30 day roll, lets do this

Just curious about the wet weight it represent for this specimen …

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i would guess 8 ounces dry for the larger one , 6 on smaller one , ran 2 cuts of her


Quickly projected, around 3 oz of final product (dry) if I converted not badly ? ^^

i dont think conversion is needed you asked wet you got dry


It’s on purpose buddy, and i count natively in grams ^^

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no that’s total dry weight , I never weigh them wet I don’t care

The larger apple fritter filled four of my Cannatrol trays they are typically on the low side 2 ounces and on the high side 3 to 3 1/2 depending upon the density of the bud per tray . so the big plant dry will be between eight and 10 ounces she has a very good yielding plant I still have another foot and a half of headroom I could’ve used


I’m going to take GMO at 11 weeks to see if the bud is any good young
it’s the only plant I have left on that side of the tent and I hate running the big light for just one plant


It can give an edge on the cannatrol method (VS traditionnal hanging) + the rate of water in flowers of the cut. Not saying one second you need it, just explaining my curiosity on your quite decent score ^^

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I understand your interest it just holds none for me. I’m not a commercial grower so I don’t really care with the ratio is. i’ve had so many harvest it’s gotten to the point now where I can just look at a plant when I harvest it and I know what it’s going to weigh dry.

this run that I took down wasn’t for size anyway it was the test out the little mini pots. fritter doesn’t stretch all that much and when I want to make a big haul with her I’ll run her huge right up to the very top of the tent.


Is that a NoPest strip in one if your pics? If so, they are really dangerous to be around breathing that in, or getting on your buds. Just making sure everything’s cool.

Im anxiously awaiting your shipment to get those cuts back to life!


yeah man I can’t believe it took five fucking days to get there that’s bullshit @schmarmpit

had I known it was gonna be that long I probably would’ve packed them differently I hope they’re OK looks like it’s due to hit before dark at your place last time I checked.

yes it’s a no pest strip in the veg tent because I brought in mosquitoes again

I will leave it up there three days and then take it down it’s on the far end of the house there’s no flowering plants anywhere near it and I don’t spend much time in there



i’m also very interested to see how they survive that long in the box I hope you’ll take a picture of what they look like when they got there. I think the damn thing sat in Houston for three days before it ever left. if they’re in decent shape I know you have the skills to make them root

I just checked on tracking it’s supposed to arrive before five I hope it arrives at 4:20 that would be a good sign💥


Haha that’d be perfect. I’ll give them my best shot. Straight into the NICU! I’ll for sure document their status upon arrival.

And make sure you’re not around those pest strips too often. Dichlorvos ain’t nothing to fuck with.


I have had cuts that took 7 days to arrive root soon after I replanted them… without re-cutting their ends. As long as its not too hot or cold outside during transit, they should be fine


I thought I was the only one that got a creepy feeling when I saw that thing in photos.


What a great send! Thanks so much @Jetdro! That was an unexpectedly long journey and they still look excellent. I’ll have no trouble rooting these.

Got them soaking after a fresh cut. Will let them chill for a day before final cutting into the plugs.


I dont recut the ends, it seems to make them take longer to root :raised_hands:


And the samples you sent were over the top! Looking forward to trying them all.


Well shit haha. Never failed me before so…?


Haha, totally. . If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it; those cuts look really healthy and are going to root fine any way they get plugged. :+1::+1: