There has been trading amongst South East Asian and the African west coast for many, many decades and its how cannabis reached our shores. Anything happening in the 1950’s would’ve been more of the same really. They found a city in Mozambique thats 200 000 years old and was a trading hub. Unfortunately a lot of history has been lost or perverted during colonization so trade in seeds could’ve been happening much, much sooner. There was a video series on some of that history but I can’t seem to find it anymore. There they touched on how some tribes from my area would go up to swaziland to get seeds as they had better / stronger strains. Its why I often chuckle at all these “varieties” being sold when its really mostly the same stuff.
But I dont see how any outside genetics could’ve made that huge of an impact on the local varieties. The weather in that area is perfect for PM so any strains without pm resistance wouldn’t have lasted. The wind is crazy there too so any fat leafed plants would get trashed. Pictures I’ve seen of transkei strains from the 1950s look almost identical to todays ones and there has been a constant stream of outside genetics in the area. Would be very interesting to see data on genetic changes when a handful of seeds gets introduced into a system where the best suited gentics for the area has been going strong for so long. I’m curious how much impact there would be.
Phylos Tested Genotype
Purple Caper Seeds: Dr. Grinspoon