Another Crack At It

Hey growmies, been a minute… :laughing:
Been away from the grow scene for a couple of years, I bet alot has changed, and would love to hear anything cool or interesting gossip that’s happened in the grow world or this site that’s worth mentioning.

Since the weather has cooled down enough that I can grow inside, I’ve thrown a few beans in the dirt, to see if I can still make something grow.

I’ve picked 3 strains, 6 seeds each.
Looking for 3 best females of each, for a total of 9 (or maybe 12, depending on what pops up…:wink::grin:)

The strains I’ve picked for this run are:

  1. TH Seeds, Bubble Gum x Strawberry Banana Cream.
  2. Red Goat’s, Peanut Butter Breath.
  3. Frozen Coke f2.

The PBB’s seeds seem to be kinda on the small and immiture side of things, but will have hope, and will switch out to something else if nothing pops with in 10 days or so.

The Frozen Coke f2’s, I got from here, but don’t remember who I got them from.

Should hopefully be a decent line up, and hope I’m not too rusty, but I’m sure this kick ass community will set me back on track, if I go astray.

All comments and questions, welcome, just don’t be an asshat, and I’ll play nice too :grin::partying_face:

RoC oN :love_you_gesture::love_you_gesture::love_you_gesture:


A lot of super ultra dank “exotic” lines have unhealthy unvigorous lookin seeds - give them time and good luck!


Yea…seems they don’t give the seeds enough time to fully riped at times, so they can push them out to the banks for sale.

Thanks, appreciate the luck


Welcome home @HaRdRoC , great to see you back walking the halls of OG and growing again. Your presence and content have been missed. :v:


Thanks, appreciate the welcome back.


Welcome back man! Haven’t seen you around in a while. How are things?

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Hey bud,
You know how it goes, up, down and all round at times…but lately it’s been up.
How about you? Whatcha got in the works atm? Got a journal link?


I got a co op started right now.

And I stick everything else in my journal.

It’s the same grow journal as before just a bit more added.


Cool beanz man, gonna head over and get caught up :love_you_gesture::love_you_gesture:

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Also, I more than welcome people to drop links to their grow diaries here, so myself and others can check them out in case we miss them.


Woo yeah @HaRdRoC !

Gonna be fun watching you do your thing again after such a break!



Hey, what’s going on man??
Gotta blow some dust off the gear and knock some rust off and hopefully get right back into the swing of things.
Post your link so I can catch up on whatcha working on man.


Since you’re getting back into it you should jump on this. The time lines up pretty good for ya


Here ya go bud!

This one is still moving along as now it’s indoor season again:

And the season is done but if you scroll down to sept/oct you’ll see some really happy outdoor trees.


I’ll definitely check this out!

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Right on bud, I’ll pop over see whatcha got cooking. Can’t wait to see your outdoor grow.



Thanks growmie! Each plant was either over or under 1 lb after dried to 58% RH.


Well, the wifey left me unattended, so I did a thing…:laughing:

This is a strain I’ve wanted to do ever since I got my hands on it from @Barefrog and now have the opportunity to pull the trigger on it.

I’m gonna dedicate my 2x4 tent to these and hopefully get at least 1 female. (Preferably 2)
If I only get 1, I’m gonna try and veg it out and fill half the tent before flower and scrog it into a monster.

This is a quick search on the info of it

Butterscotch Hawaiian (White Buffalo Seed Collective) :: Cannabis Strain Info,

but would love some insight from @Barefrog.

So now I have a full rack germinating.

I just realized how much I missed the fun and excitement of growing… it’s good to be back at it!!!



Hola @HaRdRoC

They were very nice when I grew them up
I did not let them grow big since it was for seeds.

I can’t wait to see what you’ll do with them.




Hey man, were the flowering times around 70ish days or longer?
Were they very stretchy?
Finiky with nutes?
Just wondering on how much time to give them in veg and flower.

I hope to do them justice, as I’m pretty stoked to grow them out.

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