Zipolite Oaxacan x Acapulco Gold, Wolfman, Holy Congo, Panamalawi x Angola and Mo

Day 28 and everyone is cruising. I think I “robe pollinated” a few plants because I took down the Sour Diesel bx2 male and an hour later watered the plants. I’m sure some of it got on the sleeve of my robe and now I see probably 6 or 7 spots on them where the pistils have been pollinated. Probably only end up with 20 or 30 seeds from all 3 plants that got it, but they’ll be killer and won’t affect yield.

I had a smaller clone of the ZipoliteAG started to hit with the Dalat and Sour Diesel Bx2 pollen, but just replaced it with the giant I was going to use as a super mom. I just popped a bunch of beans, so I’m flowering the big gal instead. I still have 20 more beans of the ZipoliteAG to hunt through when I have time again.

Seeds popped and above ground for next run:

  1. NL5Haze x Nevil’s Haze
  2. A5 Haze x Dragon Energy
  3. Colombian Gold x Dragon Energy
  4. Vietnam Black x Lemon Thai
  5. Golden Tiger
  6. Nigerian Haze x A5T
  7. Nigerian Haze x AfPak


The aforementioned babies:


Looking good! Looks like they’re further along at only 28 days than I would’ve expected, considering the genetics. Doesn’t looked like they stretched too bad, either.

Yayyyy! I’m so stoked to see somebody else growing those, can’t wait for that.

Somebody mentioned on the Doc thread something about a Malawi Gold/DE cross that Doc was releasing next month, which I did not notice when I read the April email as soon as I woke up that morning haha, so I re-read it. I guess he’s also releasing another round of the A5/DE cross, gonna be all over a couple packs of that one on May 1, along with a few packs of the Malawi cross.

And a few other things, too haha.


Thanks man, I kinda think the same thing. I talked to Hyp3rids this morning about pollinating the Wolfman and he said it’s usually done in 10-11 weeks which surprised me. The BSHW x Congolese Black is the most developed and I figure it’ll prob only be 11 or so weeks as well. Panama/Malawi x Angola Red OG is puffing up nice and looks like it’ll follow the Holy Congo by a week or so, 12-13. Zipolite Oaxacan x Acapulco Gold is starting to run together nicely in the last few days and should have colitas within a week or so, but it’s 12-16 weeks on paper, so too early to say yet where it’ll fall. The Mextiza x Malawi Bastard is the slowest and will likely take 14-16 weeks.

I’m definitely geeked on those DE crosses! Especially after seeing what you did, I’d love to find a potent, Sour plant to use as a male, so I’m hoping one of these fit the bill or the ones upcoming and I can linebreed it to find the stud I’m looking for.

Damn it man, Malawi x DE? This guy is killing me. I’m going to have to get my vegetable garden going outside so I have something to eat after I give Doc D all of my money…


Neither of the two have a sour element to them, but the short one is very fuel-y. I’m sure there’s some sour plants somewhere in those seeds, though. It’d be pretty cool if you found one. Or two haha. I actually haven’t blazed the DE-leaning C. Gold jars in over a week (can’t get off that #2 plant! haha) so maybe they’ve developed a little sour flavor. Maybe I’ll check some out today…

I knooooow… I musta just completely skipped over the “upcoming releases” paragraph when I read it, but when I finally did, I was like,”Shit…” I’ll be placing a larger-than-usual order next month and then hopefully that’ll be it. At least Doc gives us a heads-up so we can budget and shit haha… That’s kinda nice of him.

The Purple Corinto Budder seeds just showed up, literally thirty minutes ago. I think I’m gonna run some of those this round, even though I’ve been saying I’m gonna wait til the fall grow. And if anybody wants to give me shit for changing my plans, you can stop reading my grow logs haha.


Ha oh man I start thinking about the next seed I’m planting as I’m planting the latest one and have notebooks full of what would count as evidence of madness in court. Analysis paralysis is real when there’s so much good stuff out there. That Purple Corinto Budder should be righteous stuff and I’m stoked to see how yours turn out. Is it the A5T cross?

I wonder what’s expressing in that pheno that has you hooked, also how many did you pop to find that one? In the A5T crosses, I was popping 4 beans at a time and while the Zang were pretty uniform, the Sour D, Nigerian Rafiki and Bandaid all threw 3 uniform wide leaf plants and 1 thinner leaved plant.

I’m getting sex testing done and if I end up with special plants or a male that looks to you like it’s a winner I’ll harvest pollen and send you some for posterity. I’m most hoping for a winning NL5Haze x Nevils Haze male to make a lot of stuff I’ve got into space shuttles and for one of the Nigerians so that I can increase.

Also, I don’t recall the rules on here but did want to let people know they can grab the ZipoliteAG from coloradosativas now that John is out of them for good. He’s been a great friend and does amazing work, letting them go for around a buck a seed just to help with his expenses. A true labor of love, and he’s friends with John and others so he’s doing it with their blessing. If you haven’t checked out his site, definitely do yourself a massive favor: Colorado Sativas : Seeds


Classic, did you get my care package?


Wow, Colorado Sativas has got some fun projects for sure. Have you grown much of their gear out.


I just seen that Coloradosativas had them last night… I couldn’t find any feed back on the website really no one I knew had purchased from him before. I will give it a lookover tonight and do some ordering if you vouche for them…


Hey hermano, I did and have been meaning to reach out but this week has been wild. Can’t thank you enough for all that awesome Red Snake work and I’ll PM you with some questions. Your package was sent out on Monday and I believe it was arriving today :call_me_hand:


Yup, I’ve run the Gold Rush, Zipolite Oaxacan x Acapulco Gold right now as well as the Panama/Malawi x Angola Red OG he made, Jarilla de Sinaloa x Destroyer and one more I’m forgetting. It’s wild to me that noone really knows about him considering he’s friends with all the best breeders, just does his thing and makes seeds each season. I was skeptical until I reached out to him, and for the last two years he’ll send me things he thinks I’d like and I send him stuff I think he’d like. Great guy and like me not looking for fame, popularity, money, just a love for the plant and sharing it. Also he uses S1 a lot but these aren’t fem reversals, they’re f2 reg. I don’t recall his reasoning but he mentions it on the about page.


From his page:
"I grow organically in an open-air greenhouse at 9,200 ft. in the mountains in Colorado. The only fertilizer I use is alpaca poop. All seeds are standard (male + female ) and come in a pack of 20 for a donation of $25. The donations are to cover my expenses – land, gas, water, soil, greenhouse supplies, etc.

One thing I want to mention: When I label seeds as S1, it means that the seeds came from a female open-pollinated by a male of the same strain. For instance, Bangi Haze S1 seeds came from a female Bangi Haze pollinated by a male Bangi Haze. Some people use S1 to mean something else, but this is how I’m using the term.

I gift about 80% of what I grow to the homeless in Boulder. I hope it helps to keep them healthy, happy and moving in a positive direction with their lives."


Hey Classic, I just sent Colorado dude a note. He’s doing some good work over there in the mountains.
Thank you for spreading the word about ColoradoSativa. Seems like a genuine guy👍
Enjoy your day , pine


Yeah, I will be doing the same. I give away free cuts on the Front Range and he might want some stuff I have.


Planted four, three sprouted, two females. I mentioned that #2 plant to Doc and he didn’t act like it was a rare pheno or anything. I don’t think it’ll be too hard to find similar plants.


Man, he should put that front and center on the home page or something. When you and I were talking about that dude and I mentioned that I couldn’t remember what exactly it was that weirded me out about his stuff, THAT is what weirded me out. I thought he was just selfing a bunch of females and selling those seeds. I know a lot of people don’t have an issue with growing selfed seeds, but I do.

Or maybe just copy and paste that onto each of the strains’ descriptions or something? I’d forgotten why I was like,”Eh…” when I looked at his stuff months ago, but that “S1” designation was a real turn-off for sure. Now that I know that he means f2 (I know, I know, technically they’re not f2’s, but they are in “weed parlance” haha), I’m looking at his seeds and reconsidering big-time haha.


It’s easy to collect alpaca and Llama shit from what I hear.They do thier buisness in the same spot every time narrowing down the places for collection.Always wondered what that type of manure if processed would do for a Fert.

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I like how you use the S1 in your breeding this makes more sense to me I can see the confusion when most common it’s used to describe a Selfed female progeny from STS pollenation .An open pollenation would be the Self of the plant to me as it’s being to further the survival of those genetics by combining the two P1s by Fillial breeding to further that Variety as where the other definition would be to preserve the Varietal that comes from the Variety.Pretty much trying to keep that one plants chemo type and put it in seed form.Does that make sense ?I had to think deep on this one

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That’s actually a quote from the “About” section of Colorado Sativas’ site. ClassicGenetix doesn’t have anything to do with that (except that he grows the gear sometimes haha).


Really good but of info I kind of think the same my reading comprehension sucks I have to read thing 3 times I missed the very top of the paragraph