Anonymous4289's Corner

I gave my male multiple “love rubs” against his Purple Lambo mate last project.
Each violent molestation was several days apart, for multiple weeks. :laughing: If I remember correctly.


here are my 3 “shruntz” S1s. a bit slow to grow but they’re picking up. the 2 biker kush never sprouted/germ’d.


i just got an unintentional stem rub while pollinating with my strain B male… i swear it smells like dry dog food or something along those lines.


Not sure if i should be interested or horrified. Never know how that’d smoke.


Come on, it’s weed! The worse it smells, the better it tastes! :rofl:


How did the soloberry do?
Never got the beans but that’s no problem
I have a plate full of obligations to finish
Maybe by fall I will be caught up.
But it sounded killer.
Was it on par with the BBD?
I should have waited until it was warm
To try to germ them.
This bbd nug is fixing to go up in smoke

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just a quick update on my outdoor

Strain B, Plants 1 and 2:

Strain B, Plants 3 and 4:

Strain A, Plant 1: Pure sativa w/ no pistils showing

Strain A, Giveaway plant:


It’s looking great so far. I can’t wait to see how it develops as the season goes on.

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thanks. thanks for stopping by.

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my indoor plants aren’t looking great but the pollen should have taken by now. it’s like the leaves are shedding in a weird way. unfortunately the tops are into/above the lights so the tops are getting fried. this strain A is a weird strain though that’s for sure. i think i’m 5 weeks in on flowering right now .i just have to make it to 9 maybe 10 weeks i think. they developed “seed pods” pretty early on… too early if you ask me. i don’t know how this sativa will develop seeds. it doesn’t look like i’m going to yield many seeds but we’ll see what happens.

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i found this old picture of my “black snow” strain hidden in my soloberry thread. i thought it was worth posting again. that was my only outdoor plant at the time and it turned out pretty well. i think it yielded 8 oz… 10 footer



Two Chem Fuego @anonymous4289 update…
Thanks again man. Girls are doing great.
Also i got hooked up with some BBD that im very excited to grow.



awesome. thanks for posting. they look like they’ll bush out just fine. are the BBD going outside or are those for another grow? the chem fuego male made the BBD so it would be interesting to see the shared characteristics side by side.


Not sure on the BBD yet, i’d like to run some this fall indoors just so i have a sample. Definitely on the 2025 outdoor list. This years outdoor is pushing limits already.

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here’s a picture of my plants. they had a growth spurt and are bunched together so it was too hard to get individual photos. here’s a picture of the row:


not the best pictures but here are a few:

Strain A, plant 1:

Strain B, plant 4:

Strain B, plant 3:

Strain B, plant 2:

Strain B, plant 1:

i shouldn’t have used that structure on plants 1 and 2, they’re too close together.


i decided to go and remove the two strain B plants from the plastic structure i had them growing through. they were squashed together and i assume they’ll take a week or two to recover. strain B plants 3 and 4 are perfect, o hoping the best for strain b 1 and 2


Love the look of the strain A plant 1. Those skinny fingers are epic :slight_smile: