Abandoned co-op run. Karma Headbanger

This was supposed to be a coop seed run. And I guess the seeds ran. From the donors to leetdood


No need to start attacking me or ā€œpeople like meā€ whatever you think it is. You donā€™t know me.

Indeed and never said otherwise. Just said that your first message in this dormant thread didnā€™t let me know anything apart that you were angry, for reasons that were left to guess.

Sorry Iā€™m not in the ā€œpeople who knowsā€ club, but I suspect Iā€™m not the only one.

Now that you took time to explain I understand better. I am sorry your friends lost something. Iā€™m still believing itā€™s dangerous to enter in that kind of way to ā€œhandleā€ the problem though.

Venting is a need, but maybe we also need to refine the process to get rid of scammers faster?

Yeah it isnā€™t enough it seems. Maybe it should also be stated that anyone is free to DM the moderators when they have suspicions or informations? That would leave a channel opened for people that do not feel to do that publicly?


The thread was not dormant. I didnā€™t attack you. I didnā€™t claim to know you.


expect something from me. i havenā€™t forgotten you/our project.
i keep my word.


I was watching this coop specifically to see if maybe he changed his ways, maybe he would make good on something he promised.

It went down exactly how it has before. Promise of something cool(that wasnt his) then, then itā€™s on hold only to be canceled because he is a victim of something.

The cycle continues


I havenā€™t traded much.
The BOO seed run wasnā€™t a co op, so there could be begging for money, stamps and supplies.


Your gut is your best bet. If we investigate/vilify scammers proactively we turn into a police state. Unless there is good evidence not good.

Not the world I wanna live in. Iā€™ll take the risk.

And those trade feedback threads are a joke. I donā€™t even have one.


This is OGs problem in general. Nobody knows. Everything is ā€œhandledā€ in mods DMs. Threads get ā€œcleaned upā€, closed, or removed. The users that experience this rightly so, leave.

And the scammers are free to carry on.

Iā€™m not trying to dox people or mail boxes of air tags. But there should be some evidence or paper trail of this behavior so others can see the asshattery and not be taken advantage of.


Iā€™m not talking about investigation or what for sure. Weā€™re having moderators here, and weā€™re not a state nor are they police. Not proposing we use NFT as a backend for trades either :laughing:

Just thinking that a private box where thereā€™s tracks of complaints, read by moderators from time to time can help them to see patterns if they ever have concerns about someone.

Now sure the scammers are quite effective, theyā€™re also resending stuffs to remain believable.

But given where I come from, believe me Iā€™m no fan of the denunciation culture. Just wondering it there arenā€™t ways to be better :slight_smile:

Maybe more transparency as @AppalachianBiscuits is suggesting? Maybe pushing the feedback thread culture more than that?


Or if they are buddies with the mods so they defend them and punish the person doing the calling out!


You would think thatā€™s a safe bet buttttttttt lol


Tweezers have been the answer at this-end @Foreigner.

Spoon = Tweez = Dirt

Your Cuticles will recover just fine


Did anyone really think this project was going to make it to completion?


The fact that the mod team allows medman to be a sponsor should tell ya all you need to know. I joined this site and when i seen he was a sponsor i thought to myself ā€œI thought this place was where all the legit non scammer hung out atā€ lol. Hes one of the biggest scammer in the game.


Itā€™s most assuredly safe :wink: Of course I day that as the co-op distributor, lol.


Yes but I canā€™t fish them out without pushing them to the sides and itā€™s an ordeal even with tweezers.

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Yup, i joined here with the sole intent of giving seeds away and i will be going back to that MO. Im not a forum or online person at all, never have been, always been paranoid of law but because of legality decided to try a forum. I got sucked into the trades because of people not wanting to take without giving, one of them being topshelf and that has destroyed my trust for this place tbh as he was pretty generous with me and really sucked me into his bullshit. Fucking eye opener and a lesson in forums for me as they are something ive always stayed very faraway from.


I did Headbanger coop.

i do exactly 0ā‚¬ out of it.

Sometimes i get few seeds back, that is my ā€œearningā€ā€¦ bu


Why are you so obsessed with whatā€™s going on? Yes a bunch of shady shit happened on here. We all know, all youā€™re doing is creating more negativity. Overgrow isnā€™t supposed to be so shitty and depressing. Beating a dead horse is just making it worse.
I feel like I canā€™t read a thread on here without someone bringing up this same god damn topic. Can we please get back to doing what we all love and are here for?
Grow up and get over it the mods are handling this shit, itā€™s their job.
If you canā€™t get past it go bitch and moan on discord and please stop dragging this place down.
We have an incident every year here and we move past it but you seam really stuck on it dragging it on.
Not trying to defend anyone or stir up more shit but man o man itā€™s disgusting that I canā€™t even sign on here without this drama everywhere


Of course : ) well apart from the gaz thing lol

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