Abandoned co-op run. Karma Headbanger

Yikes, what’s with all the negativity? These seeds were approved for a co-op run because they were an old pack and version 1 of this strain using a Biker Kush v1 male. The seeds currently being sold use a Biker Kush version 2 male. I would assume Karma changed the male for a reason and no longer produces the version 1 seeds. The reason we vet seeds is to avoid this type of thing since we want to be respectful of breeders and their work. Since the version 1 seeds are not available any more a seed increase given out freely to the community feels like a good thing IMO as it should not conflict with any current stuff going on with the breeder. I too would love to hear what the man himself has to say about this. That said, the name calling and such is not cool or called for.


Headbanger Coop (mine not this here) is done.

I hope its okay that i do use this thread here?!
I already gave a lot of headbangers F2 out.

Like i said before, i did 2 lines… More of the Biker Kush and one of the Sour D.
Jes, my Pack is new so i do have the Biker Kush V2 if that what @DougDawson said is correct.

Someone wants them?


dibs! :smiley: :smiley:

I would prefer you guys DM him directly instead of posting on this thread. It’s OK for him to offer, no need to post your response here


Had interaction with Karma about Co-op running his gear.
It’s pretty clear to see that he doesn’t personally approve… based on the old school way of things but he didn’t say no. People on icmag were up in arms and making claims that the co-op was selling seeds… I made a detailed post explaining how the co-op seed runs work to put those bullshitters to rest. LOL
So… based on his reply in the karma thread on icmag, it’s probably okay to go ahead with this but know that it does grind his gears a little…
He also mentioned that he was shucking seeds for the next Headbanger release so keep eyes open for that. Bunch of new stuff featuring a Biker male. Looks like he is going back to some OG’s for the next release.


@SHSC-1 ten characters


yes , I finally joined my first weed forum back in late 2015 as Tynehead Tom and used that handle on a couple other smaller sites as well… I chose SHSC-1 here because I am a sponsor … or planned to be one when I joined.


I get that Back when I was a lot heavier into the forums I had a different name and everything for each spot.


Thanks for explaining.

Guy who intitially posted was just straight making shit up. Run hasn’t even started yet, there’s no list.

I can see why it grinds Karma’s gears but I’ve asked him personally about selling me gear as I mentioned, he didn’t seem very concerned about meeting this demand. Which is totally fine, but then he can’t be surprised that I’m making sure people over here can actually access these genetics. I’m glad he’s continuing to release it but it’s out of stock right now on his website. As mentioned earlier these packs basically get snatched up for the most. Ive seen karma gear being scalped for ridiculous prices, and know at least one person that got ripped off for karma packs on strainly. Just checked- prices for sowahh on there are $175 to $400.

These packs have been in demand for the last decade, for some reason he did not meet that demand… I’m so over it. He can have some if he wants from the run.


When I f2 the dirty taxi I reached out for JJ thought on it. He just asked me not to sell the f2. He was fine if I sold any of the crosses I made


100% man. Been wanting to run the headbanger for so long but it’s just so hard to get seeds in Aus that aren’t insanely valued resales.


Yeah, it makes good sense if they are still working or using the lines. Especially if that’s how they make their living. But that’s also an older code that’s almost dead today.

Like I got some stardawg seeds on here, but wtilm wan to get packs straight from JJ.


I’m older :grin:. I still have the code
I remember you love stardawg!


Hell yeah! And missed the damn stardawg ix drop literally by one day on Neptune!


That sucks


ya that’s the way I do things as well and most breeders reply pretty much the same… don’t sell f2’s and such without permission , but crosses are anyone’s game.
For Canadians, Old School Genetics is a Karma affilliate and has been good to deal with. Also gets the drops as they happen for the most part. For the states there is attitude usa.

A while back … within last couple years Karma had mentioned getting his genetics into the legal Canadian market through an upstart LP that was going to do tissue culture and the whole nine yards. Not sure of that panned out but the company he was sidling up to were guys with no weed background… they were big oil executives … so I dunno, haven’t heard any news on that one.


I second this old school genetics recommendation. If you sign on his mailing list make sure you use an email you don’t mind others seeing, he accidentally fat fingered that recently. No hate, just full disclosure. Haven’t had the chance to buy from him personally but I know he’s a nice guy and others have had great experiences.

As for the headbanger run itself.

I’m almost recovered from my hernia repair but my garden basically got pretty fucked during my recovery as I wasn’t able to keep up. So I have to get it whole and healthy and make sure the issues are gone, otherwise I risk thrips in the headbanger coop seed run and I’d rather keep those genetics safe and bug free.

So it might be a while longer but I’m here and I shall continue.


Big thank you to @beebud @Hotrods_and_hounds and @Budderton for their support. Please send them good vibes while waiting for this run :slight_smile:



Close this topic please.

I’ve consistently taken steps in my life to filter out the bullshit. Since you’ve not dealt with the situation on this website appropriately I no longer wish to be involved.


@leetdood I don’t know why all this trash keeps showing up here or where they keep coming from