Absolute stinkiest strain you've ever grown

Tag me if you have a journal. I have an affinity for the chems, diesels, etc. Lots of nostalgia :v:t2:

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All I can say about it is it not strongest knockout. More skitzy up high. Good power just not the strongest. But the stank is worth the room.
R.K…S. Is real. The name is right.the Legend is alive and well. Gg4 is much stronger, lots o power. Rks sells out first. EVERY time.
I’ve got some TRK should be here soon. When I talked to him he said it’s true. And his sour diesel stank room
Hows your TRK? Is it the true? What the power like?


That’s kinda interesting, as I’ve always though NL was always touted as a low odor strain to grow. but the one I grew back in the day def has a good amount while messing with it.


Nl is on the top 5 low odor list, you’re correct.
Anything stinky in it is not pure nl.

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It was a Canuck NL


for the 15th time if you say rks 3 times its like beetlejuice only now your daughters knocked up and the delta 88 is missing

all jokes aside some ass/afkansatan/x18 crosses @Jamescoldflame sent were pretty close only more shit and vomit than skunk but the same cant wash the taste out of your mouth level of funk not for most peoples taste buds i could hardly take 3 or 4 puffs before saying naw i think im good on that lol…made for great hash


I got some Lapis Mountain beans from Hemp Depot about 12-13 years ago. Smelled of rotting vomit. It was also very very potent. It was unclonable, and the packet gave me 2 plants. Both smaller sized plants, small yields.

I also grew out a Killer Grape from Santero @ SeedHeaven, she was a normal young vegging girl, nothing overly exciting about her…until she got her wild on!!
Sometime about 4-5 week of flower, while de-leafing another plant, I started to smell this exceptionally strong smell of grape. Being a bit slow to the party, I did not give it much thought.
A week or so goes by, I crawl back into that tent to do some maintenance, and as I’m moving my fat ass around in there, I start to smell this god awful grapy flowery vomit stench!
I felt like I was going to throw up, as I was getting out of the tent.
I still have 3 seeds of that I would not sell for a $1,000.00 I also have some buds packed in seal a meal bags, in a deep freezer, it is so loud!
Once you open a jar at a party, it takes about 3 minutes before the pilgrims start bitching about the smell. And it draws those of us in the know, to it, like vampires to a blood bank.
Damn, I’m going to crack into that today! It’s a holiday weekend!!


And that’s shit is Stong buddy.:v:t5:…it’s my oh you’re a smoker huh…bud. go to. If the sent dont get you the nap will.:grin:


it is not for the sensitive smoker for sure …i keep a little bag of it in my smoke drawer just so i can get a wiff of it everytime i open the drawer makes me smile every time


Which cross?..I like hippy hideout, and southern skunk


the F2s were the nastiest very greasy not a lot of visible resin but super heavy oily smoke … a definite confirmation to me that all the nasty terps come from the middle east…i will be running some more of them in the future along with some of the crosses i made with them to the starlite after i get enough flower in reserve to be able to dedicate a hash run the hash was top notch from them some or the most heavy flavored hash ive ever had

in order of stink of the ass/afkansatan/x18 crosses

black dak/black Afghani
ghost train

as far as potency they were all stronger than the f2 then again i couldnt smoke much of the f2 at a time


Lol. I have like 5/6 of the f1…herd of f2, and 21/2 pks of the skhp. And some fem black dak…so shits getting smelly…lol. oh and hippy slayer 33/Kashmir fems.and @Craigson15 f2 sk91 …yeah…I think imma play in the 2×2 after the cindy run.:grin:


Well how many seeds do you have and are you willing to make more?

I don’t usually make seeds. I’m in it for bud $$$$ . seeds don’t pay the bills.

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Have you seen the price per seed for some of the crap people are chucking?! But yea, I get it lol.


Looks like some worms got out of can. PURPLWORMS

coming soon to traphouse near you

I hope I don’t insult anyone when I say…what a bunch of bullshit. Take the hype out of the marijuana industry and your left with nothing but a weed.


I did a mail trade with James and I have one each of old ass and the ghost train cross of his growing now. Am looking forward to seeing what appears


nasty foul hashplants expect nothing else lol james told me that and it was spot on nothing sweet or fruity to be found just lots of nasty shit


mostly sativa :thinking::thinking::thinking: shits getting deep