Abandoned co-op run. Karma Headbanger

It is hard. I just try and move slowly and carefully for now. I thought I was doing better, but i wasn’t careful enough.


Definitely be gentle or you’ll be getting the mesh reapplied and start over


I hope not :frowning:


Be gentle with yourself. It took me a year to fully recover from my ruptured appendix surgery. Body needs time to rebuild and rest after Can’t rush it


Sending prayers for you @leetdood :pray:

Definitely take it easy brother.
Let your body heal !

No reason to rush anything and hurt yourself. Take your time, we will all be here waiting when your ready :muscle:


Headbanger run postponed 5 years.


Will take it easy, thank you for your kind words. Current tents are mid run so it’ll be a bit easier after those finish. Hoping to catch up of course as this is my passion. But can’t rush recovery. Moving water around a big barrier, transplanting plants too. The rest of it not so bad.


Starting to believe there’s a “hernia curse” with co-op runs, after @Alaskagrown and you got one. :laughing: Take your time and get better, your back is more important than any seed in the world.


Glad your on the mends, good vibes your way brother!


@leetdood Have you asked Karma if he minds if you do this run?!! as he still sells the Headbanger line and I have seen him ask people not to repro his seeds. He doesn’t care if you cross them out but F2ing is a bit shitty.
Maybe you should check with him first as this seems pretty disrespectful to be sending breeders work out when he still actively sells this variety.

I understand your concerns

However, see the co-op voting thread

These seeds aren’t really available to us outside the EU, he doesn’t keep them in stock, and I believe he doesn’t use the same male (though I could be wrong)

The pack i am preserving is an older pack from 2014.

I’ve asked Karma before to make these seeds available to Canada, and I’ve had to resort to paying for second hand packs or friends to wait for the rare restock while he focuses on the EU.


So you asked him to sell in your region and he doesn’t? That’s not the same as asking bim if you can do this run. It’s not a cool move. You have the pack which means you did get it. He does restock when he’s able to. You should have done the right thing and asked.

The packs are hard as fuck to get

Ask me how I know


I don’t actually care how you know. You got yours and now you’re doing seed runs with another man’s beans. That’s out of order and you’re ducking the issue

Headbanger sold out everywhere, last restock I can find was fall of 2022?


Nope. He released packs in the last two months and I personally got a pack in September 2023.

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That was an indirect way of letting you know, you should ask so you get the answer.

Because the answer is even though I shouldn’t be spending that much, I paid 400 usd for this pack of headbanger because it was the first one I found after a decent amount of time looking.

I’m not dodging the question, I’m spelling out that karma does extremely limited restocks and it’s not fair for NA to get the leftovers.

I’m not doing these for sale, it’s for the community. I want people to actually have these genetics.


I can respect your position but would rather preserve these genetics for the community.


Lol what leftovers. Last time I wanted KG beans I had to ask a buddy in the EU to buy them and reship for me.


Basically those leftovers


The “you were forced to ask your Swedish friend to buy it for you” leftover style buffet