Absolute stinkiest strain you've ever grown

Who makes reliable rks beans?? I found a few seed banks have them but I don’t want to buy shitty knockoffs

Think this a dead horse that’s come alive a five times lol
I’m on the search as well but haven’t planted many of my RKS labeled packs.
Trying to get a few grows going before I go through my rks beans. Got plans to cross some of my skunk beans in the future to have my own version. Might be the best way to go! So far you may wanna go check out the following link…

Might be a good start for you :call_me_hand:t4::call_me_hand:t4::call_me_hand:t4:
Good luck skunk buddy!!!:four_leaf_clover::skunk::shamrock:


It’s out there I’m sure. Someone is hoarding. Lol
Good luck hunting. I let you know if I find it too.


Thanks guys!

Check out strainly and look for black mass also.
Shoreline gen…Texas Road Kill.
Just ordered. Haven’t grown.


Thanks I will check that out now!

Can’t understand why folks aren’t doing their homework and not buying gear that has been all hype and nothing to show.

Save your $ it’ll be available, in time.


The RKS was before my time so I’m not entirely sure what is real or knockoffs, I just want to try some true old school genetics that I hear about and missed out on

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Run wild thru all the forums and read up before you throw the switch.
Check out the farm and riu also see what they’re finding, besides nothing.

But it only takes one seed.


Good topic.
I personally can’t tolerate the dank skunk odor.
So this is good to know which strains to avoid.


You get used to it.
Now it’s like a breath of fresh air.
Been alot of striped kitty’s ran over lately.
Ahhh the smell gotta love it.


So many strains these days just dont have the real funk to them. It’s almost a luck if you do get a real stinker. Back in the day it was weird if you got seeds that produced plants that didn’t stink :man_shrugging::thinking::rofl:


You have to take in account that prohibition has beat back many of those more fragrant varieties from years past.

Evolution is still very much at work, the plant that doesn’t reek up the neighborhood is the one that doesn’t get itself (and its grower) busted and go extinct. I think it’s one of the reasons why lower-odor varieties like Northern Lights prevailed while RKS vanished. I was watching an episode of Cops or some other similar show, and this one cop would just roll around with his windows down on hot summer evenings and just smell for them. Dude would bust some sizable grows that couldn’t hide their odor footprint just doing this alone.

Hopefully with laws relaxing up in some places we can begin to see those more fragrant varieties make their reappearance.


I’m just going to be fascinated to find out the answer. I only started smoking in the last couple years and have no experience or bias, and I’ve heard everything from “RKS is the skunkiest strain to have ever skunked” to “RKS isn’t real and everyone is super nostalgic.” Your answer seems to make a lot of sense if RKS is as potent as people say. But I think we’re gonna have some pretty solid answers to all this in the next 10 years or so.


First time growing.
However this Chem91 is super funky smelly…it’s not so bad now , but the first 2-4 weeks of flower it was a pungent sour / spoiled / citrus / fruit/ smell. It’s a bit mellowed out now, but I can still easily identify it after squeezing a bud


Wow!! I just went to check , and gave it a squeeze test for smell. It now smells identical to sour patch kids!! Wtf lol


I dunno man I had an NL that was pretty damned skunky. Couldn’t leave it in the car on a hot day.


I don’t doubt it, there are so many different lines of Nl and it’s practically in everything to one extent or another. I know Peak is actually working to bring the terpenes back out of their low-odor Nl which he bred for for years. Surely there are some more stinky lines out there as well. Do you happen to know what Nl your’s was?


What’s the source of this Chem? I’m tellin ya, those early Chemdawg derivatives were nothing short of foul, and in the nicest way. 100% heat :ok_hand:t2:


A friend ordered a big order when he started from seeds from reputable supplier, made clones , given to me.

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