2024 amumayuk dunes with fighting bilbo

girls have started trowing up pistils on first gear ill take pics in a few days when they have went up a few gears

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it sure is slow to flower around here but it started and i heard its gonna be warm and rainy so good bye terps and trichomes and hello PM and mold


new experience and im not sure if its bad or if i shouldnt worry
but i have seen few leafs with some black sludge on the fighting bilbos

i pluck the leafs away but was curious if i should worry or not


Thats a new one @amumayuk, Black Sludge

@George might be able to help You narrow down the Culprit, in the Cool domain of Eastern Canada Amu !!

(outdoor flip was ~ 2 weeks ago)

Your plants are exploding :boom: with Growth they look fantastic !!!


Not an easy one :sweat_smile:, might be a turd from a bird :see_no_evil:, nothing to worry about if the rest of the plant is fine … beer3|nullxnull


Hahahaha I love the basics of that message @George ; LITFA

@amumayuk, when you wipe/rinse the goo away… did it leave a mark or a ring?


i plucked the leaf but i did ‘‘try’’ to wipe it off with bathroom toilette paper and i ended up balling it into trash
i try to make sure it doesnt spread as this is the seccond occurence or sighting of this black goo first time i plucked the leaf also id say around 4-5 weeks ago same plant not the same area of her as the first i plucked


about a month ago it was my hypothesis but bird doo doo usualy go white
i thaught maybe a caterpilar doodoo, i ended up not seeing any till this morning so im curious


Could have eaten blackberries :yum:, other hypothesis are more serious like some sort of mould like this … :roll_eyes:


this looks similar visually

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Yes, but yours had some sort of liquid state, you can see it pouring down the veins and no halo around …


i agree but i know jack :poop: about pathogens and or pest damages


what is “fighting bilbo” please? anything to do with kritikal bilbo :fire:


its a strain from @MissinBissin

[Fighting Buddah; (Burmese Sativa x BlueBerry) x txerri Bilbo Haze; (Strawberry Cough x Super Silver Haze)]


Cousins !!! Lol @SamwellBB

Genehtik Seeds produced the Txerri Bilbo Haze. Same creator of the Kritikal Bilbo!

which I’ve never tried.

Have you had some experience with it/them. TBH is one of my all-time favs.
Even tossed around by big storms, brushed them off. Great yield


ive been quite impress on the sturdiness and happy i dedicated my remaining nets for the mandalas, the fighters are obviously not needing them so far but hopefully the weight wont break them


i didnt show them much cuz i barely checked on them and decided i should go check how they doing

these 3 girls are just to test things around
native soil and shaded areas

i have a fighting bilbo and mandala clone along a chem91 for this testing the chem 91 is to see if it will finish in my outdoor in time
the mandala and fighting bilbo was to see how native soil ground would do with no input or tending to plants


Nice work in doing a Test plot @amumayuk.

I was able to see the Cage, Fingers-Crossed bro

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yeah next year ima see if theres anything that could improve on the tests i have done
like the fighting bilbo is the one with the tomatoe cage around and i planted her in a hole dug to fit snugly the soil out of the solo cup she was in and straight into my hard packed native soil she barely grew 10 inches but shes flowering and not dead, not to mention i dont water them its all in gods hands

the chem and mandala are in two old spot wich i havent used in over 4-5 years but i juste replanted in the old holes i had there wanted to see if being in the shade would initiate flowering sooner then in full blown sun
and if chem flowers can do good i might try them in the cages next season to see how huge i can get them outside


Your ALREADY working on next Summer @amumayuk !! How awesome is that.

Looking down the Road never hurts.

I’ll see if I can dig-up any Fighting Buddah for You. That was the plant that thrived in NB, one of the stars for the Fighting Bilbo cross

(Unless I’ve sent you some, theres not many)