A Shadey spot to paint

Wow you got some talent there shadey . That shirt would sell easy 150 bucks any day of the week.
Just a thought a over grow air brushed exclusive shadey original raffled off to the highest bidder I bet would bring in the bucks !


You might think that but around here I would be lucky to get $50.

I used to do art shows and craft fairs, the cost of participating usually cost me more than I made, and I would have canvasses like the Snoop dog up for $150 and people would say, why is it so expensive would you take $75 lol.

Tattoos are the only arty thing that people around here have no problem paying $500+ for.

Yeah Cannabissequoia mentioned doing that last year, I was going to do it but didn’t get around to it, it’s finding a subject that appeals to a lot of people is the hard thing, I am terrible at making decisions for a subject matter :thinking:


The bonus of a pot site is we have members interested in every facet of life. I’d bet dollars to doughnuts there’s not a subject you could come up with that we wouldn’t be interested in.

There’s also the personal aspect, where the owners get some enjoyment of the art, but far more appreciation from just knowing “Shadey painted this.”


True, but you also have the problem of what T-shirt size to add to the subject matter :thinking:

Possibly the best way to do it would be to auction it before it’s painted, that way once you have a winner, you can select the correct size T-shirt and then add the art.

Keep the art to the person’s best bud pic or a pic of a bud they like. I can do a photo shop mock up with add your pic here, so people could get an idea of what they would get.

I have about 6 more pics to do before Christmas, so I will work something out for the new year. A couple of months after Christmas when people have a bit more cash in their pockets :money_mouth_face:


Bit of fire practice in the bottom left corner, Its not that bright in reality, I was fairly close with the camera flash, but that is what I am trying to get.

This shot is further away and what the fire does look like so I need to go with more white than yellow for my base, and then knock it back with the orange, and keep building the depth that way. Also added more details to the jacket on the left shoulder brightened some highlights, and lowered the brightness on the lines running across the jacket, a lot you cant really see in the pic as the details are too small.

Added the chain, just need to make it glow hot now.

Once I have done all the detail stuff on the skull, I can then set his head on fire lol, all the colors that look out of place to the brain atm will make it all more realistic as the fire connects up the reflections of itself.


Given the chain a hot glow and added fire lower down.

Started my flame base in a white yellow mix. Got carried away and came to far down his brow.

Added my orange candy to it, it looks good, not as wishy washy as the transparent orange oaint.

Going back over the my shapes with the yellow white again to create depth.

Hit that with a yellow candy, not looking like the reference so going to play with it more.

Tried using a paint brush to create hard lines, going to add the yellow candy again over the top.

And I fucked it all up, looks crap now lol. Start again. I will mask the gun and his face, the over spray is getting heavy. Paint out the flames and have another stab at it. The colour intensity is good though, I am happy with that. Might start with a hot pink base this time see how that goes.


Had another go yesterday, masked up the gun and face and shoulders.

Blacked out the flames.

Went with a hot pink for the base flame.

Started my flame shapes in yellow white and then went over it with orange. Think I preferred it as it was lol. Not happy going to paint it out with a white base now and go in with a dark red orange see if that’s any better.
On a hard non absorbent surface you can use really reduced colours that will overlap and be seen under each other but on an absorbent Tshirt you cant it reduce it so much as you lose intensity of colour which means loss of transparency :frowning: Going to start the Chefs aprons and have an experiment on an old Tshirt, if I fuck it up again, I may have to start over completely, the paint is getting very thick in this area.


Hell yes. :+1: :sunglasses:

:wave: nah nah nah YOU’RE the artiste! You tell them/us what to like and why! :joy:

some smart cat allegedly made 150k by duct-taping a banana to a wall and then eating it. (New York, not California, please…)



Awesome as always my friend
Quik fly by Hello


Cheers Stiggy.

I have done an Apron for the daughters boyfriend doing one for her next. He likes Glenfidick single malt whisky, so I painted a bottle in the pocket of his apron.

Painted in my text, he only got 2 and half stars lol. Got some stains on it from the iron some how, must have been from some water I splashed on the apron to flatten the creases better its a very heavy cotton. I will have to paint them out at the end. Got my shape in and painted the top of the bottle.

Added top details and sprayed in my base colour.

Filled in my colours and and some high lights. Going over the lower half of the pocket so I can make it look like there is a real bottle in it. Added their logo and the V cut in the glass.

Starting to create the label.

Didn’t make the main label big enough or the little red label up top for their logo and the numbers 15 for its age.

All done. Doubled the main label size, and added the top of the letters, and added a bit more on the red label as well and the 15 and logo. Painted a false seem and pocket top, added high lights to maker it look like the bottle is in the pocket.

Just have to spray some black around it now to get rid of the stains and that’s done. Next up is the daughters apron, then I will be going back to the Tshirt.


That is awesome as always Brother BF


Cheers man.

Finished the second apron a couple of days ago.

Got my text in nice and clean, dusted in my shape, my daughter likes Jost Tidal Bay wine.

Got my colours and highlights roughed in. Decided to re do the JOST on the label.

Got the false seem and shading done tightened up the high light details on the cap and re did the JOST on the label

Increased the width of the bottle on the right side, the shoulder is still not right but it will have to do :slight_smile:

Now to finish the Tshirt. I have had a practice on an old one and I still cant get it right, the cotton absorbs the colour too much compared to hard surfaces or even canvas.

This is a canvas I did a while ago you can see the transparency on here better.


Finished the Ghost Rider Tshirt on Friday I should have put it up yesterday being Halloween lol.

So after a bit of experimenting I decided to try it like this. Hot pink base making him look like a fucking clown lol. I put some Iridescent red over this, causing a purple shift on the outside edges.

Went over my hot pink with the yellow candy and then sprayed over that with a candy orange.

Then went back in with a yellow and white in the hot spots and sprayed over with the yellow candy.
I was OK with this I know I cant do what I can on less absorbent surfaces so it will have to do.

Put in my Ghost Rider text and sprayed that with the iridescent red as well as around the flames again to knock them back a bit for depth. Now time to finish the skull.

Got the skull done changed the shape of the eye socket and nose cavity. Re defined his cheeck bones and teeth.added more textures but its hard to see.

Bit of a blurry close up but you can see some more details.


Started the Nephew portrait yesterday, not painting his misses…

My Reference.

I hate freckles lol.

Trying to keep it the same size as the snoop dog face they have different size heads so I lined up the nose and eyes to roughly the same place as each other. Then printed off my stencil, and cut out my positive and sprayed in with dark grey.

Added his ear which I forgot about when placing the stencil so he lost a bit of that :frowning: Put in the eyes nose and lips and open area under the mouth with a light grey.

Started to fill in

Re did his beard and moustache, eyes and eye brows.

Starting to build my high lights, making his face look chubby lol.

Started knocking back with a mid grey which has gone a bit brown, so I am going to have to make it out of black and white instead of using it straight out the bottle, its getting a colour shift on the very light grey. Put in 3 layers and grey for the beard, now I am going to knock it back again with light and dark grey and see how it looks, then probably re do it lol. His left eye bottom lid is the incorrect shape so that needs adjusting. Then it will be freckle time and see what happens from there. Once its roughed in I will do the hand reaching for snoop dogs joint and get them evenly toned before getting into the detail stuff.


I legit thought that the documentary “Making the Witcher” on netflix was a comedy until I saw this post. Then I looked it up and found out it is a real tv show / video game etc.

For real, I thought someone made a spinal tap style fake documentary about a game of thrones style fantasy world, with the butt of the joke being that all the business people and actors had to take it absolutely seriously in order to make money from the fans.

Honestly I’m a little disappointed, because it was absolutely hilarious.

I should probably check out the show now haha.


That’s cool!
I loved the game and thought the series close - but going through writers that hadn’t played the game.



I watched the first episode of the show, never played the game. I can’t do console games, I prefer the PC for gaming.

I will have to keep a look out for the making of it on Netflix.


Ok not been getting much done on it atm maybe an hour or 2 a day.

Sprayed some heavily reduced black over the beard and will be coming back in again with some light grey hairs a couple of areas on the left side need adding to, I played with his eyes but the pupils are to big now and the irises too small lol. Shirt collar and neck is in and I cut the stencil for the hand. Got the negative in place to add the positive.

Covered his face to protect it from over spray and have the positive hand stencil in place.

Spayed in a dark grey and added some blacks for my shadow areas

Then put in the shit sleeve and added my light areas, quick look at the grey values compared to the face.

Adding a light grey now to build my mid tones

Working back and forth blending grey tones, its starting to take shape

Started to re work the beard and eyebrows with light grey, just have to come back in with reduced black again once done to get the shading right. TYhen sort out the shading on his nose and then sort his eyes out better.


More done this week but again not much time to play with it. Dragging all the Christmas decorations and stuff out from under the stairs and cupboards for Mrs Shadey. The house will look like Santas Grotto in another couple of days lol.

So something is bugging me with the eyes so I removed them and started them again .

Thought I would add the hat as I was bored working on the hand and eyes. Managed to spray white and grey blobs of paint over it shutting the caps on the paint containers, which doesnt help. painted most of them out

Tired of fucking with the eyes, so I cut a new stencil. The problem with working with shitty small photos is when you blow them up you lose all the details. So re cut the stencil and added the eyes in the right place again. After finishing the hand just need to add some hair on the knuckles and back of the hand. Pleased with the way the freckles came out on it. I will have to hit the edges of it with some bright white highlights when its all done as the light will be coming from the top right corner to match the snoop dog picture.

Still not completely right its the ends of the eyelids that are not gelling. I will have to isolate them to get it close to perfect after shadowing around them properly

Right side mouth corner needs lengthening, nose is off, and beard under the lip and to the right of the nose needs adjusting, as well as knocking back the ear that I lightened up more. Getting there and still have about 3 weeks left so no rush atm.


@Shadey, I had no idea you could paint!
Super talented my friend. I love it!

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