2024 and Beyond: The Future of Cannabis Quality Amidst Commercialization

I’m not too sure how to make a grow log. I’m newer to the community

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Tag me so i can follow along bro

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My plan is this year to make regs outdoor. I’ll take 6 delight plants and hit them with the grape breath male I’m thinking about right now but could change. I just have to pay my friend with the backyard what I owe him so I can plant in his yard to make my seeds. I’ll prolly do a log on that because that’s where the seeds will come from

For the indoor, I’m planing on a delight reversal which I may be able to do another log on but I’m kinda scared cuz it’s a hell of a lot of plants and it may not be pretty as perfect but I’ll do it and get er done & be real

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You can always only post pics that come out how you like :slight_smile:

Just remember people like to see more

The outdoor run would go in the outdoor category

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Sounds like a really good plan and I’m happy this worked out this way and thank you @leetdood for being a real friend and your support and enthusiasm it makes me hopeful for a bright future in cannabis and gave me this new idea we came up with

This is too true, I was in the legal medical world last year and our grow went through 3 grow op heads and multiple grow hands. Often we’d just send whoever was willing to work at the grow out of the bud tenders and most of the hires had no real background or experience in growing because of how little our home growers want to do with the medical scene in Hawai’i. Most of the hires and our tenders are young 20 something year olds who wanted to smoke weed and not really do much else with it and many quit after their “rotation” at the grow. I left not long after as well when I was added to the damage control group chat and the sheer amount of tainted bud ruined pushing it on people for me so I resigned and if it weren’t for an NDA that’s active until next August, I’d have said something publicly about it. I think that what people do here on OG and in their home grow communities is so much more important to the preservation and survival of pakalolo and what it’s supposed to be than any form of commercialization could ever be.


Well said @Sodapop and @BackyardBoogie420

I think a lot of the community is getting tired of these facility run cuts/moms that are selected for how “easy to grow” it is, because in the end its not working for us

That’s why I was talking to @DanielGrowPhotos about some of our similar goals with the “box checking” talk above. We want the effects that alleviate our serious problems. But we also want others to grow our work. That means “easy to grow” is a goal to work towards if the medicinal / helpful effects are properly preserved.


Leet you’ve been the best through this whole thread, I think this is a great goal and something to work towards. I think where a lot of the facilities mess up is in their genetics choice, my company had a contract with Cookies and most of our strains were just white labeled cookies genetics, “Sherbinski” genetics, or Tiki Madman and frankly I don’t think any of them even fell into the “Easy to grow” category. The Tiki Madman cuts did well enough but the Cookies and Sherb stuff had mold issues, light sensitivity issues, yield issues, they cured horribly. Even when you take the time to explain to these executives that it’s because these genetics are not worked and properly stress tested lines they can’t even understand it, outside of growing and breeding weed that’s effective in a treatment sense and easy to grow, we need to figure out how to convince others that these things matter. So many of these breeders are not taking the time to stabilize and select lines properly or know how to increase resistance traits through line breeding.


Thanks @Sodapop

After talking to homies it comes down to 3 things

  1. Bag appeal (plus numbers for facilities on testing)
  2. What rappers talk about
  3. Loudness

I hate to boil it down so hard-core but that’s what people ask for when they walk into the store. Highest thc, this weed i heard in a song, that shit that smells like fruit or this crazy thing I heard about


It’s just that facilities won’t run anything that doesn’t grow well and yield a lot, basically.

So you combine all of that and you’re describing a cash cropper that actually medicates people, that looks amazing, thats a goal to work towards but its rare


1&3 can be achieved along with ease of growing and volume

2 can be combated by word of mouth easily, if enough people are just talking about it then eventually popular people will support it.

I’m thinking it’s not really the type of plants the commercial factories are growing but the way they are grown. A lot are growing well known cuttings that I have grown and smoked by private individuals that you wouldn’t recognize if you didn’t know what it was. Somehow they managed to screw up almost all the good stuff that I really like.


To be clear, these aren’t required factors

But they affect sales is what im saying

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That’s part of it @Chara for sure

Which is why I’m trying to say like if you breed a line that can withstand that cookie cutter treatment it could still help people

If that makes sense?

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Also it might be worth a try to explain why this Sour Diesel x Gelato is different from the many other crosses of those two lines. For instance I have at least 10 different Gelato x Sour D hybrids in my collection. So it would be a hard sell to get me to want another one. Just being honest not trying to hate

55 days of flower done. & is Unlike any other of her sisters. Very unique smell with that real deal sour upfront. Effects are absolutely perfect. It’s just that I’ve tried finding other plants as hard as I can because I believed I could find better but it never happened. So God told me to run with it. And I feel it’s a God in itself. I’m very spiritually connected to it. And it guides me on my journey which is why I believe in it so much. I made it who it is like it made me who I am. And we thrive together in a relationship where we help each other me n this plant. I’ve had lots of opinions and the great majority can’t deny that plant and it’s a banger beyond anything I’ve had before end consumer wise which is why I feel like it’s a key element to shape good weed of the future. It’s a strain where it’s so good but so scarce and I can expand the amount of bud and where it is widely as a human and that’s what I’m tryna do manually. I feel like it’s the key element to make sour into something like the story’s about it is. This is why

The difference being I see this making sour into a 55 day strain and danker than it’s ever been. I identified that property

Is Dessert Delight just a cutting or do you have it in seed form?

Clone only as of now

Probably your first job should be to get a good representation of it in seeds first and then make hybrids. That would be the best way to ensure the survival of your favorite strain!


He described above that his goal is to definitely do that. I suggested a grow log so we can follow along.

A dude ran off with his seeds when he gave him the last of his previous seed stock. Sad