A Shadey spot to paint

That is awesome stuff Shadey! Usually when someone says ‘airbrush’ I think of the couple silhouetted against the beach sunset sort of thing. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Thanks for the kind words Tommy :+1:

Yeah that’s your typical shopping mall touristy 15 minute airbrushed T-shirt job.

I do like a good silhouette picture when done with highlights can be very effective. I am using the technique on my motorcycle side panels that I am slowly re painting atm. I will post some pics to show you :slightly_smiling_face:

The airbrush is a very versatile painting tool when you get the hang of it.

Before clear coat.

pic is a bit grainy but you get the idea of how you can make a better silhouette pic.


I have to back mask the two silhouettes now and go over it with a orange candy to make that yellow pop more.

Got about another 3 hours into the portrait, I am still fucking about with it. As you can see and he can’t lol I painted out his eyes again. They are not right and nor is his eyebrow ridge. The problem my brain is having, is the reference pic is at a slight angle, but I have painted him with a more upright head position. My brain keeps wanting to place the eyes on a til,t instead of almost level and the right brow ridge is to low, which forces me to keep positioning it in the wrong fucking place lol.

I have also messed with the shading on his face and tweaked his beard shape a bit, added hair to his hand, thinned out his middle finger, re did the end of his nose and increased the legnth of the top lip to the right. I used my chunky sausages for a ref, he’s got more longer piano playing fingers lol.

Starting to increase the width of his lower lips now still playing with face shades.

Put the eyes back in, its close but still not right gonna move the right eye up another 2-3 mil and lift the left corner of it a touch.

Changed the shading on the top lip lightning it up a bit and increased the thickness of the lower lip in the middle area. Lowered the left eyebrow I think that’s good just need to blend out the correction.

Getting closer lmao. I might lighten the hairs on his hand.


OK finally finished, I wont bore you all with the 7 attempts at moving his eyes all around his head, suffice to say it nearly got slashed with an exacto knife from frustration lol.

I have spent about 4 days in the last 10 days, helping my nephew out with his house, as it got a burst water pipe in the upstairs bathroom that hardly ever gets used and flooded his dinning room which only gets used twice a year, and eventually his kitchen, when the water ran across the floor of the dinning room and into the kitchen.

So I have been staring at his face intently, and noticed he has lot some weight since the reference pic was taken that I am working from, also he grows his beard higher now and his moustache is wider, so although my pic is not accurate to the photo its a better real life version. He mqy have looked like Snoop Dogg when he was younger, but there is no resemblance now lol.

here it is next to Snoop about to steal his joint. Went a bit bigger with the white for the light by mistake. You can see how much that Transparent white dulled off in a year compared to the new pic. I am giving him this original of himself. Still finding things to correct on Snoop, maybe next year I will have a tinker with it.

Cheers and Happy Crimbo to you all.


I am doing a Tshirt commission for, For the love of Buds misses. She is a big Kiss fan and he wants a Gene Simmons pic on it. I didnt post anything as I did not want to spoil the surprise but @Ftlob said its OK.

So here is some progress shots.

Cut my stencil and positioned correctly.

Covered the rest of the Tshirt to stop over spray.

White is in but will need several more coats of white but I can work close up now to lower over spary.

Tongue and teeth roughed in.

Started roughing in my shading.

Tongue and teeth with basic details.

Shading and face highlights done but not finished I will come back to the face when everything else is done.

Taped around his face so I can cover with paper while doing the rest, Hair is roughed in as well as the body armour. Tongue got some more detail and highlights.

Refining the body armour and adding detail…

Body armour done, couple more bits need doing on the guitar strap, and then we can go onto the hair, which I am not looking forward to and why I saved it for last lol. Once the hair is done I will start the fine details on the face blending the shadows better to make it pop more.


Unbelievable ! I’m so grateful ! Outstanding art thank you so much Brother ! She’s going to flip out ! Mad Respect, peace !


Absolutely awesome pic ! have to say one of my best bands for me Anyways wish I had a lot of their vinyl sets “Love Gun” is theninjj u y one I have!


Cheers guys, I got half of the hair done yesterday, hoping to finish the hair today and then face details tomorrow.


Well I think its finished, going to look at it for a bit, I may tone down the hair again to add more depth. Looking good I think.


Heres the reference


I tweaked it again, knocked back the grey in the hair, put more red on the tongue, and shaded the teeth at the sides that should be in the back of his mouth not the front.


Turned out excellent bro nice work! Someone’s going to be happy!


The Eagle has definitely landed ! The wifey absolutely loves it !I F’n love it! ,for an exact quote ! She says she’ll never wear it tho,and wants to get it signed ! She’s a Gene Simmons freak! Haha last time they were in E-town,she was the one who happened to yell"I love you Gene" as he started to talk,the crowd went silent,she has a sharp piercing voice,and he stopped to say “I’m feeling the love now!” The crowd went wild !
Just my luck,no sitter,I gave her the tickets and told her to take some random, don’t waste a perfect ticket,
Although my side of that story is that Shannon came over and gave me a back rub and changed the pampers on the babies while she was there (ya ,i wish,helps me get past missing the concert,sorry Shannon,hehe) Love and respect!
Shadey my man you absolutely rock! With incredible talent! My god man I can’t thank you enough! One way or another increasing the quality of life for those lucky enough to be within reach ! (Yes,we live a few thousand miles,to the left),thank you from both of us ! Mad Respect !


I am glad she loves it, I could have done a canvas if she wanted to hang it on the wall lol. She should wear now and again, a couple of people I have done them for have framed them, but its not easy framing a Tshirt. If she gets it signed send me a pic please.


Haha,yes,hope KISS makes it out again ! I’ll make sure she wears it for that ! It’s so beautiful ! I will definitely send you a pic when she gets it signed ! Haha,just have to put that out there ! Thank you !
Peace !


Its that time of year to get the airbrushes out.

Started a Tshirt for my daughters boyfriend. Its another Ghost rider pic.

Starting with the stencil. I cut all the white areas out this time to get a ruff image on the Tshirt.

Working between 3 pics at the moment for reference which is confusing as they are not all the same bike lol.

Put a bit of a Blue haze over it all and adding back in some white to connect all the gaps up and refine the front chain forks up as they are not matching each side :roll_eyes:


I gotta get on your Christmas list. Looking good


Cheers man.

Some more done on it.
put the eye and nose sockets in. Re shaped the forks but they’re not right yet.

Started on the back ground, covering the areas I want to keep black with tape, after roughing in some clouds.

Instant building lol.



Bro that looks insane. I’m a big ghost rider (the movies) fan. :ok_hand:


Thanks man, did you see the GR one I did last year further up the thread. That came out not to bad.