Abandoned co-op run. Karma Headbanger

The genetics are preserved by Karma. They’re his beans. He did the legwork and you’re sharing his beans without asking. You know full well what you’re doing. ‘Not fair’ he doesn’t stock in your region doesn’t cut it. You have the pack. Let other people get theirs. And at least ask the guy if he minds if you do this. It’s a weak excuse to say you’re preserving for the community.

So do that… the fuck

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Seed is nature. Stop clogging the thread


You weren’t forced to do anything. You’re out of line and you know it. Courtesy to ask and deal with the answer instead of justifying a dick move

Once purchased there yours to do as you wish. Just wouldn’t sell any, is my opinion.


Absolutely none for sale. I might hunt some to work further, but these are meant for the community for free.


but he’s doing a cooperative run, he’s not cataloging it for sale lol


Karma used sour d in that headbanger lol. Did he get a stamp from the eu cannabis union of capitalist socialists before popping a seed that has been worked by generations of farmers in field and now in closets everywhere grown by people who plant whatever seed they fucking want! Any way that’s New York Humboldt weed that Dutch made more Stable and bland @leetdood lets see those plants. Overgrow the world!


No, you are out of line! Karma have said over and over that he doesn’t want people to reproduce and SELL his genetics! It’s the SELLING part he’s pissed about and I understand him.

We are a community that share, cross and reproduce genetics for FREE. Thus NOT fall under Karma’s wishes.

@leetdood is a much respected member here and the @coopactiongroup have very strict rules to not trespass on breeders business. He is following the rules and got a green light from the group, what is the f’ing problem, or are you only attacking a good man to stir up some drama?

Do I have to ask a breeder for permission if I want to F2 regular seeds and pass them for free to my online friends? I can answer you right away! No, I don’t have to do that and any breeder that have half a brain will agree.

Pz :v:t2:


Sorry to burst your bubble @Mestizo

But the second karma decided to sell seeds to the people, as soon as they left his hands they’re gone and not his anymore with that we can do the fuck we want with them… and that’s to all the breeders out there that have taken all the legwork from others also…

@leetdood is doing a honorable thing here and doing a preservation run of the V1 version and giving em for free!! Don’t forget that his selling the V2 version and not the V1

In my opinion @leetdood even if you sold them as F2 for 100$$ it’s up to you !! The seeds are yours… you never signed a contract or nothing.

@Mestizo whatever you do… background checks are the best… were did he get his strains from and everyone else


People criticising the breeder whilst coveting his beans and not asking for his blessing and changing their reasoning post to post. Why not ask - then it’s no big deal but you didn’t coz you know he might say no. First it’s for preservation even though that’s not necessary coz the line is still actively sold. You gonna repro Bodhi’s lines that he sells now or Caleb’s or Snowhigh’s or anyone elses. Then it’s because it’s not fair coz they’re not sold in your region. You can get them, you just don’t want to wait to pay the man for his endeavours and throw toys out your pram coz they’re hard to get. Aw diddums. And then criticising a breeder coz he’s not a yank. Sour D made in Humboldt. You claim to know that?! Tells me you don’t know shit. You know you don’t know where anything comes from. Throwing in overgrow the world like that’s an umbrella term for ripping people. F2ing a man’s beans and distributing them to 100s. I woulda bought the packs for people and sent them to them. Not now. Talk about respect. You get none from me.

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And you got none from me. Now piss off!

Pz :v:t2:


Tell that to Copycat Genetics and that guy’s doing millions of people’s work :sweat_smile:


Seems very simple if these are v1 seeds, which aren’t available anymore from the breeder and he’s selling v2 with different genetics. The fact the v2 aren’t available to North America, which is a decent chunk of the forum, is icing on the cake but doesn’t seem to be necessary as far as justification. It’s a preservation of a dead line, end of story. :man_shrugging:


I’ve discussed these kinds of things with Karma personally and you are correct. He does not look kindly on those who F2 his work for sale. Pretty much the same as any other breeder out there although many see it as … you bought the seeds… do as you see fit.
Seeing as lines like Original Biker and Original Headbanger can never be reproduced by Karma himself… I don’t think anyone is breaking any sacred pacts or crossing any lines doing a free community reproduction of long out of stock product.
I’ve been working my own isolations from 7 packs of Karma’s Old Grandpa Scratch Ltd which only 100 packs were released. I’ve spoken to him and informed him of my work with that line and agreed to not release F2’s but now I have taken my own isolation from that line to F4 and I will be releasing it at some point. I’ve done the work to call the isolated line my own I think. Just can;t call it oldgrandpa scratch is all.
Us Canadians do have a bit of a painful experience getting our hands on Karma gear. Oldschoolgenetics is the place to go these days and orders have been making it. I just can’t justify the price per pack after the whole exchange rate and shipping is figured… puts many packs over the 100 to 150 dollar threshold I set for myself when seeking out wanted packs.


Do you have a link to any specific statement from the breeder that are relevant to this?

Within the rules of the co-op an older discontinued version that is no longer being sold qualifies for a co-op reproduction under our rules. Our preliminary research indicated that this is an older version different from the packs being sold currently.

We were not aware of any statement from the breeder about f2s of their work that would contradict this use of the headbanger v1, but we’d like to take a look at any statements directly from breeder about this.

we will re-evaluate if the breeder has any problem with it.

We do our best to respect the wishes of the original breeders while preserving their work and making it accessible to the community for free.

As a reminder, the co-op is not for profit, and never has been. The distributors operate on a basis of reimbursement only. Everyone involved is doing volunteer work, and the strains being reproduced are donated.

As it sits,
the run is currently good to go because it is an older discontinued version, the current version of headbanger sold by the breeder is different, and it is not currently stocked by seed banks.

if the breeder prohibits selling f2s, that would not conflict with leetdood’s co-op preservation.


And you’re out of line on this one. Insults won’t solve any problem you think there is.


ya know… karma does have the ability to create an account and engage with the community and speak his own thoughts. I was actually surprised to find he wasn’t active on this site. He is a sponsor at icmag so I suppose spends his online time there.


We’d love to hear from Karma on this.

@bodhi gave us these guidelines for community reproductions of his work. We appreciated his involvement and have always respected these requests.


karma asked me for some beans of the repro
of his own “white og v1” a few years back …

he was superhappy the line was preserved.
(after this “the white IX” was released/possible.)


ok, the kid can continue whining about stuff he
don’t understand and people he doesn’t know.
