Baltimore's Multi-strain Bonanza

This website is the only website that does it this way and before it got taken down me being 36 years old this was the first experience that I had with a community of people that was serious about growing grass. It’s awesome to have so much knowledge here and I prefer to ask questions here rather than going to Google because the guys here have been there and done that and have been with these guys.

I would venture to say that there’s probably been who knows how many members from overgrow community that are absolutely award-winning growers most of them who never get the credit for what they deserve for real I mean a lot of us make magic happen and the space that we have I know I do I sleep with my clients (plants lol) because I live in the hood so it is what it is man we got to do we got to do.

I’ve never seen a community really the core community be so united here but believe me if you step on that outside you’re almost banished here I’ve seen people come and act like they had f****** I don’t know a chip on their shoulder and usually you end up like me babbling about nothing with nobody listening. Lol

I love overgrow. I wish we could hold events at some point.:grin::heart::pray::v:


They don’t them selves but I believe seedsman has a few of there lines along with kwikseeds. The Landrace team is good and there is a company out of Oregon called the Landrace preservation society that will carry Indian Landrace exchange soon if not already :+1:


Is that considered a bad thing? If it weren’t for the need for light discipline and my schedule being super un-predictable, I’d for sure sleep in the room I grow in. I’ve thought about bringing my mattress in dozens of times! Unless sleeping with your clients has a different connotation I’m missing :-/

There is something magical about the air in that room, especially when the lights go off. Magic is happening. It’s pure energy.


I’ve gotten lines from Landrace team and quite a few from Indian Landrace exchange along with the real seed company, wasn’t aware of any beef between any of them but it dosent suprise me.
I’m not sure about the Landrace team I don’t know much about them but I will say Angus from rsc is definitely out there collecting gems as are the people with Indian Land race exchange.
What I will say about the Landrace team is that there communication was great , there beans arrived as promised and the seeds of the three strains I got all look unique, the Vietnam’s are small like they should be, more info when I get to growing them out but I’ve been very pleased with my expieriance with all three companies.


That right there sums it up. You know how it is most of the time the people who do the talking have a nut job fan base who usually starts s*** but yeah the guys who are really doing it man I’m trying to get this stuff preserved like it should be for real.

I’m on the tip that we need to preserve these primordial or land race pockets and keep them what they are keep their absence pure they kind of sucks when You hear about Malawi Congolese Panama red Colombian gold chocolate tie but everything’s just been out bread or outcross. I guess that’s just what happens with them progression I’m all about saving them for real. You got it You got to preserve the original building blocks.:+1:


Now I’m just messing around I play around too much sometimes. Everything has a nice hum about it My fans are extremely quiet I made sure WD-40 stays in everything My windows are completely blacked out The only thing I have is a TV in here and yeah I just chill out everything’s sealed up like tight so.

There’s so much oxygen in here I don’t think I could run a hydroponic set up in here there’s no way I wouldn’t even try to do a 4x410 DWC there’s no point in it at all although I thought about them sleeping on a hammock and sleep in between two four by eight s. Lol

Have a good one dude hopefully you stop back by man we have a good time just chill out there’s nothing better than this site anywhere.


Here are my autoflower plants well this is the last one lol. I would say this the (ghost toof x sbr) cross from @ReikoX . It’s an absolute gorgeous plant and the fade on it at the top is starting to come in but it’s done You can tell it’s way more potent than the dark devil crosses It’s just dripping potency.

I guess I’m going to add another five-way in there but these buds are solid for being grown under 10 bulbs in two five ways is outstanding for real take a look at these.

Only planted one GTxSBR or is it the reverse? Either way I believe it to be a GTx as the rest are finished DD’s. This Bad Mama Jama has potency and a nice nose on it. The buds are dense. I’m gonna add her another 5 way. She shouldn’t need any more with these results. Ty guys.:jack_o_lantern::v:


The recipe for the soil recipe that I put together is f****** stomping mud holes and s*** It’s the best thing @ReikoX ever could have done for me for real I drove him crazy but he went back and forth with me until I got my soil nailed down and I know how annoying I can be so the man is a saint.

all you guys on here man keep me motivated and keep me on my s*** and I’m sorry to pay all finally man I’m starting to actually get some sensi and it’s pretty good.

It hit a few plants with My firends Goji pollen we’ll see. I dusted a Mr E. pupil, wedding cake, gojixgoji, there’s a small Skywalker cut in there. We’ll see if the pollen takes. Looks good. Peace.


Wowza! That plant looks fantastic :star_struck::star_struck::star_struck::star_struck:


My bruddah @oleskool830 sent me these beans last year. Chemdog. All females only 2 plants exhibited a “sour gum” phenotype. The first plant was super potent and would have been my clone mother.

Ahhhh well. Sometimes a plant is like a comet. You only get to enjoy it once. This is just a little zoomed in piece that I snipped off It’s still going to go through which usual 30-day cure. Thanks OS!


Thanks dude. @ReikoX hooked your boy up with a FAM pack. Ever since then I’ve been running here or there. There getting jucier every time. This one is gonna be a hit. It went about 80 days. Well worth it. No Herm traits. Solid as a rock.

I appreciate checking it out. I will take some photography classes at some point. The chick across the street from me I was seeing has a real nice Nikon and as much as I tried to get her to start taking bud shots just to get true to life balanced shots.

She just didn’t want to have nothing to do with it. Probably got tired of my blabbing about grass all day. So I’m definitely a rank amateur when it comes to photography and I f*** a lot of my pictures up that way.:rofl:

They do them no justice for real. That and I really don’t trim my weed or be real anal about it because I don’t sell any of it for the most part. Mr. Sparkle jams the fuck off as well.:grin::+1:

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@Mr.Sparkle I got the new gear today. Thank you So much. The temp strips are the perfect stocking stuffer for a stoner who cares.:laughing::+1:

Funny I just had 4 slots for new autos open up today. “Let’s get jiggy wit dis shit. I’m just a bitch ass Growmie! That’s that John Blaze!” Hehe African dude from Friday. Pinky’s Nig!..:rofl:

Have a good one. These Cindy crosses have had me peaked for a bit. Lurking in the shadows as usual like an insane seed junky with binocularsl…Be safe bud.:jack_o_lantern::v:


Got my gear from Mark. I hear Strainly is shutting down. I asked for 2 packs. Literally got 5 packs over 70 seeds for $50.

Got the Lemon :lemon: Skunk, BC which I think is the Blue Cookies. Looked smoking. And one labeled BG which is awesome. Been looking for a Bubblegum. Hope that’s what it is.

Autos. Ordered his super 90 a QP in 90. I’m your Huckleberry.:grin: One labeled GHB I had a lot experience with the “salt water” lol. Stoned like G I dunno…uuuuh yes please.

I’ll keep posted on what n when I run these. I need help. To get to some more frickin shizer! The only problem I have is with the mail main.:grin::v:

From what I hear people are really leading intowards the basics nowadays man getting back to the original. Skunk, smelly stuff. They weren’t real high in potency but had really good terps and the highs were different. Skunk, Afghan, Paki, Afrikaans. BC bud. That shit was soft and has an amazing taste. We were lucky to get Beasters here.

I always wondered what dank Moroccans made their hash with? Indicas? Gotta be potent to produce that much pressed sift. They beat it against screens and shovel it. I was like wtf. Those plants gotta be dank af! Where do I sign up?

I can only describe some of the stuff now as boring. I mean it flattens you and there’s not much else to it and I just miss all the old stuff and I’m so sick of hearing OG it makes me sick. The only OG was overgrow for me.:grin::v::heart::crazy_face::face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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good to see it grown out, theres some in my war chest


BG might be Blue GOD, GHB is Green Headband, BC is Blue Cookies…stay safe/be well.


Lol thats some good shit…boi! I’ll stomp a mudhole!! :rofl::+1:t2:

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Absolutely. I bet his stuff kicks ass. We shall see. I’ve been wanting to run some gold oldies, like a decent skunk. Lmk if you pop any…Id love to check it out dude. Have a good one dude.:blush::v:


You saying @ReikoX soil mix was stomping mudholes was too damn funny. I had a flashback to the first time I heard “stomp a mud hole” and needed you to see that one. Of course the most famous “stomp a mud hole” ever goes to Stone Cold Steve Austin!


Aww damn. Lol I’m so looking for a bubblegum man. I don’t know where to start there’s Indiana bubble gum there’s bubble gum for white label where a ball got his bubble gum from there’s bubble gum from all your normal breeders.

Then you see strains from KaKalak’s I think it was called bubblicious? That stuff right there look like it had some legs on it. And that’s another problem I’m finding the best looking plant that I’ve seen bubblegum wise was moscow’s and CSI Humboldt. They have some nice feminized stuff. We’ll see. I continue to add to the vault.

I’m past the I’m sick. I know what I like and it’s a better hobby than most guys here are doing so. Once again FTP.:grin::v:

Ahh I’m jk. Be safe up there. Have a good one. Thanks for the knowledge. I knew Motz already.moved on some. He knows that man’s been hunting for a long time. He’s a serious breeder who probably doesn’t run BS. Would you? If you had that much space…holy shite!