for the gals. Sour Diesel ended up male (it was a week behind the others but I flipped it anyway since it’s got such great structure for a male and healthy I’m collecting pollen) so I’m down to 5 girls in the 8x4. The Wolfman from Hyp3rids is gorgeous, she completely blew up about 3 days into flip and I’m now very excited for the next three months.

Zipolite Oaxacan x Acapulco Gold (Snowhigh):

Mextiza/Malawi Bastard:

Wolfman (TNF 95 Silver Haze x Vietnam Black/Nevil’s Haze):

Big Sur Holy Weed x Congolese Black:

Panama/Malawi x Angola Red OG with the thickest stems I’ve seen since the last Ace gear I ran :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::


I envy your large containers. One of these days I’m going to go big. Wish I had more room. Looking good!


Whaa. Mouth watering.

Todo Hermosa


Thanks hermano, I’m just starting my perpetual setup so I wanted to get these cooking, but I’m going to be doing some fun experiments with 10gal containers and 2 month veg cycles for some of the shorter flowering stuff I’ve got coming up. It’s a fine line between a mighty tree in the tent and an unmanageable problem. The dream is to do like @growingforflavor and get the 100gal no-till beds :call_me_hand:


Whats he use a kiddie pool? I thought about something like this too. A giant earthbox would be sweet…


I believe he uses the brown fabric beds they sell at my hydro store, I’ll ask him. With my current property it’s not practical, but I’m looking for a better spot later this year where I can run od too.


That’s a good idea. Really good idea. I’ll look into it.


Something just like this: Empire Fabric Pots Premium 100 Gallon Pot -EP630100


Is it just me or are the branches on all of those plants, particularly the Mextiza/Malawi Bastard, noticeably thick and sturdy? Anyway, looking great, @ClassicGenetix.

@Upstate I like these pots: Living Soil Fabric Pot - Grassroots

But their 100-gallon pots is three times the amount of the pot in the link that Classic posted, so…